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68 Cards in this Set

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retroperitoneal vs intraperitoneal?

vertebral/costal location of R vs. L kidney (which one is higher)
L= higher
L= T12 - L2, at rib 11
R= L1 - L3, at rib 12 (due to R lobe of liver)
name and describe the 3 facial/adipose layers that surround the kidney
1) PERiRENAL fat- iNSIDE renal fascia, surround the kidney
2) renal fascia- encloses the kidneys, suprarenal glands, and perirenal fat
3) perArenal fat- Away from the kidney, external to renal fascia
surface structures of kidneys:

_______ is the fibrous covering of the kidney
renal capsule
surface structures of kidneys:

_______ is the slit-like indention that serves as an exit/entrance point for the renal a, renal v, and ureter
renal hilum
surface structures of kidneys:

_______ is the most anterior structure at the hilum
the renal vein
surface structures of kidneys:

______ is between the most anterior and posterior structures entering/exiting the hilum
the renal a.
surface structures of kidneys:

_______ is the most posterior structure of the hilum
internal structures of the kidneys:

____ is between the renal capsule and renal medulla
renal cortex
internal structures of the kidneys:

_______ contains the renal pyramids
renal medulla
internal structures of the kidneys:

_______ contain collecting tubules
renal pyramids
internal structures of the kidneys:

_______ the cortical tissue between the pyramids
renal columns
internal structures of the kidneys:

________ apex of the renal pyramids
renal papilla
internal structures of the kidneys:

________ drain the pyramids
minor calyx
internal structures of the kidneys:

__________ receive drainage from 2-3 minor calices
major calyx
internal structures of the kidneys:

____________ superior end of the ureter which drains the major calices
renal pelvis
name the 8 internal structures of the kidney
1) cortex
2) medulla
3) renal pyramids
4) renal papilla
5) renal columns
6) minor calyx
7) major calyx
8) renal pelvis
is the R or L renal a. longer?
-anterior or anterior to IVC?

is the R or L renal v. longer?
-anterior/posterior to abdominal aorta?
-R renal a. is longer and goes posterior to iVC

-L renal v. is longer and goes anterior to abdominal aorta and posterior to SMA
What is the sensory, sympathetic, and parasympathetic innervation to the kidneys?
sensory: T11 - L2
sympathetic: greater, lesser, and least splanchnic nn. (vasoconstriction)
parasympathetic: vagus (CN X) (vasodilation)
name the 5 arteries that supply the ureters (superior to inferior)
sup: renal aa.
gonadal aa.
abdominal aorta
iliac aa.
inf: inferior vesical or uterine arteries
what spinal segment(s) innervate(s) the ureters
T11 - L2
CC: kidneys

-obstruct urine flow; produce referred pain to the anterior abdominal wall (T11-T12), the groin (L1), the scrotum/labia majora, and/or the superior medial surface of the thigh
kidney/ureteric stones (calculi)
name the 3 sites of obstruction for kidney/ureteric calculi
1) ureteropelvic junction - where renal pelvis becomes the ureter
2) pelvic brim - where ureter crosses iliac vessels
3) ureterovesical junction - where ureter meets bladder
CC: kidneys

2 full ureters into bladder
bifid pelvis
CC: kidneys

single U-shaped kidney
Horseshoe kidney
CC: kidneys

kidneys inferior to proper location:
short ureter indicates congenital misplacement vs. long ureter that indicates trauma misplacement
ectopic pelvic kidney
what lies at the superomedial edge of each kidney and is attached to the diaphragm by renal fascia?
the suprarenal aa.
the left adrenal a is ___________ (shape) while the right is_______
L = semiLunar
R = triangular
the __________ of the adrenal gland secretes androgens and corticosteriods and comes from lateral mesoderm
the ___________ of the adrenal gland comes from NEURAL CREST CELLS
the medulla of the adrenal gland has preganglionic sympathetic fibers that go through the paravertebral and prevertebral ganglia, do the fibers synapse in either ganglia?
where do the preganglionic \sympatheic fibers of the medulla of the adrenal gland travel in and where do they synapse? where do the post. synapse?
pregang.= chromaffin cells within the adrenal glands (travel in splanchnic nn)

postgang = NONE, E/NE get to target via blood
what does the adrenal medulla release in response to stress?
Epinephrine and/or Norepinephrine
name the 3 aa and 1 v that supply/drains the suprarenal gland

where do the aa come from?
where does the v go to?
1. superior suprarenal aa. <-- inferior phrenic aa.
2. middle suprarenal aa. <-- abdominal aorta
3. inferior suprarenal aa. <-- renal aa.
4. suprarenal v.,
-R --> IVC (short)
-L --> L renal v. (long) --> IVC
the __________ fxn's to separate the thoracic and abdominal cavities; it is the CHIEF m of inspiration; aid in defecation, micturition, and parturition
the __________ contains a central tendon, sternal portion, costal portion, and lumbar portion
the diaphragm
the _____ arcuate ligament goes around the aorta
the _______ arcuate ligament crosses over the minor and major psoas mm.
the _________ acuate ligament crosses over the quadratus lumborum m.
the ______ crus (L1-L2) combines with the ______ crus (L2-L3) [which wraps around the esophagus] to form the median arcuate ligament
left (L1-L2)
right (L2-L3)
the _______________ is a weak spot in the diaphragm where herniation can occur
vertebrocostal triangle
the ________________ (_____________) is a combo of skeletal m. from the R crus and smooth m. that helps suspend the duodenum
m. of Treitz (suspensory ligament of the duodenum)
explain "I 8 10 EGGs AT 12" as it refers to openings in the diaphragm
1) Vena caval foramen (T8)
-Inferior vena cava and branches of the R phrenic n,
2) Esophageal hiatus (T10)
-vaGus n. (CN X)
-esophageal branch of L Gastric a.
3) Aortic Hiatus (T12)
-Abdominal aorta
-Thoracic duct
name the 5 aa that supply the diaphragm and their sources
1) superior phrenic a. <-- thoracic aorta
2) inferior phrenic a. <--abdominal aorta
3) Pericardiacophrenic aa <--internal thoracic aa.
4) Musculophrenic aa <--internal thoracic aa.
5) intercostal aa.
describe the motor innervation of the diaphragm and the 2 components of the sensory
1) motor: phrenic n. (C3-C5)
2) sensory:
A) Central portion: phrenic n.
B) Periphery: intercostal nn.
CC: Diaphragm

when abdominal contents herniate through diaphragmatic defect and inhibit formation of respiratory structures
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
CC: Diaphragm

-shoulder pain from C3-C5 fibers and anterolateral bdominal wall pain from intercostal nn
referred pain
CC: Diaphragm

-type 1: cardia of stomach extends through diaphragm, regurgitation occurs
-type 2: cardia in original position, portion of fundud of the stomach extends through the diaphragm, no regurgitation occurs
hiatal hernia

type 1: sliding hernia
type 2: para-esophageal hernia
name the visceral paired branches that come off of the abdominal aorta (3)
1) middle suprarenal aa.
2) renal aa.
3) gonadal aa.
name the 3 unpaired visceral branches of the abdominal aorta
1) celiac a
2) SMA
3) IMA
name the 3 parietal branches of the abdominal aorta
1) inferior phrenic aa.
2) lumbar aa.
3) mediaN sacral a.
name the termination of the abdominal aorta
the common iliac aa.
suprarenal veins:
is the right shorter or longer than the left, and where do the right and left empty into?
Right adrenal v. (shorter) --> IVC
Left adrenal v. (longer) --> L renal v.
gonadal veins:
where does the right empty into vs. the left?
right: IVC
left: L renal v.
psoas major m.

I: lesser trochanter of the femur
A: flex thigh and vertbral column
N: ventral rami L2-L4
psoas minor muscle is present is what % of the population
name to 4 prominent mm of the posterior abdominal wall
Major and minor psoas mm.
Iliacus m
Quadratus lumborum m.
Transversus abdominus m.
Iliacus m.

I, A, N
I: lesser trochanter of the femur
A: flex thigh
N: femoral n. (L2-L4)
psoas major m. + iliacus m. = ?
Iliopsoas m.
the ____________ nerve:
spinal segment: T12
-external ab. ob. m
-skin of the anterolateral ab. wall
subcostal n.
the ____________ nerve:
spinal segment: L1
-internal abdominus ob. m.
-skin of hypogastric region and over iliac crest
iliohypogastric n.
the ____________ nerve:
spinal segment: L1
-internal ab. ob. & transversus ab. mm.
-skin of anterior scrotum/labia majora, superior medial thigh
ilioinguinal n.
the ____________ nerve:
spinal segment: L1-L2
-________ branch: skin of anterolateral scrotum/labia majora, cremaster m.
-________ branch: skin over femoral triangle
genitofemoral n.

genital branch
femoral branch
the ____________ nerve:
spinal segment: L2 -L3
-skin of anterolater surface of thigh
lateral femoral cutaneous n.
the ____________ nerve:
spinal segment: L2-L4
-abductor thigh mm
-skin on medial aspect of thigh
obturator n.
the ____________ nerve:
spinal segment: L2-L4
-iliacus m.
-hip flexors
-knee flexors
femoral n.
the ____________ trunk:
spinal segment: L4-L5
-contributes to sacral plexus
lumbosacral trunk
name the 7 nn of the lumbar plexus
1) iliohypogastric n.
2) ilioinguinal n.
3) genitofemoral n.
4) lateral femoral cutaneous n.
5) obturator n.
6) femoral n.
7) lumbosacral trunk