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46 Cards in this Set

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Third Reich
Hitler's government
more land and more power
All 3 Axis powers wanted this same thing
Hitler's first aggressive move
German airforce
Winston Churchill
British Prime Minister during WWII
Pact of Steel
When Japan joined Germany and Italy in mutual feelings of aggression, they became known as this
The Axis powers
Germany, Italy, Japan
When Hitler invaded Poland
Britain and France declared war on Germany
the first Allied nation to surrender to Hitler
Battle of Britain
first air war in history and the first German defeat in WWII
Edwin Rommel
German tank commander in North Africa
Desert Fox
Rommel's nickname
leaders of a country who betrayed their country and gave aid to Hitler
Lend-Lease Bill
a bill passed during WWII that allowed the U.S. to loan supplies to countries fighting Hitler. Payment would be worked out after the war.
Japanese suicide planes, zero planes with TNT in the nose
3 strong dictators that arose after WWII
Hitler- Germany, Mussolini- Italy, Tojo- Japan
the General in charge of a surprise landing in North Africa
Eisenhower's surprise landings in North Africa were in what 3 places
Casablanca, Oran, Algiers
Rome, Italy
first Axis capital to surrender
Operation Overload
code name for the preparation for the invasion from Britain onto the shores of France
the day of the invasion onto Hitler's "fortress Europe"
June 6, 1944
in charge of planning D-day
finally neutralized the u-boat threat
Battle of the Bulge
last German drive of the war
Island hopping
The U.S. plan to hop, skip, and jump from one island to another working their way to Japan.
May 8, 1945
V-E day (victory in Europe)
May 7, 1945
Germany surrendered
Battle of the Coral Sea
The Japanese had to give up their plan to take Australia and New Guinea
Battle of Midway
The Japanese fleet was mauled so badly that they had to retreat. This put the U.S. navy on the offensive.
Douglas MacArthur
led U.S. troops in the Pacific
Battle of Leyte Gulf
was fought to retake the Philippines
by taking this island the Americans moved to within 350 miles of the Japanese mainland
Harry Truman
became President after Roosevelt died
Potsdam Declaration
a document that warned Japan of immediate destruction if she did not surrender
England, France, Russia, U.S.
4 of the Allied Nations in WWII
name 4 things the occupied people of Europe did to show they resisted the Germans
1. wrecked trucks and blew up ammunition dumps 2. put glass in oil and sugar in gasoline 3. made bullets and shells that wouldn't explode 4. killed Nazi officers and soldiers
September 1, 1939
Hitler invaded Poland
September 3, 1939
Britain and France declared war on Germany
June 22, 1940
France surrendered to Germany
December 7, 1941
Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor
December 8, 1941
The U.S. declared war on Japan
December 11, 1941
Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S.
August 6, 1945
atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
August 9, 1945
atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
September 2, 1945
Japan surrendered
What kind of revenge did Hitler order because of Reinhard Heydrich's death
In the village of Lidice, every man (190) was machine gunned down. THe 195 women were sent to concentration camps. The 82 children were scattered abroad and sent to re-educational camps. Every trace of Lidice was destroyed, and the ground was plowed flat.