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63 Cards in this Set

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oil well (n)
= Erdölbohrung
well (n)
1) a deep hole in the ground from which people obtain water. The sides of wells are usually covered with brick or stone and there is usually some covering or a small wall at the top of the well

2) = oil well

3) a narrow space in a building that drops down from a high to a low level and usually contains stairs or a lift / elevator

4) (BrE) the space in front of the judge in a court, where the lawyers sit
child labor (n)
= Kinderarbeit
merchandise (n) / (v)


1) (formal) goods that are bought or sold; goods that are for sale in a shop / store:
e.g. a wide selection of merchandise
= Ware
= Handelsware
= Artikel

2) things you can buy that are connected with or that advertise a particular event or organization:
e.g. official Olympic merchandise


to sell sth using advertising, etc.
= vermarkten
= Handel treiben
jazzy (adj)

1) in the style of jazz:
e.g. a jazzy melody / tune

2) (sometimes disapproving) brightly coloured and likely to attract attention
SYN = snazzy
e.g. That’s a jazzy tie you’re wearing
= auffallend
= popppig
= knallig
savvy (n) / (adj)


(informal) practical knowledge or understanding of sth:
e.g. political savvy
= Verstand
= Durchblick
= Können
= gesunder Menschenverstand


(informal, especially NAmE) having practical knowledge and understanding of sth; having common sense:
e.g. savvy shoppers
= klug
= clever
= schlau
= gesunden Menschenverstand haben
defendant (n)

the person in a trial who is accused of committing a crime, or who is being sued by another person

= Angeklagter
= Beschuldigter
tyre (n) (NAmE tire)

a thick rubber ring that fits around the edge of a wheel of a car, bicycle, etc.:

e.g. a front tyre
e.g. to pump up a tyre

= Reifen
= Pneu
boast (v) / (n)


1) boast (about / of sth) to talk with too much pride about sth that you have or can do:
e.g. I don’t want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages
e.g. She is always boasting about how wonderful her children are
e.g. He openly boasted of his skill as a burglar
e.g. Sam boasted that she could beat anyone at poker
= angeben
= prahlen

2) (not used in the progressive tenses) to have sth that is impressive and that you can be proud of:
e.g. The hotel also boasts two swimming pools and a golf course
= aufweisen
= vorzuweisen haben


boast (that … ) (often disapproving) something that a person talks about in a very proud way, often to seem more important or clever:
e.g. Despite his boasts that his children were brilliant, neither of them went to college
e.g. It was her proud boast that she had never missed a day’s work because of illness
= Stolz
= Prahlerei
= Wichtigtuerei
= Selbstüberschätzung
wiles (n)

[pl.] clever tricks that sb uses in order to get what they want or to make sb behave in a particular way
malicious (adj)

having or showing hatred (=Hass) and a desire to harm sb or hurt their feelings
SYN = malevolent
SYN = spiteful
e.g. malicious gossip / lies / rumours
e.g. He took malicious pleasure in telling me what she had said
= börsartig
= gemein
= schädlich
= hinterhältig
exploit (v) / (n)


1) (disapproving) to treat a person or situation as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself:
e.g. He exploited his father’s name to get himself a job
e.g. She realized that her youth and inexperience were being exploited
= ausnutzen

2) (disapproving) to treat sb unfairly by making them work and not giving them much in return:
e.g. What is being done to stop employers from exploiting young people?
= ausnutzen
= ausbeuten

3) to use sth well in order to gain as much from it as possible:
e.g. She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play
= Kapital schlagen aus

4) exploit sth (for sth) to develop or use sth for business or industry:
e.g. countries exploiting the rainforests for hardwood
e.g. No minerals have yet been exploited in Antarctica
= ausschöpfen
= sich etwas zu nutze machen


[usually pl.] a brave, exciting or interesting act:
e.g. the daring (=mutig) exploits of Roman heroes
= Heldentat
curb (v) / (n)


to control or limit sth, especially sth bad
SYN = check
e.g. He needs to learn to curb his temper
e.g. A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation
= kontrollieren
= dämpfen
= bremsen
= eindämmen


1) curb (on sth) something that controls and puts limits on sth:
e.g. curbs on government spending

2) (NAmE) = kerb
= Randstein
anchor (n) / (v)


1) a heavy metal object that is attached to a rope or chain and dropped over the side of a ship or boat to keep it in one place:
e.g. to drop anchor
e.g. The ship lay at anchor two miles off the rocky coast
e.g. We weighed anchor (= pulled it out of the water)
= Anker

2) a person or thing that gives sb a feeling of safety:
e.g. the anchor of the family

3) (especially NAmE) = anchorman, anchorwoman$


1) to let an anchor down from a boat or ship in order to prevent it from moving away:
e.g. We anchored off the coast of Spain
= ankern

2) to fix sth firmly in position so that it cannot move:
e.g. Make sure the table is securely anchored

3) [usually passive] anchor sb/sth (in / to sth) to firmly base sth on sth else:
e.g. Her novels are anchored in everyday experience

4) (NAmE) to be the person who introduces reports or reads the news on television or radio:
e.g. She anchored the evening news for seven years
= moderieren
endure (v)

1) to experience and deal with sth that is painful or unpleasant, especially without complaining
SYN = bear
e.g. They had to endure a long wait before the case came to trial
e.g. She could not endure the thought of parting
e.g. The pain was almost too great to endure
= ertragen
= erdulden
= ausstehen

2) (formal) to continue to exist for a long time
SYN = last
e.g. a success that will endure
= andauern
= ausharren
= fortdauern
whaling (n)

the activity or business of hunting and killing whales
versed in sth
having a lot of knowledge about sth, or skill at sth

SYN = expert in
SYN = practised in

e.g. He was well versed in employment law
loosely (adv)

1) in a way that is not firm or tight:
e.g. She fastened the belt loosely around her waist
= locker

2) in a way that is not exact:
e.g. to use a term loosely
e.g. The play is loosely based on his childhood in Russia
amass (v)

to collect sth, especially in large quantities
SYN = accumulate
e.g. He amassed a fortune from silver mining

= anhäufen
enquire (v)

(also inquire especially in NAmE)

enquire (about sb/sth) (rather formal) to ask sb for some information:

e.g. I called the station to enquire about train times
e.g. She enquired as to your whereabouts (=Auftenthaltsort)
e.g. Might I enquire why you have not mentioned this until now?

= anfrage
= nachfragen
= sich erkundigen
burial (n)

the act or ceremony of burying a dead body:

e.g. a burial place / mound / site
e.g. Her body was sent home for burial
e.g. His family insisted he should be given a proper burial

= Begräbnis
= Beerdigung
interment (n)
(formal) the act of burying a dead person

SYN = burial
tide (n)

1) a regular rise and fall in the level of the sea, caused by the pull of the moon and sun; the flow of water that happens as the sea rises and falls:
e.g. the ebb and flow of the tide
e.g. The tide is in / out
e.g. Is the tide coming in or going out?
= Ebbe und Flut (Gezeiten)

2) the direction in which the opinion of a large number of people seems to be moving:
e.g. It takes courage to speak out against the tide of opinion
= Trend

3) a large amount of sth unpleasant that is increasing and is difficult to control:
e.g. There is anxiety about the rising tide of crime
= Strom, Trend

4) tide of sth
a feeling that you suddenly have that gets stronger and stronger:
e.g. A tide of rage surged through her

5) -tide [sing.] (old use) (in compounds) a time or season of the year:
e.g. Christmastide
concede (v)
1) concede sth (to sb) | concede sb sth
to admit that sth is true, logical, etc.:
e.g. ‘Not bad,’ she conceded grudgingly
e.g. He was forced to concede (that) there might be difficulties
= zugeben
= zugestehen

2) concede sth (to sb) | concede sb sth
to give sth away, especially unwillingly; to allow sb to have sth:
e.g. The President was obliged to concede power to the army
e.g. England conceded a goal immediately after half-time
e.g. Women were only conceded full voting rights in the 1950s
= abgeben
= überlassen

3) concede (defeat)
to admit that you have lost a game, an election, etc.:
e.g. After losing this decisive battle, the general was forced to concede
e.g. Injury forced Hicks to concede defeat
= Zugeständnisse machen
= zugeben
= eingestehen
= abgeben (Sport: Punkte)
tenet (n)

(formal) one of the principles or beliefs that a theory or larger set of beliefs is based on:

e.g. one of the basic / central tenets of Christianity
e.g. The sentence describes the central tenet of a theory about how the universe began

= Grundsatz
= Dogma
= Lehre
carnivorous (adj)

= fleischfressend

e.g. a carnivorous diet
e.g. Carnivorous mammals can endure what would otherwise be lethal levels of body heat because they ...
carnivore (adj)

any animal that eats meat
insistence (n)

insistence (on sth / on doing sth) | insistence (that … )

an act of demanding or saying sth firmly and refusing to accept any opposition or excuses:
e.g. their insistence on strict standards of behaviour
e.g. At her insistence, the matter was dropped

= Beharren
= Bestehen
= Forderung
adulthood (n)

the state of being an adult:

e.g. a child reaching adulthood
e.g. Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood, are ...

= Erwachsensein
= Erwachsenenalter
predicate (n) / (v)

(grammar) a part of a sentence containing a verb that makes a statement about the subject of the verb, such as went home in John went home.


1) predicate sth on / upon sth
to base sth on a particular belief, idea or principle:
e.g. Democracy is predicated upon the rule of law
= basieren

2) to state that sth is true:
e.g. The article predicates that the market collapse was caused by weakness of the dollar
= behaupten
= aussagen
jawbone (n)
the bone that forms the lower jaw

SYN = mandible

= Kiefer
vertebrae (n)
= Wirbelsäule
backbone (n)
= Rückgrat
= Wirbelsäule
spine (n)
= Rückgrat
= Wirbelsäule
unearth (v)

1) to find sth in the ground by digging
SYN = dig up
e.g. to unearth buried treasures
= ausgraben

2) to find or discover sth by chance or after searching for it
SYN = dig up
e.g. I unearthed my old diaries when we moved house
e.g. The newspaper has unearthed some disturbing facts
= zu Tage bringen
= aufdecken

to unearth the truth = die Wahrheit ans Licht bringen
sense (n) / (v)

1) one of the five powers (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) that your body uses to get information about the world around you:
e.g. the five senses
e.g. Dogs have a keen (= strong) sense of smell

2) a feeling about sth important:
e.g. He felt an overwhelming sense of loss
e.g. a strong sense of purpose / identity / duty, etc.
e.g. Helmets can give cyclists a false sense of security

3) an understanding about sth; an ability to judge sth:
e.g. One of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour (= the ability to find things funny or make people laugh)
e.g. My sense is that...
e.g. He has a very good sense of direction (= finds the way to a place easily)
e.g. Always try to keep a sense of proportion (= of the relative importance of different things)

4) good understanding and judgement; knowledge of what is sensible or practical behaviour:
e.g. You should have the sense to take advice when it is offered
e.g. There’s no sense in (= it is not sensible) worrying about it now

5) senses [pl.] a normal state of mind; the ability to think clearly:
e.g. If she threatens to leave, it should bring him to his senses
e.g. He waited for Dora to come to her senses and return

6) the meaning that a word or phrase has; a way of understanding sth:
e.g. The word ‘love’ is used in different senses by different people
e.g. education in its broadest sense
e.g. He was a true friend, in every sense of the word (= in every possible way)
e.g. In a sense (= in one way) it doesn’t matter any more
e.g. In some senses (= in one or more ways) the criticisms were justified


1) to become aware of sth even though you cannot see it, hear it, etc.:
e.g. Sensing danger, they started to run
e.g. Thomas, she sensed, could convince anyone of anything

2) to discover and record sth:
e.g. equipment that senses the presence of toxic gases
avid (adj)

1) [usually before noun] very enthusiastic about sth (often a hobby)
SYN = keen
e.g. an avid reader / collector
e.g. She has taken an avid interest in the project (= she is extremely interested in it)

2) avid for sth wanting to get sth very much:
e.g. He was avid for more information

noun = avidity

adverb = avidly
e.g. She reads avidly
contemplation (n)
1) the act of thinking deeply about sth:
e.g. He sat there deep in contemplation
e.g. a few moments of quiet contemplation
e.g. a life of prayer and contemplation
= Nachdenken
= Reflexion

2) the act of looking at sth in a calm and careful way:
e.g. She turned from her contemplation of the photograph
= Nachdenken
= Betrachtung
swift (adj) / (n)

1) swift (to do sth)
happening or done quickly and immediately; doing sth quickly:
e.g. swift action
e.g. a swift decision
e.g. The White House was swift to deny the rumours
= schnell

2) moving very quickly; able to move very quickly:
e.g. a swift current
e.g. a swift runner
= schnell
= flink

adverb = swiftly
noun = swiftness

a small bird with long narrow wings, similar to a swallow
= Mauerschwalbe
gauge (n) / (v)


1) (often in compounds) an instrument for measuring the amount or level of sth:
e.g. a fuel / petrol / temperature, etc. gauge
= Messgerät

2) a measurement of the width or thickness of sth:
e.g. What gauge of wire do we need?
= Breite
= Dicke

3) (also bore especially in BrE) a measurement of the width of the barrel of a gun:
e.g. a 12-gauge shotgun
= Kaliber

4) the distance between the rails of a railway / railroad track or the wheels of a train:
e.g. standard gauge (= 56½ inches in Britain)
e.g. a narrow gauge (= narrower than standard) railway

5) [usually sing.] gauge (of sth) a fact or an event that can be used to estimate or judge sth:
e.g. Tomorrow’s game against Arsenal will be a good gauge of their promotion chances
= Gradmesser
= Massstab


1) to make a judgement about sth, especially people’s feelings or attitudes:
e.g. They interviewed employees to gauge their reaction to the changes
e.g. He tried to gauge her mood
= beurteilen
= abschätzen
= abwägen

2) to measure sth accurately using a special instrument:
e.g. precision instruments that can gauge the diameter to a fraction of a millimetre
= messen
= abmessen

3) to calculate sth approximately:
e.g. We were able to gauge the strength of the wind from the movement of the trees
= kalkulieren
dual-purpose (adjective)
that can be used for two different purposes:

e.g. a dual-purpose vehicle (= for carrying passengers or goods)
ingestion (n)
= Nahrungsaufnahme

a person who made copies of written documents before printing was invented

e.g. they were written by priestly scribes (=priesterliche Schreiber)

= Abschreiber
= Schreiber
= Schriftgelehrter
remedy (n) / (v)


1) a way of dealing with or improving an unpleasant or difficult situation
SYN = solution
e.g. There is no simple remedy for unemployment
e.g. There are a number of possible remedies to this problem

2) a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or reduce pain that is not very serious:
e.g. a herbal remedy
e.g. an excellent home remedy for sore throats

3) remedy (against sth) (law) a way of dealing with a problem, using the processes of the law
SYN = redress
e.g. Holding copyright provides the only legal remedy against unauthorized copying


to correct or improve sth
SYN = put right
e.g. to remedy a problem
e.g. his situation is easily remedied
= berichtigen
= beheben
= verbessern
scour (v)

1) scour sth (for sb/sth)
to search a place or thing thoroughly in order to find sb/sth
SYN = comb
e.g. We scoured the area for somewhere to pitch our tent
= absuchen

2) scour sth (out)
to clean sth by rubbing its surface hard with rough material:
e.g. I had to scour out the pans
= reinigen

3) scour sth (away / out) | scour sth (from / out of sth)
to make a passage, hole, or mark in the ground, rocks, etc. as the result of movement, especially over a long period:
e.g. The water had raced down the slope and scoured out the bed of a stream
defer (v)

(-rr-) to delay sth until a later time

SYN = put off

e.g. he department deferred the decision for six months
e.g. She had applied for deferred admission to college

= aufschieben
= verzögern
= abwarten
= vertagen
loom (v) / (n)


1) to appear as a large shape that is not clear, especially in a frightening or threatening way:
e.g. A dark shape loomed up ahead of us

2) to appear important or threatening and likely to happen soon:
e.g. There was a crisis looming

= auftauchen
= sich abzeichnen
= sich anbahnen
= heraufziehen (z.B. Gewitter)
= drohend näher rücken


a machine for making cloth by twisting threads between other threads which go in a different direction
= Webstuhl
ail (v)

1) (formal) to cause problems for sb/sth:
e.g. They discussed the problems ailing the steel industry
e.g. The body speaks volume about what ails it
= plagen

2) (old use) to make sb ill / sick:
e.g. What is ailing you?
= schmerzen
= kränkeln
vascular (adj)

[usually before noun] (technical) of or containing veins (= the tubes that carry liquids around the bodies of animals and plants)
= Gefäss-
= gefässbedingt

vein = Vene, Ader
discern (v) (formal)

1) to know, recognize or understand sth, especially sth that is not obvious
SYN = detect
e.g. It is possible to discern a number of different techniques in her work
e.g. He discerned a certain coldness in their welcome
e.g. It is often difficult to discern how widespread public support is
= erkennen
= feststellen
= wahrnehmen

2) to see or hear sth, but not very clearly
SYN = make out
e.g. We could just discern the house in the distance
= wahrnehmen

adjective = discernible
SYN = perceptible
e.g. There is often no discernible difference between rival brands
e.g. His face was barely discernible in the gloom
= wahrnehmbar
= erkennbar
commendable (adj)

(formal) deserving praise and approval:

e.g. commendable honesty

= lobenswert
= vorbildlich
concede (v)

(nicht verwechseln mit conceal = verstecken etc.)
1) concede sth (to sb) / concede sb sth
to admit that sth is true, logical, etc.

e.g. he was forced to concede (that) there might be difficulties
= einräumen
= zugeben
= eingestehen

2) concede sth (to sb) / concede sb sth
to give sth away, especially unwillingly; to allow sb to have sth
e.g. the president was obliged to concede power to the army
= abgeben
= gewähren
= erlauben

3) concede (defeat)
to admit that you have lost a game, an election, etc.
e.g. after losing this decisive battle, the general was forced to concede
= Zugeständnisse machen
= zugeben
propagation (n)
propagate (v) =

1) (formal) to spread an idea, a belief or a piece of information among many people:
e.g. Television advertising propagates a false image of the ideal family
= ausbreiten
= vermehren

2) (technical) to produce new plants from a parent plant:
e.g. The plant can be propagated from seed
= fortpflanzen
auto-immunisation (n)
= Selbstimmunisierung
intricacy (n)

1) in·tri·ca·cies [pl.] the ~ of sth the complicated parts or details of sth:
e.g. the intricacies of economic policy
= Komplexität
= Schwierigkeit
= Kompliziertheit

2) the fact of having complicated parts, details or patterns:
e.g. the intricacy of the design
embody (v)

1) to express or represent an idea or a quality
SYN = represent
e.g. a politician who embodied the hopes of black youth
e.g. the principles embodied in the Declaration of Human Rights
= verkörpern
= repräsentieren
= darstellen

2) (formal) to include or contain sth:
e.g. This model embodies many new features
= enthalten
posture (n) / (v)


1) the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting:
e.g. a comfortable / relaxed posture
e.g. upright / sitting / supine postures
e.g. Good posture is essential when working at the computer
= Haltung
= Körperhaltung

2) your attitude to a particular situation or the way in which you deal with it:
e.g. The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration.
= Haltung
= Stellung

posture (as sth) (formal) to pretend to be sth that you are not by saying and doing things in order to impress or trick people
vaporization (n)

(BrE also vaporisation)
verb = vaporize (BrE also vaporise)

(technical) to turn into gas; to make sth turn into gas
= verdampfen
lubricate (v)
to put a lubricant on sth such as the parts of a machine, to help them move smoothly
SYN = grease oil

= schmieren
= ölen
lubricant (n)
a substance, for example oil, that you put on surfaces or parts of a machine so that they move easily and smoothly

= Gleitmittel
= Schmiermittel
ambient (adj)

1) [only before noun] (technical) relating to the surrounding area; on all sides:
e.g. ambient temperature / light / conditions

2) (especially of music) creating a relaxed atmosphere:
e.g. a compilation of ambient electronic music
e.g. soft, ambient lighting
clout (n) / (v)


1) power and influence:
e.g. political / financial clout
e.g. I knew his opinion carried a lot of clout with them

2) (informal) a blow with the hand or a hard object
= Schlag

(informal) to hit sb hard, especially with your hand
= schlagen
levy (n) / (v)


(pl. -ies) levy (on sth) an extra amount of money that has to be paid, especially as a tax to the government:
e.g. to put / impose a levy on oil imports
= Abgabe
= Steuer
= Gebühr


(lev·ies, levy·ing, lev·ied, lev·ied) [vn] levy sth (on sb/sth) to use official authority to demand and collect a payment, tax, etc.:
e.g. a tax levied by the government on excess company profits
= erheben
= einziehen