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72 Cards in this Set

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chronic low cardiac output often manifests as ___
Inadequate oxygenation may manifest as ___ and ___ of the fingers / toes as a result of what:
central cyanosis

right to left or extracardiac shunting
Heart failure may manifest as ___ in the distal extremities, cool skin, and increased sweating as a result of ___
___ classically manifests as petechiae, Osler's nodes, and Janeway lesions
infective endocarditis
what is this an image of:
this is pathognomonic of what:
janeway lesion
infective endocarditis
what is the description of a janeway lesions: (x4)
small (a few millimeters)
erythematous or hemorrhagic
macular or nodular lesions
where do janeway lesions occur:
palms or soles of feet
what are janeway lesions:

what are they caused by:
dermal microabscess with necrosis and inflammatory infiltrate

caused by the deposition of circulating immune complexes in small blood vessels
what is this an image of:
what are they caused by:
Osler's nodes
immune complex deposition
what are Osler's nodes:
painful, red, raised lesions on the hands (finger pulps) and feet
Osler's nodes are indicative of what: (x5)
subacute infective endocarditis
systemic lupus erythematosus
marantic endocarditis
disseminated gonococcal infection
infected arterial catheter
orthostatic hypotension + tachycardia are likely due to
resting tachycardia can be what (x2)
hypovolemia or heart failure
for tachypnea consider what:
pulmonary venous congestion
what permits visualization of the small vessels:
examination of the retina
for optic disk edema, blurred margins, cupping with sharp contours you should consider what: (x2)
malignant hypertension
thrombosis of central retinal vein
what is papilledma: (x2)
swelling of the optic disk due to (↑)intracranial pressure

almost always bilateral
what is the differential diagnosis for papilledema: (x8)
1. brain tumor or abscess
2. cerebral trauma or hemorrhage
3. meningitis
4. arachnoidal adhesions
5. cavernous or dural sinus thrombosis
6. encephalitis
7. idiopathic intracranial hypertension
8. pseudotumor cerebri - elevated CSF pressure and no mass lesion
neovascularization of the retina is common in patients with ___:

this is called ___:
diabetes mellitus

diabetic retinopathy
retinal ischemia leads to release of ___ stimulating ___ on retina, optic nerve, or iris
a vasoproliferative factor
what does this image depict:
scattered hemorrhages and yellow exudates
when examining the retina, what findings are evident of hypertensive retinopathy: (x5)
1. Embolic plaques
2. “nicking”
3. scattered flame-shaped hemorrhages
4. very constricted arterioles
5. cotton-wool spots
what is the diagnosis:
what do you call the white spots in this image:
hypertensive retinopathy
cotton wool spots
what is the arrow pointing to:
shedding emboli
a pulsatile abdominal mass is indicative of ___
abdominal aortic aneurysm
enlarged liver may be indicative of what: (x2)
heart failure
systolic hepatic pulsations are indicative of ___
tricuspid regurgitation
a palpable spleen may be late signs of ___ or can be due to ___
severe heart failure
infective endocarditis
ascites may occur with ___ and generally responds well to diuretic therapy

consider ___ if ascites is out of proportion to peripheral edema
heart failure alone

constrictive pericarditis
what is ascites:
excess fluid in the space between the tissues lining the abdomen and abdominal organs
a continuous murmur heard over the abdomen think ___:
arteriovenous fistula
systolic bruit heard over the kidney think ___:
renal artery stenosis
what may lead to identification of occlusive arterial lesions:
palpation of peripheral pulses in both upper and lower extremities
ischemic tissue damage of the toes presents late in what disease process:
peripheral atherosclerosis
___ may produce claudication of the buttock or lower extremities precedes physical exam findings for
peripheral atherosclerosis
what is claudication of the buttock:
pain or discomfort in a group of muscles, usually in the legs, hips, or buttocks and is worsened by exercise and relieved with rest
bilateral edema in the lower extremity may be a sign of ___ or may be secondary to ___ or ___
right sided heart failure
varicose veins
unilateral lower extremity edema may be caused by: (x3)
saphenous vein harvest
what is the ankle-brachial index (ABI):
ratio of the systolic blood pressure at the ankle divided by the higher of the two arm systolic blood pressures
ABI indicates what:

what is an abnormal ABI:
severity of lower-extremity arterial occlusive disease

ABI ___ is consistent with critical ischemia and tissue loss
pressure is ___ distal to stenotic lesions
___ is a small weak pulse commonly due to what: (x3)
pulsus parvus

(↓)left ventricular stroke volume
narrow pulse pressure
(↑)peripheral vascular resistance
when you see a Hypokinetic pulse think ___ (x3)
left ventricular failure
restrictive pericardial disease
mitral stenosis.
what is a hypokinetic pulse:
pulse with low volume and amplitude
what is pulsus tardus:

what is it indicative of:(x2)
delayed systolic peak

(1) Obstruction of left ventricular ejection
**(2) Aortic stenosis
what kind of pulse is a hyperkinetic pulse:

what is it indicative of: (x8)
bounding pulse

1. (↑)stroke volume
2. complete heart block
3. anxiety
4. anemia
5. exercise
6. fever
7. patent ductus arteriosus
8. peripheral arteriovenous fistula
what is depicted in this image:
delayed systolic peak
bisferiens pulse is one that has what:

it is indicative of what: (x2)
two systolic peaks

aortic regurgitation
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
dicrotic pulse is one that has what:

it is indicative of what: (x2)
one palpable wave one in systole and another palpable wave in diastole

very low stroke volume
dilated cardiomyopathy
what does the image depict:
pulsus bisferiens
identify the labeled figure:
(see figure)
identify the type of pulse:
identify the type of pulse:
pulsus tardus
identify the type of pulse:
Pulsus bisferiens
what is the cardiovascular condition associated with this pulse:
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
identify the type of pulse:
dicrotic pulse - has accentuated diastolic dicrotic wave that follows the dicrotic notch
what is Pulsus alternans:
regular rhythm but regular alteration of the pressure pulse amplitude
what is occurring in Pulsus alternans:

Pulsus alternans and loud S3 are associated with what:
alternating left ventricular contractile force (strong beat/weak beat)

severe left-sided heart failure
what pulse is associated with loud S3
Pulsus alternans
what is pulsus bigeminus characterized by:

how does it differ from pulsus alternans:
regular rhythm and regular alteration of pressure pulse amplitude

Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) follows each regular beat
what is pulsus paradoxus characterized by: (x2)
(1) accentuated inspiratory decrease in systolic arterial pressure beyond the normal/physiologic decrease of <=10 mmHg.
(2) peripheral pulse may completely disappear during inspiration
pulsus paradoxus can be indicative of what: (x3)
pericardial tamponade
airway obstruction
superior vena cava obstruction
Radial and femoral arterial pulses should be what:

femoral pulse that is weakened and delayed during simultaneous palpation suggests what:
virtually coincident

coarctation of the aorta
what is coarctation of the aorta:
narrowing of the aorta between the upper-body artery branches and the branches to the lower body
what is the technique for inspection of waveform and estimation of the central venous pressure: (x2)
use right internal jugular vein
(2) pulsation is greatest when the trunk is inclined by less than 30° (patients with elevated venous pressure may require elevation of 90°)
what does the jugular venous pulse reflect:

what does it consist of:
phasic pressure changes in the right

2 or 3 positive waves and 2 negative troughs
what is the dominant wave in the JVP:

what is it produced by:
the "a" wave

venous distention due to right atrial contraction
Right atrium contracting against increased resistance will cause ___ in the "a" wave
what is the increasing resistance the causes an increase in the "a" wave: (x3)
tricuspid stenosis
pulmonary hypertension
pulmonic stenosis
atrial fibrillation will cause ___ "a" waves:
slide 32
slide 32