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76 Cards in this Set

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What was Selective Service?
Expaded the draft and eventually provided another 10 million soldiers to meet the armed forces' needs.
Who was George Marshall?
Army chief of staff who pushed for the formation of the WAAC.
What was the WAAC?
(Women's Auxiliary Army Corps) Women could volunteer and serve in noncombat conditions.
What was Hull 440?
a liberty ship which was fast.
Who was A. Philip Randolph?
president and founder of the "Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters" organized a march in Washington.
What was the OSRD?
(Office of Scientific Research and Development) brought scientists into the war effort. Spurred improvements in radar and sonar technology, and also pushed the development of “miracle drugs” such as penicillin that saved many lives on the battlefield.
What was the Manhattan Project?
the code name for the research work for the making of the atomic bomb (that took 5 years) that extended acrossed the country.
What was the OPA?
(Office of Price Administration) fought inflation by freezing prices on most goods
What was the WPB?
(War Production Board) rationed fuel materials vital to the war effort, such as gasoline, heating oil, metals, rubber, and plastics.
What is rationing?
a system set up by the OPA that established fixed allotments of goods deemed essential for the military.
What was The Battle of the Atlantic?
Hitler ordered submarine raids against ships along America’s east coast after the attack on Pear Harbor. The goal of the Germans were trying to prevent food and war materials from reaching Great Britain and the Soviet Union
What was The Battle of Stalingrad?
the German conquest to wipe out Stalingrad, which was a major industrial center
Who was Dwight Eisenhower?
launched “Operation Torch”, he was the American command general.
What was Anzio?
“Bloody Anzio” was a battle when Hitler had Italy’s need leader arrested.
What is an Nisei?
refers to American citizens whose parents emigrated from Japan
Who were the Tuskegee Airmen?
Brave men who fought in Italy that were pilots of the all-black 99th Pursuit Squadron
What was D-Day?
June 6, 1944, the first day invasion of Europe
Who was Omar Bradley?
A general that unleashed massive air and land bombardment against enemy St. La, providing a gap in the German line of defense
Who was George Patton?
A general who helped the third party advance throughout Europe.
What was The Battle of the Bulge?
Tanks drove 60 miles into allied territory, creating a bulge in the lines
What was V-E Day?
Victory in Europe Day. The war in Europe was finally over.
Who was Harry Truman?
the nation’s 33rd president.
Who was Douglas MacArthur?
a general that was in command of Allied forces on the islands
What was the Battle of the Coral Sea?
Forces of Americans and Australians succeeded in stopping the Japanese drive toward Australia in a five day Battle of the Coral Sea
What was the Battle of Midway?
The forces of Americans and Australians trying to stop Japanese Troops from going towards in Midway, a strategic island which lies north-west of Hawaii. Turning point in the Pacific war.
Who was Chester Nimitz?
commander of American naval forces in the Pacific, moved to defend the island.
What was Guadalcanal?
marked Japan’s first defeat on land
What were Kamikazes?
suicide planes, when Japanese lots crash their bomb-laden planes into Allied ships
What was The Battle of Leyte Gulf?
Japan lost + 3 battleships, 4 aircraft carries, B cruisers, and 500 planes in just a course of 3 days.
What was Iwo Jima?
2nd to last battle with Japan Critical to the United States as a base which heavily loaded bombers might reach Japan
What was Okinawa?
more kamikaze attacks happen and America invades Japanese lands. America surrenders
What was The Manhattan Project?
the code name for the research work for the making of the atomic bomb (that took five years) that extended across the country.
Who was J Robert Oppenheimer?
American scientist directed research of the development of the atomic bomb
What was Hiroshima?
an important Japanese military center.
What was Nagasaki?
a Japanese Military center that leveled half of the city
What was the Yalta Conference?
A conference where the allies pushed toward a victory over Europe in the post war.
What were the Nuremburg Trials?
24 surviving Nazi leaders were put on trial for Hitler’s death camps
Who was Joseph Stalin?
a dictator of the Soviet Union that wanted to make a model communist country.
What was the 5 year plan?
to direct the industrialization, Soviet Union became the biggest industrial power in the world.
What was the Great Purge?
Stalin killed 8 million to 13 million who were against his power
What was a Totalitarian?
- a type of government that has complete power over citizens and killed anybody who opposed the power.
Who was Benito Mussolini?
who was a fascist in Italy, who established a totalitarian regime in Italy. Established the Fascist Party.
What was Fascism?
stressed nationalism and placed interested of the state above those individuals
Who was Adolf Hitler?
Dictator of Germany, who established the Nazi party
What was Nazism?
the Germany brand of Fascism; was based on extreme Nationalism
What is Lebensraum?
living space
What was Mein Kampf?
Hitler wrote in this ways “To secure for the German people the land and soil to which they are entitled on this earth.”
What was the Rome-Berlin Axis Pact?
The war forged a close relationship between the German and Italian dictators that signed this formal alliance.
Who was Francisco Franco?
rebelled against the Spanish republic
What was Manchuria?
a province of China that Japan invaded
What were Nuetrality Acts?
This was passed to keep America out of any futures wars. First two acts outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at war. The third act was passed to the response in the Fighting to Spain.
Who was Neville Chamberlain?
the British Prime Minister
Who was Winston Churchill?
Chamberlain’s political rival
What is appeasment?
giving up principles to pacify an aggressor
What was the Munich Agreement?
appeasement was allowed to be used
What was the Non-Agression Pact?
Stalin signed it so Germany and Russia promised to never attack each other again
What was Blitzkrieg?
lighting war.
Who was Charles deGraulle?
French general that fled England where he set up a government-in-exile
What was the Holocaust?
the systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe, More than half of whom were Jews
What were Nuremburg Laws?
Laws that made racism illegal.
What is anti-semitism?
hatred of Jews.
What was Kristallnach?
Night of Broken Glass” Nazi storm troopers attacked homes and businesses that were Jewish, all across the country
What was the Final Solution?
Hitler’s Final solution to get all of the Jews exterminated was a policy of genocide
What was Unter menschen?
Hitler’s list of people that he wished to rid the world of.
What were concentration camps?
labor camps
What was Auschitz?
one of the largest concentration camps, where there was a gas chamber, where Jews were tortured, and killed
What is Genocide?
the deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population.
What was Cash and Carry?
a provision that allowed warring nations to buy U.S arms as long as the paid cash and transported them in their own ships
What were Axis Powers?
Germany, Italy, and Japan, Signed a mutual defense treaty
What was the Tripartite Act?
Aimed for keeping the United States out of the war.
Who was Wendell Wilkie?
Roosevelt it’s Republican opponent, a public utilizes executive supported Roosevelt’s policy of aiding Britain
What was the Land-Lease Plan?
a policy where the president would lend or lease arms and other supplies to countries that would help the U.S.
What were Wolf Packs?
hundreds of German submarines and U-boats to attack supply ships.
What was the Atlantic Charter?
joint declaration war aims of British and the U.S.
Who was Hideki Tojo?
chief of Japan’s Kwantung Army launched the invasion into China.
What was Pearl Harbor?
a place the Japanese bombed