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59 Cards in this Set

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Construal processes
Context plays a huge role in how we understand the world
Experienced based method of learning: relies on natural assessment to make a judgment (often automatic & effortless, insensitive to important factors) ; intuitive strategy (sometimes deliberate, sometimes not), that's founded on a natural assessment to reduce a complex task of predication to a simpler judgment operation
Mental Representations
How we make decisions (not based on objective states)
Pareto optimality
Best outcome for all
Produced by Heuristics that don't follow normative rules
judging probability by similarity
Judging probability by the ease with which instances come to mind
Irrelevant starting point
Affect heuristic
judging an item's merit by the emotion it generates
Fundamental attribution error
judging dispositions based on observed behavior, with insufficient weight given to the situation
Bias-belief affect
people attempt to be logical, but are influenced by prior beliefs
Curse of Knolwedge
find it difficult not to be affacted by knowledge we know, eg. if we know something and others don't
Confirmation bias
people look for evidence that confirms their prior beleifs
Naturalistic Decisions
Decisions made in time pressure, high stakes situations, often by experts with inadequate information
Recognition-primed decision model
people satisfice: look for first work-able option
Law of Similarity
Like causes like/appearance is like reality
Law of Contagion
once in contact, always in contact
Natural assessments
properties are perceived wo/much attention (eg. size, distance, similarity, causality, novelty/surprise value, familiarity, affect)
Perscriptive analysis
describes behaviors, recognizes our limitations
Conjunction Fallacy
Logical fallacy when it is assumed that specific conditions are more probable than a single general one. (Linda)
Actuarial models
explicit models based on pre-existing relationships, out-perform experts because: consistent, properly weigh cues, only use valid cues
Clinical models
may out-perform actuarial when, judgments are based on theory, rare events/outliers that don't fit into the statistical model
Regression Fallacy
thinking that there is a correlation between events, when its just regression to the mean
Frequency Tree
way in which to correctly display the correct thinking process when judging hypotheses
The Iron Law of Signal Detection
Prediction is never perfect, if criterion is more lenient (less evidence needed), probability of correct positives increases. Way to get minimal error. Make criterion more rigorious: improve prediction equation, partion better, but prediction is never perfect & both error types have negative consequences (Linear Correlation coefficient: best fitting straight line through scatter plot)
correlation of predictors w/criterion
Proper Linear model
weights given to predictors to optimize relationship between predictors & criteria
use judge's prior predictions to get to the core of their knowledge
Inherent Limitations of prediction
the more invested/important an issue, the more we want to ignore these limitations and the worse our predictions
Confirming feedback
feedback confirms that our prediction is right (also happens by repetition)
Overconfidence cause by
Attentional & Motivational factors
Implicit Memory
memories can be implanted w/leading questions
Social inferences
fast, automatic, effortless (this is where stereotypes come from)
Impact/Duration Bias
overestimate the duration of their affective responses to negative events
Focusing Illusion
When anticipating future events, people exaggerate the importance of things that change in the future, but ignore the things that would stay the same
Optimistic reinterpretation
revise beliefs about behavior, explain away failure, reinterpret outcomes
Inside view
focus on singular info. Of the event at hand, this particular case
Outside view
focus on distributional stats/base rates, past behavior, population
Subjective Construal
Variability in person's construal of events/meaning of fundamental concepts
Bias of Prior & implicit associations:
eg. Blitzkrieg v. quickstrike
Bounded awareness
our minds make predictable mistakes in what to pay attention to
Inattentional blindness
we are looking selectively (eg. the gorilla on the basketball court)
Change blindness
often don't explicitely notice changes in the environment
6 Cues used in natural assessments
affect, novelty/surprise value, similarity/representativeness, causality, ease of recall, familiarity
Planning Fallacy
We should take outside view instead of inside
Endowment affect
eg. mug experiment
Self-Serving bias
Eg. in negotiations
Aversion to Concessions
In Prospect Theory
9 Factors which affect decisions
Risk attitudes, shifting weights, loss aversion, mental accounting, emotion, aggregation, temporal discounting, reliance on weights, decisional conflict
Psychology of Scarcity
Scarcity produces its own psychology
Preference malleability
act of asking a question may change the behavior
Don't think long-term about decision
Peak-end Rule
peak ends are remembered in painful events, not duration
Dynamic inconsistency
inconsistent choices w/time/contexts
3 categories in mental accounting
current income, assets, future income
Alternating identities
can prime us to make different decisions
Prospect Theory leads to 3 inconsistencies
intuitions, valuations, preferences
Isolation effect
People make decisions by isolating the distinguishing factors
6 ways to think straighter
de-bias yourself, take an outside view, recognize personal v. situational behavior, use incentives, think about psychological taxes/subsidies, change your behavior?