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30 Cards in this Set

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What acts where used or passed to prevent spying and resistance

Aliens act

These where formed to encourage citizens to let the government know if anyone they know where being disloyal to the nation and the war effort

Loyalty leagues

What overseas event really hightened the red scare in America

Rega margin

What was the name Givin to Wilson's dream for peace

14 points

Armisist day, what is the date


How long after declaring war was the United states able to send some troops to France

3 months

This required all men between 21 and 30 to register for the draft

Selective service act

This area of Europe contained rich farmland Germany gained the land when Russia left the war

The Ukraine

The Russian signed this treaty with Germany when they left the war


Who said that the United States needed to make a safer democracy


The Zimmerman tell gram segjusted an aliment between Germany and what country


In what year did wilson declare war on the central powers


Why did Germany feel it would be okay to resume submarine war far in 1817

Our military was very small and unprepared

Who said we needed to have" peace without victory"


In this agreement Germany agreed to no longer sink merchian hips without warning

Susie pledge

This invasion of this snark country really upset many people across America


What country used is navy to blockade Germany


When WW1 beige out the untied states took which policy


The archduke and his wife where assassinated in what city


The first country to declair war in 1914 was. ..

Austria hungre

This nationalist group was responsible for the assassination of the archduke in 1914

Black hand

This region of the world became known as the power of just before WW1

The Baltic area

The Unitedb States sent the Marines into these countries to set up governments that where friendly to the unitedvstates

Nicaragua veracruz and Haiti Santo Domingo, cuba

In order to show a stein military present in latin America we purchase the Virgin Islands from what country


This man led raids into the United states and his men killed 18 Americans in Mexico


The ABC powers agreed that the leader should step and exile


What countrys made up the ABC powers

Argentina, brazil, and chili

Wilson's policy of leading by example

Moral diplomacy

The purpose of this board was to Handel all the perposing for the United states and is allies

The war Industry board

American general whip was sent into Mexico to capture the man who attacked America
