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54 Cards in this Set

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Growing Tension

When did Japan invade Manchuria?


Growing Tension

When did Italy invade Abyssinia?


Growing Tension

When did Germany take over Austria and Czechoslovakia?


When did Australia declare war on Germany (after Great Britain)? What catalysed this?

September 3, 1939. Germany's invasion of Poland

Which of the three arms was the most prepared for war?

Royal Australian Navy. However, it still wasn't prepared well

Successes of the Army

In what year did Australia troops fight in Somaliland? Who against?

1940. Italians

Successes of the Army

In what year did Australia troops fight in Libya? Who against?

1942. Italians

Failures of the Army

In what year did Australian troops fight in Tobruk? Who against?

1941. Germans.

When did Japan enter the war?

June 1940

When did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbour?

December 7, 1941

How many people died in the bombing of pearl Harbour?

2,400 people

When did Australia declare war on Japan (without Britain's permission)?

December 1941

When did the allies surrender to fighting in Singapore?

February 1942

When did Churchill consider pulling troops out of Singapore? How did Curtin react?

January 1942. Curtin strongly opposed him.

When did the battle in Kokoda occur? How many Australians died?

July 1942-January 1943. 6,000

When did Germany surrender?

May 7, 1945

When did the US bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

August 1945

When did Japan surrender?

August 15, 1945

When was Menzies Prime Minister?


Prior to his term as PM, what had Menzies been nicknamed in the past? In what year?

Pig Iron Bob. 1938

What was the act allowing the Government to make laws quickly?

The Security Act 1939

When did the coalition with the Country Party end?

1939 (after the declaration of war)

When did the coalition with the Country Party begin again?

March 1940

What was the name of the system that Menzies introduced and was rejected? When?

National Coalition Government. October 1940

When did Menzies resign?

End of August 1940

When did the 'Brisbane Line' controversy arise?


When was Curtin Prime Minister? What party was he from?

1940-1945. Labor

What was the name of the system suggested by Curtin that was accepted? When?

Advisory War council. October 1940

When did Curtin call to America for an alliance?

December 27, 1941

"Australia can go, ____ _______ ___ _____ _____ __" - Curtin

"Australia can go, but Britain can still hold on" - Curtin

Who was the Supreme Commander of all allied forces in the Pacific?

Douglas McArthur

"Mr Curtin has made a great blunder if he thinks the ____ between this country and Great Britain are ______ ___________" - Menzies

"Mr Curtin has made a great blunder if he thinks the ties between this country and Great Britain are merely traditional" - Menzies

What was the name of the bill allowing conscription in the pacific region? When?

Militia Bill, 1943

When did Curtin die?

July 1945

When had 'austerity' become a common phrase?

How many Australians owned a radio at this point?




When was petrol rationing introduced? What did it entail?

1940. Allowed 1,000 miles per vehicle per year


By what year was beer production cut by what amount?

1943. 1/3


When were compulsory blackouts/brownouts stopped?

Late 1943


What resulted from austerity measures?

A black market

What was a popular slogan regarding US soldiers?

"Over-sexed, over-paid, over here?"

What was the name of the extension of the Balfour Declaration permitting independent foreign policy? When?

Statute of Westminster. 1939

How many war brides left Australia to go to America?


When did Australia adopt the Statute of Westminster?

Statute of Westminster Adoption Act, 1942

How many female factory workers were there during the wartime years?


During WWII, what percentage of a man's wage did a woman receive?


How many women enlisted in war services?


How many aboriginals fought in WWII? Why?

3,000. To protect their land, in hope of being treated equally

What was the name of the Aboriginal man reporting that after fighting, he had "returned to being a blackfellow"?

Leonard Waters

In what year were pensions given to Aboriginals on reserves?


In the Northern Territory, how were some Aboriginals paid?

By three sticks of tobacco a week

In what year were how many people sent to war internment camps?

1942 (peak), 12,000

How did the war alter Australia's national identity?

Rats of Tobruk accentuated the 'underdog' aspect, prisoners of war accentuated stoicism and resourceful aspect and the Kokoda track success added to the Anzac legend. Also became more independent - less reliant on Britain.

How many Australians were taken as prisoners of war?


Battle of Brisbane

November 1942