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11 Cards in this Set

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How E, P, FSH, LH interplay?
why is there no menstrual flow if pregnant?
CL does not degenerate, keeps producing P and E which are necessary to maintain lining.
Definition of menopause. What age?
Men = no (no andropause), reason is, when woman go through menopause, stop making eggs. Men can make sperm whole live. (though sperm count might decrease)

full on menopause when no menses for 1 year

around 50
Symptoms of pre-menopause
irregular cycles.
Difference in decline of hormones in men and women
Women have big drop in E 1st 10 years after menopause. With men, change in T more gradual.
Definition of climacteric

4 parts
1. gradual decline in ovarian function
2. stop making mature eggs
3. drops in estrogen (and prog)
4. increase in FSH and LH – no negative feedback. this increase in FSH and LH of no effect. ovaries not responsive.
Define: OOphorectomy. how does this affect menopause?
ovaries removed. Abrubtly go through menopause. Usually done in cases of cancer.
Define: Hysterectomy. effect on menses?
removal of uterus. Still get normal menses and hormones in regular amount.
changes due to drop in E during menopause

7 points
1. vaginal thinning
2. less lubrication
3. decreased elastisity of skin
4. increased risk of osteoperosis (more risk than man)
5. increased risk for cardiovascular problems, in comparison to a man. bc estrogen helps keep cholsterol level in blood down.
6. hot flashes and night sweats--temporary. also varies from woman to woman in its mildness and severity.
7. vasomotor instability--changes in hypothalamic temperature center due to hormone flucctuations.
treatment of menopausal conditions
1. diet rich in calcium and vitamin D + keep up exercise -- helps decrease risk of osteoperosis.

2. medications (boniva, fosamax)--stimulate calcium deposit in bone and inhibit bone breakdown.

3. hormone replacement therapy: estrogen synthetic. best with progesterone. helps for hot flashes, osteoperosis, vagina and skin,
risks involved in hormone replacement
actually increases risk for
1. heart disease
2. stroke.
3. breast cancer
4. endometrial uterine cancer.

4. woman can decrease risk for uterine cancer if takes bc pill to slough off endometrial lining.