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38 Cards in this Set

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schlieffen plan
Germany's plan of invasion
German sumbarine
form of advertisement
No man's land
land between trenches
Selective Service Act
required men to register w/ gov't in order to be randomly selected for military
League of Nations
would provide a form for nations to discuss and settle their grievances w/out war
Zimmerman Note
telegram from German minister, proposed alliance w/ Mexico
type of propaganda
volunteer soldier
Trench Warfare
armies fought for mere yards of land
war-guilt clause
forced Germany to admit to starting WWI
quota system
a system, originally determined by legislation in 1921, of limiting by nationality the number of immigrants who may enter the U.S. each year
a sociopolitical policy favoring the interests of established inhabitants over those of immigrants
Polish Corridor
a strip of territory which was transferred from Germany to Poland by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919
War Industries Board
organization which encouraged companies to use mass-production techniques to increase efficiency and urged them to eliminate waste by standardizing products
List the four long-term causes of the First World War, and give an example of each long-term cause.
militarism- blockade
alliance system-
List four allied powers
france, GB, Russia, America
What were three new technologies introduced during World War I?
cars, planes, roads
What was "liberty cabbage?" "Liberty sausage?"
saurkraut, hotdog
What is the significance of April 6, 1917?
war is declared
What is a speakeasy?
secret place where alcohol was illegally sold
CPI (creel commision)
established under President Woodrow Wilson to influence American public opinion toward supporting U.S. intervention in World War I via a vigorous propaganda campaign
What was ther purpose of the eighteenth amendment?
What was the purpose of the nineteenth amendment?
women's suffrage rights
What was the one event/policy that led to the US getting involved in World War I?
the sinking of the Lusitania
What were four items that people on the home fromt were told they needed to conserve during the war?
espionage acts
What was the "Red Scare?"
a period of general fear of communists
List three Central Powers
Germany, Turkey, Hungary
What were the three events that led to the US getting involved in World War I?
Lusitania destroyed
What were the first five points of WIlson's "Fourteen points?" What was the Fourteenth point?
prevent another war. League of Nations
Why did Henry Cabot Lodge object to the Treaty of Versailles?
suspicious of provision for joint economic and military action against regression
How did the installment plan work?
enabled people to buy goods over an extended period without having to put down much money at the time of purchase
What were four weaknesses of the Treaty of Versailles?
didn't respect the 14 point program, Germany wasn't present, GB and France gained colonies, tariff bariers increased (against free trade)
What was the impact of the automobile on the geography of the United States?
roads, highways, bridges, and tunnels were invented
Who were the members of the "Big Four"
President Woodrow Wilson, Prime Minister David Lloyd George, Premier Vittorio Orlando, and Premier Georges Clemenceau
What were three things that Germany lost as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?
a certain amount of its own territory to a number of surrounding countries, being stripped of all its overseas and African colonies, and its ability to make war again was limited by restrictions on the size of its military
Who were the slackers?
the men that didn't sign up to fight
"The world must be made safe for democracy." Who said this, and in what context was it said?
President Woodrow Wilson said this while delivering his war message to the congress