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52 Cards in this Set

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Fluoxetine can contribute to what complaint


What is a good medication for insomnia and depression in older adults


Umbilical hernias are normal up until what age

2 years old unless African American then it may be normal up until age 7

When are frontal sinuses formed in infants

5 to 6 years of age

Maxillary and ethmoid sinuses are formed when

at birth

Children with polyarticular JRA should have eye examinations how often


Children with pauci-articular JRA should have eye examinations how often

4 times a year

What are common complications are associated with gestational diabetes

Cephalopelvic disproportion, macrosomia, and hypoglycemia

What is NOT a complication of diabetes


What is prophylaxis for PCP pneumonia in HIV patients

Bactrim, aerosolized pentamidine, or dapson

What does a malignant prostate feel like

hard on digital examination and is non-tender. Hematuria, an elevated PSA, and urinary retention are common.

Acute idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) is most commonly seen in childhood following

acute infection

What is the treatment of choice for ITP

Glucocorticosteroid therapy

A patient is diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. He is placed on high dose steroids. After 4 days of prednisone, the patient states that his eye still will not close completely. How should the nurse practitioner manage problem

Continue to regimen it takes weeks to months to fix

An infant whose parents report bruises easy with no apparent trauma history rule out what

Hemophilia is usually diagnosed within the first year of life. It commonly presents with hemarthrosis, bleeding into soft tissue, hematuria, and prolonged bleeding times.

What is the calcium recommendation for post menopausal women

1200 -1500mg daily

If children under 4 who have not recieved the HIB vaccine come into contact with it what should you do

rifampin prophylaxis should be given to all household contacts, including the adults.

Lisinopril (ace inhibitors) are what catagory in pregnancy


Which hypertension medications are safe during pregnancy

Beta Blockers and methyladopa

DIP joints think what


PIP joints think what

rheumatoid arthritis

What are symptoms of acute glomerulonephritis

Hematuria, periorbital edema, and hypertension

What is the most common cause of cushings syndrome

administration of a glucocorticoid or ACTH

How often should squamous cell carcinoma be monitored


What bacteria is usually found in patients with strep pharyngitis

Streptococcus pyogenes (S. pyogenes)

What do you tell a kid diagnosed with gynecomastia

it will usually resolve on its on

Agit or Agita on a medicine label means what

needs to be shaken

when does a child develop the pincer grasp

9 months

what medication has NO effect on triglycerides


Blood vessels, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles are located in what layer of the skin


first line treatment for plantar warts is what

40% salicylic acid plasters (Mediplast
Bile acid sequestrant includes drugs such as
cholestyramine and Colestipol.
what medications are insulin sensitizers, which increase the glucose uptake in the muscle and fa

pioglitazone (Actos) or rosiglitazone (Avandia)

when does the morrow reflex go away

3-4 months

what is the gold standard for evaluating endometriosis


What is considered recurrent abdominal pain

At least 3 episodes of abdominal pain over a 3 month period

When is group a strep most common in what age

6-12 yrs

What hypertension medication is associated with lower extremity edema

Calcium channel blockers

When is any ocular deviation (strabismus) resolve if normal

By 6 months if it hasn't refer to opthamologist

How do you usually diagnose hpv in males? How in females?

Males by appearance usually

Females by pap

When do newborns double and triple birth weight

Double by 6 months triple by 1 year

If there is epitrochlear lymph node swelling what do you suspect will be inflamed

Hand and forearm

What is the most frequent cause of death associated with anorexia nervosa

Cardiac arrest #1

Suicide #2

Which hypertension drug class is associated with high lipid levels


How much folic acid should be given for folic acid deficiency anemia

2 -4 mg per day

10 percent of affected persons with this virus become carriers and are increased risk for hepatocellular carcinoma

Hepatitis B

What is acrodermatiyis enteropathica

Dermatitis related to zinc deficiency

What is swimmers ear and how do you treat it

Otitis externa treated with cortisporin drops

Which drugs should the patient not switch to generic if taking brand

Lanoxin phenytoin and levothyroxine

A cancerous thyroid node has what characteristics

Solitary thyroid node

What is syndrome x

Insulin resistance syndrome and cardiovascular dynetabolic syndrome

Congenital heart disorders can appear when

Birth infancy or childhood