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23 Cards in this Set

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a political ideology of the conservative side. Asserted the need of law and order that is controlled by single party. This will take over a economy and will be under control of the fascist state. HATE COMMUNISM
Benito Mussolini
Italy’s dictator that agreed with Fascism and Hitler’s views.
Adolf Hitler
Came to power and implied a fascists party to take over Germany as a dictator
Nye Hearings
Congress inquired hearings to make sure the US would not enter the war and had no right to.
Victory in Europe Day 1945
Victory in Japan Day, After the 2 bombings
War Production Board
To allocate and organize the economy to use produce efficiently.
A. Phillip Randolph
The brotherhood of sleeping car porter, he confronted Roosevelt to integrate jobs for AA. Double V (victory in war and in discrimination at home)
Neutrality Acts
spurred by the growth in isolationism,and sought to ensure that the US would not become entangled again in foreign conflicts
Overwhelming force to break through enemy lines.
Battle for Britain
An air campaign, that Germany could not gain "air superiority" that failed to destroy Britain's air defenses.
Lend Lease Act
A law in which the US supplied their allies with materials for WWII and ended the US's neutrality.
Second Front
Russia wanted Britain and the US to invade Germany on ground that resulted in their defeat
Joseph Stalin
Leader of Soviets, that declared war against Germany because of breached agreements.
Siege of Stalingrad
The Battle of NAZI Germany and the USSR
US and allies invasion on Germany
Battle of Midway
The US defeated the JAPS navy after Pearl Harbor
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
THe atomic bombing by the US in Japan
War Powers Act
gave the President enormous authority to execute World War II in an efficient manner.
Victory Girls
Women working in the defense industry back home to boost war efforts.
Zoot Suit Riots
Riots between military service men and latino youths.
Children born in America with JAP decent.
442 infantry combat unit
A group of Japanese Americans helping fight the JAPS.