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11 Cards in this Set

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State reasons for war (2)

due to disputes and resources (also power, invasion, independence, hatred/revenge, dictatorship, political ideas, religions and terrorism)

why ppl do shoot shoot

2 Reasons for contrasting belief in British society on forgiveness

-Different religions, or lack thereof

-Different denominations in said religions (old testament vs new testament)

dif reg dom

Explain 2 beliefs about war 1/2

Islam: Muslims believe in Jihad (the struggle for justice). Lesser jihad can include armed conflict to protect common good, however war must be carried out correctly and follow the set rules for war fair (so it is fair and just)

les jih ca in arm con 2 pro com

war mus cor + fol set rul 4 w fai

Explain two beliefs about war 2/2

Buddhism: Buddhists believe in preventing and diffusing conflict. However, injustice must be challenged. They take the pacifist approach and believe injustice should be dealt with through negotiation since the consequences of war are 2 harsh on a society

prev + dif con, but inj mus chal

pac app inj sho deal thr neg

con 2 har

Evaluate: “If everyone was religious there would be less conflict in the world” plan

Agree: religions promote peace (1.buddhism, 2.christianity, 3.hinduism)

Disagree: 1. still are extremists in all religions etc. violent ones in sri lanka, 2. old testament EYE FOR EYE, 3. humanists + atheists)


Islam beliefs about war quote

“To those against whom war is made, permission is given to fight”-Quran

aga whom i mad per giv 2 fig

Islam beliefs about war quote

“To those against whom war is made, permission is given to fight”-Quran

aga whom i mad per giv 2 fig

Buddhism beliefs about war quote

“Hatred does not cease by hatred, hatred ceases by love”-Dhammapada

hat ceas

Buddhism beliefs about war quote

“Hatred does not cease by hatred, hatred ceases by love”-Dhammapada

hat ceas

Hinduism 12m quote

“The pursuit of the truth does not permit violence being inflicted on one’s opponent” -Ghandi

pur o tru per inf vio o 1 opp

Christianity 12m Quote

“Those who live by the sword die by the sword” -Jesus in Matthew 26:52