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9 Cards in this Set

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PTH is synthesized as a


In the blood, intact PTH has half-life of

<5 minutes.

aids in the regulation of calcium and phosphate, having direct action on bone and kidney and indirect action on the intestines through vitamin D.

____ increases the serum calcium level by increasing calcium resorption from bone, increasing calcium reabsorption in the renal tubules, and increasing intestinal absorption of calcium by stimulating production of vitamin D


Parathyroid glands are composed of

chief cells and oxyphil cells

. In kidneys, PTH increases calcium reabsorption in the distal tubule and decreases reabsorption of phosphate in the proximal tubule, resulting in _____.


Reference range:

15-65 pg/mL

(results in increased blood calcium) may be caused by parathyroid adenoma (tumor), parathyroid carcinoma, or hyperplasia

Primary hyperparathyroidism

may be caused by vitamin D deficiency (presents with low blood calcium levels) or chronic renalfailure

Secondary hyperparathyroidism

(results in decreased calcium and increased phosphate blood levels) may be caused by osteomalacia,autoimmune disease, inborn errors of metabolism, or unintentionalremoval during thyroid surgery.
