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53 Cards in this Set

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S.A. or Brownshirts- almost 3 million

Other names fir Nazi stormtroopers, and their numbers.

1932 - Reichstag

Year that Nazi party became the largest party in Germany, and the name of its parliament.

Because Hitler and the Nazis refused to join a coalition parliament after becoming the largest party, effectively immobilizing the Reichstag. Also because Hitler had the endorsements of military leaders and industrialists.

Why did Von Hindenberg make Hitler chancellor of Germany?

By blaming the Reichstag fire on the Communists to demand emergency powers.

How did Hitler ban all other political parties?

August 1934

When did Von Hindenberg die?

President, Fuhrer

What two titles did Hitler assume upon the death of Von Hindenberg?

1935 - 2,500

When was the Luftwaffe revealed, and how many planes did it have at that time?

The reoccupation of the Saarland district on the border with France, in 1935.

Where and when was Hitler's first expansionist move?

Reunification with the Rhineland in 1936.

Where and when was Hitler's second expansionist move?

1935 - Jews could not marry Aryan German citizens and deprived them of their rights of citizenship.

When were the Nuremberg Laws enacted, and what did they mandate?


What year did Japan first defeat Russia?


What side did Japan fight with in WW1?

Because it couldn't afford to arouse the anger of the USA, the other major power in the Pacific.

Why didn't Japan start it's expansion against European controlled colonies?

Naval reduction treaty between Japan, Great Britain and USA.

What action handed naval superiority to the Japanese after WW1?

The USA and Europe were distracted by the Great Depression.

What made the timing ideal for Japan to act on its expaansionist ideals?

Chinese Manchuria- 1931.

Where and when was the first Japanese aggression in WW2?

Manchu Quo (sp?) - Henry Pu Yee (sp?)

What was the puppet state of Manchuria called, and who was the puppet emperor?

League of Nations

What was the organization which objected to Japan's invasion of Manchuria, but couldn't do anything about it?

Civil war between Gen. Chang Kai Shek (sp?) and the Chinese Communist Party led by Mao Se Tsung (sp?)

What made China an easy target for Japan?

To prevent Russia from going to war with Japan if/when Japan attacked China - 1936.

When and why did Japan sign a pact with Germany

Much of Northern China and the coast.

How much territory had Japan overrun in China by the end of 1937?

Dec. 17, 1937. - over 300,000 civilians killed over 6 weeks.

When was the Rape of Nanking? How many civilians were massacred over what period of time?

US gunboat Panay (sp?) sunk by Japanese bombers on Dec. 12, 1937, killing 50 crewmen.

What and when was the first attack by Japan on an American ship, and what were the casualties?

Because Great Britain objected, fearing it would cause a war.

Why couldn't Roosevelt impose a naval blockade on Japan after their invasion of China?

Quo Min Tang (sp?)

What were Chang Kai Shek's (sp?) forces called?

Just fought a few minor skirmishes on its border with Manchuria.

How did Russia assist China against Japan?


What area of China did Japan take in 1938?

The right-wing Nationalist party, or fascists.

What party did Mussolini organize?

The democratic govt. was unable to cope with economic challenges, strikes and land seizures.

Why was the Italian Fascist party popular?

August 1922

When did Mussolini's Fascists march on Rome?

Italy's king, Victor Emmanuel, asked him to form a government in order to prevent a civil war.

How did Mussolini come to power?

1928 - Italy's Grand Council

By when did Mussolini assume dictatorial powers? And in what organization did power officially reside?

To recreate the Roman Empire

What was Mussolini's ultimae ambition?

Abyssinia, today's Ethiopia.

What was Mussolini's first target of expansion?

Eritrea and Italian Somaliland

What were the Italian colonies surrounding Abyssinia?

December 1934 at an oasis in the Ogaden (sp?) region.

Where and when did Italian forces provoke a clash with Abyssinia?

Appealed to the League of Nations, who did nothing.

What did the emporer of Abyssinia do after being attacked by Italy in Dec. 1934?

October 1935 - 6 months

When did Italy invade Abyssinia, and how long until it was overrun?

1. League of Nations was impotent

2. Britain and France were now following policies of appeasement

What two truths did Italy's agression reveal?

1. WW1 force was pared down to a small force to primarily police its colonies.

2. Great Depression prevented military modernization.

Name two reasons why Britain was weak at the beginning of WW2.

1. Low birth rate in early 20th century caused a manpower shortage.

2. The country adopted a purely defensive position, e.g. the Maginot Line.

Name two reasosns why France was weak at the beginning of WW2.

1. Italy's new fleet was dominant in the Mediterranean.

2. France was entirely defensive.

3. Dealing with the great depression seemed more urgent.

4. Resurgent Germany seemed the greater threat.

Name 4 reasons why Britain and France couldn't act when Italy invaded Abyssinia.

1936 - Communists vs. Fascists

When did the Spanish civil war start, and who was it between?

1931 - eliminate the Spanish monarchy and form a Republic.

When was the left-wing government in Spain elected, and what was their goal?

The left wing parties joined into a Popular Front, which narrowly won the 1836 elections. Strikes and land siezures led many to believe a Communist takeover was inevitable. This caused the conservative Catholic military to consider a preemptive coup.

How did the Spanish civil war start?

On July 17, 1936, Spanish forces fighting guerillas in Morocco mutinied. Led by Gen. Francisco Franco.

How, where, and when did the Spanish civil war start? And who led it?

Nationalist movement, fighting the Republican Government, the Communists and their Popular Front.

What was Gen. Franco's movement called? Who were they fighting, and what was their movement called?

Used the Luftwaffe to ferry his troops from Morocco back to Spain.

How did Hitler initially support Gen. Franco's coup?

Hitler and Mussolini started supplying soldiers and equipment.

How did Gen. Franco's Nationalists gain the upper hand in the Spanish Civil war?

1. The first panzer tanks with 12,000 troops.

2. Luftwaffe Condor Legion, with new bombers and fighters.

What German units were deployed in the Spanish Civil war?

Volunteer Corps of 50,000 men and over 700 aircraft.

What assistance did Mussolini send to Gen. Franco's Nationalists during the Spanish Civil war?

They declared a policy of non-intervention, afraid of starting a new war.

What did Great Britain and France do when the Republican Government of Spain asked for their help against Franco's Nationalists, and why?

Stalin and the Soviet Union, in order to keep Germany and Italy occupied while it built up its own military strength.

Who eventually came to the Spanish government's assistance in their fight against Franco's Nationalists, and why?