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37 Cards in this Set

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An extreme form of feeling superior over other countries
Sedition Act 1918
Made it a felony to interfere with war effort
Battle of Argonne Forest
Part of final allied offensive in war (Last War Battle)
The belief that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it
Treaty of Versailles
The treaty ending WW1 and creating League of Nations
A policy of extending a countries power and influence through diplomacy of military force
Vladimir Lenin
Founder of Bolsheviks and leader of Russian Revolution
League of Nations
International organization created to ensure world stability
The Great Migration
The movement of 500,000 African Americans out of the rural south
Central Powers
Austrian-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Italy and Germany
Henry Cabot Lodge
American Republican Senator known for positions on foreign policy- battled with Woodrow Wilson
The use of magazines or newspapers to publicize a particular view on something
Fourteen Points
Speech by Woodrow Wilson to a joint session of Congress
Victory and ending WW1 at 111am on 11/11/1918
Battle of Somme
British Army had suffered 420,00 casualties including 60,000 dead on the first day and French lost 200,000 and Germans lost 500,000
Trench Warfare
A type of combat in which opposing troops fight fro trenches- Facing each other
Russian Revolution
Czarist Government collapsed and a provisional government was established
George M. Cohan
American Entertainer, Play writer, Singer- Yankee Doodle
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Treaty between Russian and the Central Powers
Triple Entente
France, Britain, Russia
Selective Service Act
Established the draft and led to all male between 16-45 to register for service
Liberty Bonds
A war bond that was sold in the U.S. to support allied cause of WW1
General John J. Pershing "Black Jack"
Led American Expeditionary Forces
Submarine Warfare
Naval Warfare is divided into 3 operational areas: Surface, Air, Underwater
Espionage Act 1917
Most controversial law passed. It prescribed a $10,000 fine and 20 years imprisonment for interfering with the recruitment of troops
Allied Power
Russia, Great Britain, France, Belgium
The doctrine that all violence is unjustifiable
Zimmerman Telegram
1917 Proposal from Germany to Mexico about war
Woodrow Wilson
28th President- Leader of Progressive Era
Harlem Hell Fighters
First African AMerican regiment to serve in the army during WW1
Eastern Front
A coalition of rebel groups operating between Germany and U.S.S.R.
No one can win/compromise
Triple Alliance
Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy
Archduke Ferdinand
Royal Prince of Hungary and was assassinated by Gavrillo Princip of Serbia
A liner that was sunk by the german submarine-128 killed
Battle of Verdun
One of the major battle and also the bloodiest- The german offense was stopped
Battle of Belleau Woods
Was the battle fought by the Marne river in France