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52 Cards in this Set

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Benito Mussolini

dictator of italy

Francisco Franco

dictator of spain

Neville Chamberlain

prime minister of england “peace in our time”

Hendrick Himmiler

In charge of Hitler’s SS (death camps, rounded up jews)

Joseph Goebbels

in charge of hitler’s propaganda

Herman Goering

Second command of Germany, in charge of Luftwaffe

Joseph Stalin

dictator of Russia

Chaing Kai Chek

leader of China


French Representatives at Munich agreement

Gerald Nye

Lead the investigations as to why we went to war against germany in 1917, led to passage of neutrality acts


military leader of Japan

Winston Churchill

prime minister of england during battle of britain “Never in the field of battle...”

Charles Lindbergh

in charge of american first committee which spoke out about getting involved in WWII

Halie Selassie

leader of ethiopia


japanese admiral in WWII

Mein Kampf

Hitler's book about his struggle

Italy's invasion of Ethiopia took place in what year?


What were the reasons for WWII

Failure of democracy in some european nations, failure of treaty of versailles to settle WWI problems, failure of appeasement policies

Axis powers

Germany, Italy, Japan


English army had withdrawn to a small island, Hitler hesitated which caused British people to recapture our army

Outcome of Pearl Harbor


When did U.S. declare war on Japan?

December 8, 1941 after Pearl Harbor

America's first committee

A group of american's who tried to prevent our involvement in WWII


Unfair, Blame, Reparations, Army, Territory

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Outlawed the sale of arms to other countries

Panay incident

Attack on our boat by the Japs. All we did was protest and all they did was apologize and promise to pay for damages

What event in Germany led to the dictatorship of Hitler

The depression

What is dictatorship?

One individual who rules over a country

What is important about Germany's occupation of the Rhineland?

It was one of the first territories he retook

Invasion of Manchuria by Japan

First land the Japs took for raw materials

Germans occupation of the Sudetenland

Land given to the Germans at the Munich Pact, Adolf claimed that those people wanted to be a part of Germany

How did nationalism contribute to the start of WWII?

Adolf took pride in being a German and so did his people. Adolf felt that the treaty was abusing the Germans

First land Hitler took when reuniting Germany


Dress Rehearsal for WWII

Spanish Civil War


Giving in to demands of a dictator, like when we gave Germany the Rhineland

Munich Pact

A meeting of major powers which resulted in Hitler gaining Rhineland


Over 300,000 people were killed by the Japs

When did WWII begin?

September 1, 1939

Phoney War

the first few months of the war when neither side was fighting


another name for lightning warfare used by the germans in WWII where they would hit everything fast and recklessly

Battle of Britain

British Royal Air Force defeated the German Air Force

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

Winston Churchill after battle of Britain


German air force


Royal Air Force

Washington Naval Conference

Agreement that us and other major powers would reduce our navy size

Nye Committee

Investigated our reasons for WWI

Neutrality act was designed to

Prohibit sale of arms and weapons to nations at war, and you couldn't travel on a vessel that was at war, such as the Lusitania. Also the idea of cash and carry

Cash and Carry

we will sell you the weapons, but you must pay in cash and come get them yourself

Undeclared war with Germany in the summer of '41

FDR ordered our ships to fire at the German ships if they were attacking us

Goals of Jap Peace Mission

Unfreeze money, end oil and steel embargo, and we stop giving China lend lease

Greater Asia co-prosperity sphere

Japan's plan to have an empire in the far east

Nonaggression Pact

agreement between Russia & Germany to divide Poland and to give Russia the Baltic States.