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45 Cards in this Set

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pearly grey-white appearance
actinic keratosis
narrow stalk
skin tag or fibroepithelial polyp
crateriform tumor
"stuck on"
seborrheic keratosis
Liver spots
solar lentigo
scaly, yellowish, greasy flakes
seborrheic dermatitis
rash is elevated with scaly borders
tinea cruris
annular with elevated red, scaly border
tinea corporis
localized skin with nerve involvement
orange peel surface
honey colored crusted lesions
along dermatone
herpes zoster
all stages of development spontaneously present
"slapped face"
erythema infectiosum
telangiectatic vessels and upper lip or higher
basal cell carcinoma
lower lip and ulcerated nodules
squamous cell carcinoma
extensor areas covered in flakes
ichthyosis vulgaris
dry skin and elderly
desmosomes and vesicles located above the basal layer
pemphigous vulgaris
basement membrane and vesicles located below basal layer
bullous pemphigoid
celiac disease associated
dermatitis herpetiforme
wickham's striae (or white reticular pattern)
lichen planus
pinpoint bleed and silver scales
herald patch and eventually christmas tree organization
Pityriasis Rosea
targetoid appearance
erythema multiforme
painful nodules on the anterior portion of shins
erythema nodosum
associated disease is diabetes mellitus
granuloma annulare
photosensitive bullous and wine-red urine color
Porphyria Cutanea Tarde
rhinophyma, no comedones
Acne Rosacea
Newborn; everywhere except palms and soles
erythema toxicum
newborn; yellow-white papules everywhere
sebaceous hyperplasia
pinpoint clear vesicles and a hot or humid environment
Newborn; bluish black/ gray spot on butt
Mongolian spot
exclamation mark and hair loss
alopecia areata
erythematous papule- alterations in skin color. More prevalent in blacks
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
single subcutaneous nodule w/ blue/gray or gray/black color
blue nevus
more prevalent in blacks- variabley colored patches, plaques or nodules. usually found on buttocks and trunk
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
usually solitary firm, circumscribed with a positive dimple sign
scarring alopecia, + Nikolsky sign, really rare
epidermolysis bullosa
prevalent in AIDs pts or adults of Mediterranean or eastern European descent. Dome shaped tumor with ulceration
kaposi sarcoma
AIDs pts has a high incidence, erythematous plaques w/ adherent white material
mucocutaneous candidiasis
neonatal infection, onset 2 weeks w/ skin or mucous membrane lesions and periorbital swelling
mucocutaneous herpes simplex
follows healing of genital ulcer after 2-8 weeks.
secondary syphilis
Most common in children/ young adults; single dome-shaped papule-nodule found on face and legs
spitz nevi
higher incidence in japan, photosensitivity with sever sunburn and photophobia
xeroderma pigmentosum