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40 Cards in this Set

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The city where the Constitutional Convention was held
This was the only state not to send delegates to the Convention.
Rhode Island
this man led the New York delegation; he believed in a strong central government
Alexander Hamilton
The delegates signed the new constitution on this date (month, day, year)
Sept. 17, 1787
List 2 of the 3 reasons the meetings were kept secret
1. freedom to speak honestly
2. no pressure from special interest groups
3. better chance to pass the new constitution
Number of the 13 states required to ratify the document
This group was in favor of ratifying the constitution
Number of delegates who refused to sign the constitution since it did not have a bill of rights
This group opposed the ratification of the new constitution
These essays were written to promote the new constitution
The Federalist Papers
Term defining each branch of gov. should have specific powers assigned to it
Separation of powers
This plan based the new representation in the gov. on population only; two houses
Virginia plan
Slaves were counted as this fraction of a free person
This concept prevented on branch of government from becoming more powerful than the others
balance of power

checks and balances
The great compromise consisted of these two chambers in the legislative
House of Representatives
This meeting between Virginia and Maryland to discuss commerce and navigation rights was the 1st step toward the Const. Conv.
Mt. Vermon Conference
The group of delegates responsible for electing the President of the U.S.
electoral college
The new congress under the constitution passed this document protecting each citizen's personal rights and freedoms
Bill of Rights
Following the Mt. Vernon Conf. only 5 states showed up at this convention
Annapolis Convention
Term for placing goods at a port until a ship arrives to transport them
Right of Deposit
Under the articles, the national gov. consisted of this one branch
This was the major organizational weakness of the confederation
the Congress could not enforce laws
Under the confed. this man wrote two documents concerning lands to the west
jThomas Jefferson
This was the major economic weakness of the confederation
could not tax
Of the 13 states, ratification required this of the 13 to ratify the document
all (13)
The basis of our money ststem was set using this system
Decimal System
This was the area of land between the Miss. River ane the App. Mts. above the Ohio River
Northwest Territory
This document established a means of governing the new western lands
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Under the Congress would appoint this official to control the affairs of the territory
This document allowed the confederation congress authority for surveying and selling the northwest area
Northwest Ordenance of 1785
The major goals of therapy for children with CP include:
Reversing degenerative process that have occurred
Curing the underlying defect causing the disorder
Preventing spread to individuals in close contract with the children Recognizing the disorder early and promoting optimal development
Recognizing the disorder early and promoting optimal development.
Called the Father of the Constitution He kept a diary of the constitutional convention
James Madison
Oldest memer of the constitutional convention
Benjamin Franklin
He led rebellion of farmers in Massachusetts; this showed weakness of the Articles of Confed
Daniel Shays
He proposed the Great Compromise at the constitutional convention
Roger Sherman
A loose league of states
Taxes on imported goods
To give formal approval to a document
Land divided into divisions that were six miles square
Form of goverment where citizens elect representatives to represent them at the national level