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55 Cards in this Set

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what are the basic features of cardiac cells that make them distinct from skeletal muscle: (x3)
1. electrically connected through gap junctions
2. action potential in a single cell brings neighboring cells to threshold
3. nerves regulate but do not drive
the highest rate of spontaneous depolarization in the heart is in cells of what:
the sinoatrial (SA) node – the normal pacemaker.
what is the secondary pacemaker of the heart:
atrial foci
AV junction
how is cardiac contraction similar to muscle contraction:
actin/myosin regulated by troponin C as in skeletal muscle
how does cardiac contraction differ from skeletal muscle:
Cardiac cells depend on extracellular calcium for contraction through calcium influx during the action potential, while skeletal muscle lacks a calcium current during its action potential
in the cardiac muscle, what is preload:

where is it measured in the cardiac cycle:
degree of tension on the muscle just before contraction

end of diastolic volume (when the ventricles have become filled)
in the cardiac muscle with is afterload:

when is it measured:
the load against which the muscle exerts its contractile force

pressure in the artery leaving from the ventricle
what is frequency in the biophysics of cardiac muscle contraction:

how many contractions per unit of time

not possible in the heart; all cells fire in each beat
what is contractility in the biophysics of cardiac muscle contraction: (think mechanism)
making the heart more/less responsive to the preload mechanism
how do you control contractility:
extrinsic control → autonomics, hormones, drugs
what is diastole:
period of relaxation and chamber filling
continues until the next contraction begins
what is systole:
onset of contraction and continues until relaxation begins
the best measure of preload is sarcomere length immediately before contraction begins - impractical

what is the measures of left ventricular preload in descending order of reliability: (x8)
1. muscle fiber length
2. left ventricular volume
3. left ventricular diameter
4. left ventricular end diastolic pressure
5. left atrial pressure
6. pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
7. pulmonary artery pressure
8. central venous pressure
what is the force-velocity relationship in muscle contraction:
the velocity of muscle shortening is inversely proportional to the load it must move

put another way, the greater the afterload, the slower the velocity of shortening
how can the force-velocity relationship in cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle be altered:
force-velocity relationship can be altered by extrinsic regulatory mechanisms, such as sympathetic nerves
the contractile mechanism of the heart is the same as in skeletal muscle; what is it:
energized myosin heads bind to an active site on actin, which is regulated by binding of calcium to troponin
what is the difference between skeletal and cardiac muscle in the control of intracellular free calcium concentration during the calcium pulse of the active state:
Skeletal muscle: no calcium current influx during the action potential

Cardiac muscle: Ca++ influx through L-type, voltage-gated channels
where does the Ca++ that binds to troponin during cardiac contraction come from: (% comes from where)
70% of Ca++ released from the SR

30% of Ca++ influx through L-type, voltage-gated channels
___ triggers release of Ca++ from the SR by binding to ___
Ca++ influx through L-type voltage-gated channels

ryanodine receptors (RYRs)
how is the efflux of Ca++ accomplished in the cardiac cell: (x3)
1. 70% resequestered into SR by a Ca++-ATPase
2. Na+/Ca++ exchanger
3. 2% via Ca++-ATPase of the sarcolemma
in the heart, there is a dangerous Ca++ uptake by mitochondria during ___
why is there a long action potential in the heart:

(what is the mechanism and what controls the duration)
L-type channels produces long calcium pulse - duration is controlled by rate of resequestration and efflux of calcium
reduced extracellular calcium concentration in the heart, causes what:

but does not change what:
decreased active force

the duration of force production
what do drugs that block L-type calcium channels (calcium blockers) do:
reduce active force
why are refractory periods long in cardiac muscle:
prevents summation and tetanic contractions
what is tetanic contraction:
when a motor unit has been maximally stimulated by its motor neuron
decreased Ca++ influx also decreases ___, which does what:
release of Ca++ from SR

reduces force
active force of the cardiac muscle is directly related to what 2 things:
1. intracellular Ca++
2. preload
what are the proposed mechanisms of the interaction of preload and contractility:
1. stretching brings actin and myosin filaments closer together because of elastic elements, this makes more crossbridge attachments possible.
2. stretching increases sensitivity to calcium, possibly due to same effect on distance.
extrinsic mechanisms of regulation of force do what in the cardiac contraction: (think in general terms)
change amount of response to preload and afterload
what are examples of extrinsic mechanisms that effect contractility: (x4)
autonomic nerves
drugs and toxins
what is chronotrophy:
heart rate
what is lusitropy:
rate of relaxation also conduction velocity
___ is the amount of active force at a single preload that can be changed
what is contractility:
amount of active force at a single preload can be changed
any influence that increases contractility is referred to as what:
positive inotropic
any influence that decreases contractility is referred to as what:
negative inotropic
what is the Frank-Starling law of the heart:
Input = output
Cardiac output = venous return
As venous return increases it stretches the cardiac muscle. This increase of ___ increases cardiac force by the ___ mechanism. The more forceful beat matches the output to the input
the cardiac muscle gets 90% of its energy from what:
oxidation of fatty acids
the heart is highly dependent on oxygen and contraction fails within 30 seconds after what:
complete occlusion of blood supply
there is a direct relationship between
cardiac ___, cardiac ___
and coronary blood flow
oxygen consumption
the failing of heart contractions after complete occlusion of blood supply is not simply due depletion of ATP or creatine phosphate, it is due what 6 factors:
1. slight (↓)ATP → (↓)(↓)ATP/ADP

2. loss of allosteric effects of ATP on L-type Ca++ channels → transient decrease influx

3. (↓)ATP inhibits SR release

4. (↓)ATP/ADP → (↓)energy of hydrolysis of ATP required for contraction force

5. inability to resequester or pump Ca++ out poisons mitochondrial energy production

6. (↑) myoplasmic Ca++ → (↑)risk of free radical damage
what kind of neural receptors are primarily on cardiac cells:
β1-adrenergic receptors
what neurotransmitters stimulate the β1-adrenergic receptors on the cardiac cells: (x2)
1. norepinephrine released from sympathetic efferents
2. circulating epinephrine and norepinephrine
epinephrine and norepinephrine stimulate the ___ receptors on the cardiac cells
norepinephrine is released from what: (think nervous system)
sympathetic efferents
what is the effect of sympathetic stimulation on the cardiac cells: (x4)
1. Alter ion conductance mainly via cAMP
2. (↑)Ca++ influx and release of Ca++ by SR
3. (↑)rate of transport and resequestration
4. stronger, faster, shorter duration
what are the receptors for acetylcholine:
muscarinic M2 receptors
what are the parasympathetic effects on cardiac tissue: (x3)
1. (↓)cAMP
2. weaker, slower, longer duration
3. (↑)conductance of potassium
what occurs as a consequence and a contributing factor to many cardiac pathologies:
remodeling of the heart
remodeling of the heart occurs why:
consequence and a contributing factor to many cardiac pathologies
in remodeling of the heart, what occurs due to hypertension: (3 steps)
hypertension → chronic high afterload → concentric left ventricular hypertrophy
physiologic hypertrophy with exercise conditioning and hypertension or failure of contractility causing dilated failure are both examples of ___
what is ultimately responsible for remodeling of the heart:
altered gene expression