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38 Cards in this Set

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Target interactions all occur within ___ to ___ mm of target surface.
0.25 to 0.5
Target Interactions:
Two types of x-ray production processes
Bremsstrahlung and Characteristic
Target Interactions
Bremsstrahlung and Characteristic:
___ and ___ ___ of x-rays from these processes are ___ and influence ___ of ___ ___.
Amount; energy distribution; different; appearance; final image
Approximately ___% of kenetic energy of ___ ___ is converted to heat.
99%; projectile electrons
Projectile electrons interact with ______ ______ of the target atoms, but do not transfer enough sufficient energy to ______ them causing them to emit ______ ______.
outer-shell electrons; ionize; infrared radiation
Only approximately 1% of ___ ___ ___ ___ is used for production of x-radiation.
projectile electron kinetic energy
keV stands for:
kiloelectron volts
Distributed from zero to E(max)
The maximum energy of the projectile electrons
kVp stands for:
kilovoltage peak
Voltage applied to the x-ray tube
Equal to the energy of the projectile electrons
Equal to the maximum energy of the x-rays, called E(max)
Also referred to as "Brems"
German word for braking or slowing radiation
Produced when projectile electrons are slowed down in the anode
Incident electrons interact with electrostatic force field of the nucleus
Incident electrons have a ___ charge and are attracted to ___ charged nucleus.
negative, positive
When ___ ___ get close to nucleus, the powerful force field is too great to penetrate.
incident electrons
Bremsstrahlung: Incident Electron
Force field makes electrons ___ ___ or ___ and causes the electron to change ___.
slow down; brake; directions
Left with reduced kinetic energy in different direction.
Bremsstrahlung Interactions
The loss of kinetic energy reappears as an x-ray
Bremsstrahlung Interactions
Bremsstrahlung Interactions:
Accounts for ___-___% of the beam.
Bremsstrahlung Interactions:
X-rays are produced at ___ ___ because electrons are ___ ___ at different rates.
different energy; slowed down
Bremsstrahlung Interactions:
The ___ the electron pass by the nucleus, the ___ the production of energy photon x-rays.
closer, higher
Emitted when an outer shell electron fills the inner-shell void. An x-ray photon is released in this interaction.
Characteristic x-rays
Electrons moving into the holes created during characteristic interaction until there is only a hole in the outer shell.
Characteristic cascade
Only electron that drops into ______ will contribute to the beam and are useful for imaging.
Kinetic energy must overcome binding energy
Occurs in techniques using 70kVp or higher
Incident electron interacts with K-shell electron
Incident electron continues in slightly different direction
Change in mA, time, or mAs
Change beam amplitude
Change in kVp
Changes beam amplitude and average energy
Due to increase in kinetic energy provided to incident electrons.
No Increase in electrons striking the target
Combined form spectrum
Brems and characteristic emissions
Diagnostic X-ray range
Most photons are produced by the Brems
Characteristic will not compromise any of useful beam until
kVp is above 70
Between 80 and 100 kVp, __-__% of primary beam is Brems
Between 80 and 100 kVp, __-__% of primary beam is Characteristic
Both emissions combine to form primary beam spectrum
Brem and Characteristic