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37 Cards in this Set

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Compare & Contrast lower limb rotation with upper limb rotation during development

Rotation causes the embryological relationship to be opposite that of the upper limb

Dorsal embryological origin = anterior leg = extensors (& lateral rotators and abductors)

Ventral embryological origin = posterior leg = flexors (& medial rotators and adductors)

Describe the superficial fascia

loose connective tissue, fat, superficial veins & nerves.

Describe the Deep fascia

Fascia lata - Deep fascia of the thigh

Iliotibial tract - Thickened laterally & reinforced with longitudinal fibers, continuous inferior to the knee

Crural fascia - deep fascia of the leg

Describe the Great Saphenous vein

begins in medial aspect (dorsal venous arch), courses anterior to medial malleolus, terminates in the femoral vein.

- Most common site for transfusion of blood & injection of fluids in infants.

- has 1-way valves to limit retrograde blood flow

- saphenous nerve runs with the greater saphenous vein in the lower leg.

Describe the femoral triangle

neurovascular structures enter the anterior thigh deep to the inguinal ligament

The triangle is formed by the inguinal ligament, sartorius, and adductor longus.

It contains NAVEL.

Concern: lacunar ligament herniation

Describe the popliteal fossa

Medial boundary: semimembranosus & medial head of gastrocnemius

Lateral boundary: biceps femoris & lateral head of gastrocnemius

All neurovascular structures traveling from thigh to leg pass through this space.

Contents: end of the small saphenous vein, popliteal artery & vein, tibial & common fibular nerve, lymph nodes.

Describe the posterior compartment of the Pelvic girdle

Gluteal region, ABductors & extensors, Deep gluteal are medial rotators.

Innervation: posterior division of the lumbosacral plexus, superior & inferior nerves.

Describe the anterior compartment of the pelvic girdle

Iliopsoas - flexor of the thigh

Innervation - posterior division nerves from lumbosacral plexus

Femoral triangle

Describe the posterior thigh compartment

Muscles: hamstrings

Function: flexor of the knee

Nerve: tibial division of the sciatic nerve

Artery: Deep femoral artery

Describe the Anterior thigh compartment

Muscles: Rectis Femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus medialis, Vastus intermedius, Sartorius

Function: extensor of the knee except for Sartorisu (flexes knee)

Nerve: femoral nerve

Artery: femoral artery

Describe the Medial thigh compartment

Muscles: Adductor Brevis|Longus|Magnus, Pectineus, Gracilis

Function: adduction & medial rotation

Nerve: Obturator n

Artery: Obturator a. & Deep Femoral a.

Describe the Deep Posterior leg compartment

Muscles: Flexor hallucis longus, Flexor digitorum longus, Tibialis posterior, Popliteus, Plantaris

Function:plantar flexion of the foot

Nerve: Tibial n

Artery: Posterior Tibial a.

Describe the Superficial Posterior leg compartment

Muscles: Gastrocnemius & Soleus

Function: Plantar flexion of the foot

Nerve: Tibial n

Artery: Posterior Tibial a.

Describe the Anterior leg compartment

Muscles: Tibialis anterior, Extensor digitorum longus, Extensor hallucis longus

Function: Extensors, Dorsiflexion of toes

Nerve: Deep fibular n.

Artery: Fibular a.

Describe the Lateral leg compartment

Muscles: Peroneus, Fibularis Longus|Brevis|Tertius

Function: eversion, weak plantar flexion

Nerve: Superficial fibular n.

Artery: Fibular a.

List the compartments of the foot






Describe the muscles in the medial compartment of the foot

Nerve: Medial plantar nerve

Artery: Posterior Tibial a.

Muscles: 1 LAFF

Define 1 LAFF

First Lumbrical m.

Abductor hallucis m.

Flexor hallucis brevis m.

Flexor digitorum brevis m.

Describe the muscles in the Lateral compartment of the foot

Nerves: Lateral Plantar n.

Muscles: Abductor digiti minimi m., Flexor digiti minimi m.,

Describe the muscles in the Central compartment of the foot

Nerves: Lateral plantar n. & a.

Muscles: Flexor digitor brevis, Quadratus plantae, Lumbricals, Adductor hallucis, digital tendons

Describe the muscles in the Interosseous compartment of the foot

Nerves: Deep plantar

Muscles: Dorsal & Plantar Interossei

Describe the muscles in the Dorsal compartment of the foot

Nerves: Lateral & Medial plantar a. & branches

Muscles: Extensor digitorum brevis, Extensor hallucis brevis

Describe the 3 arches of the foot

Medial Longitudinal arch

Lateral longitudinal arch

Transverse arch

What tarsals create the transverse arch and which tendons support it

Cuboid & Cuneiform

Tibialis posterior & Fibularis longus

Describe the location of the L1 dermatome

Inguinal line

Describe the location of the L2 dermatome

Anterior-medial thigh

Describe the location of the L4 dermatome

Anterior Knee

Describe the location of the L5 dermatome

Antero-lateral leg

Plantar & Dorsal center of surface of the foot

Describe the location of the S1 dermatome

Postero-lateral leg

Lateral Foot (anterior & posterior)

Describe the location of the S2 dermatome

Posterior Axial line

List the sequence of nerves of the lumbosacral plexus.

Subcostal n., Iliohypogastric n., Ilioinguinal n., Genitofemoral n., Lateral Cutaneous n. of the thigh., Femoral n., Obturator n., Sciatic n [Sup. & Inf. Gluteal n.] Posterior cutaneous n. of the thigh., Pudendal n.

Describe the areas of innervation provided by the lumbosacral plexus

Muscles arising from the ilium are innervated by what?

Femoral nerve.

Muscles arising from the ischium are innervated by what?

Tibial n.

Muscles arising from the pubis are innervated by what?

Obturator n.

Muscles arising from the posterior femur are innervated by what?

Common fibular n.

Define Tom, Dick, ANd Harry

Tibial posterior m.

Flexor Digitorum longus m.

Posterior Tibial A.

Tibial Nerve

Flexor Hallucis longus m.