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55 Cards in this Set

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a basic philosophy of what is necessary to gain a training effect from an exercise program.
FITT principle
what does FITT stand for?
a set of rules that must be adhered to in order to benefit from any form of fitness training program.
FITT principle
what is the frequency of an exercise per week?
three to five times
the amount of effort that should be invested in a training program or any one session
what is the second rule of the FITT principle?
what is the third rule of the FITT principle?
the third component dictates what _____ of exercise yo should choose to achieve the appropriate training response.
how long you should be exercising for
how long should you exercise according to the FITT principle?
20-60 minutes
what are the common elements the form the foundation of pilates?
centering and correct breathing
what muscles form the "center", "girdle of strength", or "powerhouse"?
abdomen, buttocks, inner thighs, and lower back
the fulcrum of control for all the movements in pilates
strong center
what area should you concentrate on, if you do pilates with control?
what will deep breathing help?
your blood fills with oxygen and eliminates toxins. and well helps your muscles work effectively and clears you mind. and help you perform exercises with control.
it is important to breathe how during pilates?
deep and constant. dont hold your breath
refers to the degree to which a joint is passively moved to its maximun range of motion.
static stretching
refers to a technique which elongates the muscle to a position that is sustained for a period of time.
static stretching
how long should a postition be held when useing static stretching?
30 seconds.
most preferred method of increasing flexibility
static stretching
stretching where the risk of injury is low, requires minimal time and assistance and it is effective in achieving the goal of flexibility
static stretching
a bouncing approach to stretch that has the potential for injury if this stretching technique is done forcefully and rapidly.
stretching the involves bouncing or rhythmical motion that uses momentum to vigorously lengthen or stretch the muscle.
stretch that creates a "stretch reflex" which causes a protective contraction there by prohibiting the muscle from being properly stretched.
type of stretch that can most easily result in muscle sorness or injury if the force applies is too great.
stretch that involves a contract-relax-contract method to develop flexibility.
stretching technique that utilizes the nervous and muscular sstem together to iporve flexibility.
stretching that requires the assistance of another person.
PNF stretching uses a __ second contracted postion followed by a ___ to ____ second assited stretch position.
stretching method the is typically used to rehabilitate injuries and generally requires training to perform safely and effectively.
what does PNF stretching stand for?
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
___ help to releive soreness during and after a workout
what are the two types of muscle soreness related to exercise?
one experiences immediately after exercising and the other that occurs 24 to 48 hours after the workout.
___ stretching helps releive the pain of tight, contracted over-extended muscles.
to minimize discomfort in the lower back stretch ___ and ___ area.
pelvic and hip area
research suggests that stretching about __% beyond the normal range of motion and to stretch ____ for greater relaxation and less tension on the tendon
10%; slowly
___ muscles stretch easier than ___ muscles.
warm; cold
from about age ___, flexibility declines unless you engages in a regular program of stretching
___ situations may contribute to tight muscles
muscles tend to be tighter in the ____ than in the ____ or ____.
morning than in the afternoon or night.
___ may prohibit some movements such as ___.
disease; such as arthritic joint disease
___ may cause some inflexibility in muscle and joints.
being ___ makes it difficult to stretch properly
those who are ____ tend to be more flexible than their ____.
physically active ; sedentary counterparts.
how long should you hold a postions?
10-30 seconds
stretch each muscle group about ___ times.
How long will it take for acheive you goal when stretching everyday?
about 4-5 weeks.
what are the 5 health related fitness components?
cardiorespiratory endurance
body composition
muscular strength
muscular endurance
what is the most important element of physical fitness?
cardiorespiratory endurance
the measure of the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to function effectively
cardiorespiratory endurance
the capacity of a joint to move through its entire range of motion
refers to the percentage of body weight that is fat in relation to that which is lean muscle mass.
body compostion
refers to the ablity of a muscle to exert force against resistance
muscular strength
the ability of a muscle to exert froce continuously over a period of time
muscular endurance
because of their greater muscle bulk, ___ often have more difficulty developing and maintaining flexibility