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46 Cards in this Set

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What is CSS?
Cascading Style Sheet: A language that allows you to visually change elements on your webpage.
What are the five basic requirements that make up the skeleton of a webpage?
1. A doctype
2. an <html> tag
3. a <head> tag
4. a <title> tag
5. a <body> tag
What does doctype stand for?
Document type definition
What does URL stand for?
Uniform Resource Locator
What does W3C?
World Wide Web Consortium
True of false. The information in the <head> element is displayed at the top of the page?
False. Information contained in the <head> element is not displayed on the web page. It is information about the web page.
What does the <title> element do?
It creates the name that will appear in the windows taskbar when the window is open. It also appears at the top of the browser of the opened page.
What is the meta element telling us in the code below?
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
It is telling the browser which character set to use. Specifically, UTF-8. UTF-8 is universally accepted among browsers.
What is a self-enclosing element?(or an empty element?)
An element that does not require a closing tag.
i.e the meta element.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
CSS markup and JavaScript code can appear in the head element. True or false.
The body contains all the elements that you see on the screen: heading, paragraphs, images, navigation, etc. True or false.
In XHTML tags can be written in upper case or lower case.
False. In XHTML tags can only be written in lower case. Older versions of HTML included tags in uppercase, but not in XHTML.
What do the tags...
... Represent?
Different headings.
What does the tag...
... Represent?
A paragraph.
What does the tag...
... Represent?
Unordered list. i.e bullet points.
What does the tag...
... Represent?
An ordered list. i.e numbered list.
What does the tag...
... Represent?
List item. Used in conjuncture with <ol></ol> or <ul></ul> . The <li></li> goes in between the list tags.
How do you comment in XHTML?
<!-- Write your comments here -->
What is a good way to temporarily disable multiple lines of code.
Use the comment code. <!-- Unwanted code goes here -->
What does &gt; mean?
Greater than symbol.
What does &lt; mean?
Less than symbol.
What does &copy; mean?
Copyright symbol.
What does &trade; mean?
Trademarked symbol.
How would you write a line of code including image hello.jpg with width 500 and height 500?
<p><img src="hello.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="The hello jpg image."/></p>
Div is short for divide. True or false.
What is the difference between using <p> and using <div> for lines of text?
<p> Adds margins between the text.<div> adds no margins or padding.
What is <div> used for other than creating unmargined lines of text?
Grouping together parts of your website recognizable by an id. <div id="youridhere"></div>. Can be recognized by CSS for later styling.
What is nesting?
When a div contains other divs inside of it. It is useful to add comments after the end of each div indicating what it is grouping so you don't get mixed up.
</div> <!-- end of inner div -->
</div> <!-- end of nested div -->
</div> <!-- end of outer div -->
What does an anchor, or link, look like in XHTML?
<a href="filename.html">Link text here</a>
What does the element a stand for?
Anchor. The a element contains the link text that will be clicked.
What does the href refer to?
It refers to the URL to which you're linking, be it a local file on your computer, or a page on a live web site. It stands for hypertext reference.
How do you quote in XHTML?
<blockquote> </blockquote>
How do you italicize?
<em> Text here </em>
How do you bold?
<strong> Text here </strong>
What does the <cite> element do?
It puts something in italics.
A CSS style can contain one or more declarations between it's quotations. A declaration is made of up two parts. What are they?
A property. i.e color
A value i.e red
What is the CSS declaration you would use to bold text?
property = font-weight
value = bold
What is <span> used for?
Highlighting a section to which you want to apply a style.
What is an embedded style sheet?
An embedded style sheet is a section you add to the start of a web page that sets out all styles that will be used on that page.
What are some examples of block-level elements?
h1, h2, h3, and so on
ul and ol
What is a block-level element?
Is used as a container for one or more other elements. A block-level element can contain other block-level elements, as well as inline elements.
What is an inline element?
An inline element can only contain other inline elements. It sits inside another element.
What are some examples of inline elements?
Inline elements can contain block-level elements. True or false.
What is the shorthand for border styles?
border: size style color;
What are the different border styles?
Solid, double, dotted, dashed, groove, ridge, inset, outset.