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26 Cards in this Set

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Is the Maxillary division of CN V (V2) sensory, motor, or both

afferent and efferent?
sensory (NO MOTOR!!!)

afferent - general sensory (mainly)
efferent - autonomics for lacrimal gland mucous mem of orbit, nose, palate, and pharynx and bv of head
the function of this nerve is to provide sensory innervation to the face, upper teeth & gingiva, paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity, palate, nasopharynx, and meninges
Maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve (V2)
what branches of CN V innervate to tip of the nose and the lower lip?
tip of nose= V1
lower lip = V3
how many sections are there to the Maxillary n (V2)?

name them.
1. Cranial Cavity
2. Pterygopalatine Fossa
3. Infraorbital Canal
4. Facial Branches
Path of the maxillary n. :
1. The first section of the maxillary n. is in the cranial cavity, it comes from the trigeminal ganglion, along the wall of the cavernous sinus, and exits through the _____________.
foramen rotundum
Path of the maxillary n.:
2. the second section of the maxillary n. is in the pterygopalatine fossa to the ________________ and then to the infraorbital canal in the orbit
inferior orbital fissure
Path of the maxillary n.:
3. the 3rd section of the maxillary n. is when the n. enters the infraorbital canal to become the __________ n. and then exits the maxilla through the _____________
infraorbital n.

infraorbital foramen
Path of the maxillary n.:
4. the 4th section of the maxillary n. is when the terminal branches of the infraorbital n. are given off and distributed to the surrounding facial tissues (except _________(V1) and _________(V3)
to the tip of the nose (V1)& the lower lip (V3)
the ________ _____ is the pyramidal shaped cavity (1 on each side) just inferior to the apex of the orbit, posterior to the maxillary sinus and deep to the zygomatic arch; it has 7 openings going in or out
the pterygopalatine fossa
determine which of the following 7 openings in the pterygopalatine canal is post, inferior, medial, lateral or superior/anterior:
1) foramen rotundum, 2) palatine canal, 3) inferior orbital fissue, 4) pterygoid canal, 5) pterygomaxillary fissure, 6) sphenopalatine foramen, 7) palatovaginal canal
1) foramen rotundum (posterior)
2) palatine canal (inferior)
3) inferior orbital fissure (sup/ant)
4) pterygoid canal (posterior)
5) pterygomaxillary fissure (lateral)
6) sphenopalatine fissure (medial)
7) palatovaginal canal (posterior)
what does the pterygopalatine fossa contain?
1 ganglion, 1 nerve branch, branches from 1 a.
pterygopalatine ganglion
maxillary n. (V2)
maxillary a. branches
trace the main pathway of the maxillary n. (V2)
trigeminal ganglion --> cranial cavity --> foramen rotundum --> pterygopalatine fossa --> inferior orbital fissure --> orbit --> infraorbital canal --> infraorbital n. --> infraorbital foramen --> face --> terminal facial branches
What is/are the cranial cavity branches of V2?
the meningeal n is the only branch that comes off in the cranial cavity
there are 7 branches that come off of the maxillary n. (then giving off other branches) in the pterygopalatine fossa, name the main 7.
1) pterygopalatine nn (btw V2 and ganglion), 2) orbital branches,
3) nasal branches (posterior superior/inferior lateral nasal nn & nasopalatine n. (of septim))
4) pharyngeal n., 5) palatine nn (greater and lesser palatine nn, from the ganglion), 6) zygomatic n. (communicating branch, zygomaticofacial and zygomaticotemporal nn), 7) posterior superior alveolar n.
there are 2 branches that come off the maxillary n. as it enters infraorbital canal and before it enters the inferior orbital fissure
1) the middle superior alveolar n.
2) the anterior superior alveolar n.
there are 3 facial branches of the infraorbital n. (maxillary n. V2) given off after the nerve exits the infraorbital foramen
1) inferior palpebral n
2) lateral nasal n.
3) superior labial n.
where do the parasympathetic fibers and sympathetic fibers of V2 go?

parasympathetic fibers: (synapsing fibers) go to the lacrimal gland or mucous membranes of orbit, nose, palate, and pharynx

sympathetic fibers (passing (non-synapsing)) go to the bv of the head
trace the parasympathetic fibers through the pterygopalatine ganglion to the lacrimal gland:
superior salivatory nucleus (cell bodies) --pre--> facial n. (VII) --pre--> greater petrosal n. --pre--> n. of the pterygoid canal --pre--> pterygopalatine ganglion (synapse) --post--> pterygopalatine nn --post--> maxilary n. (V2) --post--> zygomatic n. (V2) --post--> communicating branch --post--> lacrimal n. (V1) --post--> lacrimal gland
trace the parasympathetic fibers through the pterygopalatine ganglion to the mucous membranes of the orbit, nose, palate, and pharynx
superior salivatory nuclues (cell bodies) --pre--> CN VII --pre--> greater petrosal n. --pre--> n. to pterygoid canal --pre--> pterygopalatine ganglion (synapse) --post--> pterygopalatine nn --post--> maxillary n. (V2) --post--> mucous membranes of orbit, palate, nose, and pharynx
trace the sympathetic fibers through the pterygopalatine ganglion to the bv of the head
IMLCC --pre--> ventral root --pre--> white rami communicans --pre--> superior cervical ganglion (synapse) --post--> internal carotid a --post--> deep petrosal n. --post--> n. to the ptyerygoid canal --post--> pterygopalatine ganglion (NO SYNAPSE) --post--> blood vessels of the head
the sensory nn. (of the mucous membranes) destined for the maxillary n. have their cell bodies in the ___________; these sensory nn. are:
the nasopalatine nn, the posterior superior & inferior lateral nasal nn, the pharyngeal n., and the greater and lesser palatine nn.
trigeminal ganglion
the maxillary artery is a branch of the _________ _________ a.; it originates within the substance of the parotid gland and passes anteriorly to the infratemporal fossa --> pterygomaxially fissure --> pteryopalatine fossa where it divides into 3 portions:
external carotid a.

3 portions:
1st part:mandibular portion: btw neck of mandible andsphenomandibular lig
2nd part: pterygoid portion: lateral ot medial to the lateral pterygoid m.
3rd part: pterygopalatine portion: within the pterygopalatine fossa
Know 2 of the mandibular branches of the maxillary a. and what they innervate
1) inferior alveolar (inf)- lower teeth, buccal gingivae, chin, and lower lip (with mylohyoid branch)
2) middle meningeal a. (sup)- dura mater, & bone marrow of cranial cavity walls
know that the pterygoid branches of the maxillary a. run with the mandibular n (CN V3) and supply what?
the mm. of mastication
know 4 of the pterygopalatine branches of the maxillary a. and what they innervate
1) posterior superior alveolar a: molar teeth, adjacent gingiva, and maxillary sinus
2) infraorbital a: inferior rectus & inferior oblique mm, lacrimal sac, incisor & canine teeth, maxillary sinus, face
3) sphenopalatine a. (terminal branch)- lateral wall of nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasal septum
4) descending palatine a.- greater palatine a (hard palate and anterior septal wall of nasal cavity) & lesser palatine a. (soft palate)
which artery, when ruptured, can lead to a severe nosebleed?
the sphenopalatine a.