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36 Cards in this Set

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propionyl CoA comes from ... metabolism and is necessary for metabolism of ...
odd-chain fatty acid
a synonym for vitamin B12 is
what is cobalamin:
a synonym for vitamin B12
what are:
N5-methyl FH4
N10-formyl FH4
N5,N10-methylene FH4
folate derivatives
propionyl-CoA carboxylase is an ABC enzyme, ABC stands for:
name the ABC enzyme that makes methylmalonyl-CoA
propionyl-CoA carboxylase
carboxylase does what:
decarboxylase does what:
adds a carbon
removes a carbon
succinyl CoA is a ... intermediate and a precursor for ...
heme synthesis
what vitamin does propionyl-CoA carboxylase require:
methylmalonyl-CoA mutase makes what product ... and requires what vitamin ...
what 2 enzymes need vitamin B12:
homocysteine methyltransferase
methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
what are 2 vitamin B12 deficiencies:
1. Methylmalonic Acidemia
2. Aciduria
a cobalamin deficiency is a ... deficiency
vitamin B12
what is the difference between folate and folic acid:
folic acid has a proton to give up
folate is the salt
what are folate derivatives used in:
1 carbon transfer pool
what enzyme requires folic acid:
1. Thymidylate Synthase
2. homocysteine methyl transferase
Thymidylate Synthase converts ... to ... and it requires ...

where is this reaction needed:
what blocks this reaction:
folate derivative
in actively dividing cells --> to make DNA
5-fluorouracil - competitive inhibitor
why is dihydrofolate reductase important for cell division:
it recycles dihydrofolate to FH4 so it can be eventually used again by thymidylate synthase (dTMP synthesis)
what does methotrexate:
inhibits dihydrofolate reductase - anti cancer drug
methionine is what kind of donor:
if you have a lot of homocysteine in the blood, what happens:
you will get hyper-coagulation --> blood clots --> stroke
what is the importance of the relationship between homocysteine and homocystine:
if you have elevated levels of homocysteine, it will readily exchange with homocystine and muck up protein structure
SAM is a universal ...
methyl donor
homocysteine reaction to methionine is catalyzed by ... and requires what cofactors:
homocysteine methyl transferase
FH4 (folate)
if you don't have methyl transfer reactions taking place, what cofactor is to blame --> how do you find out:
if methylmalonic acid (methylmalonic acidurea) is present, B12 and not folic acid
if there is a deficiency in the enzyme homocysteine methyl transferase, then you get ...
homocystinuria is caused by what difficiency:
B12 and or
folic acid, or B6
if cystathionine synthase is blocked, you will get ...
how would you tell if your homocystinuria is due to vitamin B12 deficiency:
besides homocystinuria, you would also have megaloblastic anemia and methylmalonic aciduria
how would you tell if your homocystinuria is due to vitamin folic acid deficiency:
besides homocystinuria, you would also have megaloblastic anemia and NO methylmalonic aciduria
how would you tell if your homocystinuria is due to vitamin B6 deficiency:
you would only have homocystinuria and no megaloblastic anemia
what is the defective protein in Pernicious Anemia:
intrinsic factor
how would you treat Pernicious Anemia:
vitamin B12 shots
why would you not treat Pernicious Anemia with oral vitamin B12:
vitamin B12 needs intrinsic factor from stomach to be absorbed and that is missing in pernicious anemia, injected vitamin B12 is taken directly up by the liver
vegans are at risk for what type of deficiency:
vitamin B12
alcoholics are at risk for what type of deficiency:
folate/folic acid