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200 Cards in this Set

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Most tests will be ______ blood opposed to arterial blood.


The lavender tube contains which additive?


How long must a tube sit for until fully clotted?

30-60 min

The bevel of the needle should always be facing ____.


What is the most used vein and always your first choice for a blood draw?

Median Cubital Vein

Blood cultures are fine in sets of _____.

2 to 4

True or false: arteries should always be used during a venipuncture.


The rupturing and destruction of red blood cells is called ______.


The liquid portion of the blood is known as ______.


True or False: the gray top tubes only contain one additive.


Veins are _____________.

Blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart.

A tourniquet should be placed ________ above the procedure sure.

3-4 inches

______ refers to a patient that stays in the hospital under medical treatment


List the THREE main veins used in a blood draw.




What gauge needle is most commonly used in a blood draw?

21 gauge

Never leave the tourniquet on longer than _______.

1 minute

What blood drawing supplies are made out of latex?

None are made of latex

The best place to perform a venipuncture is the _________.

Anticubital Fossa

A phlebotomist only gets ___ attempts at drawing patients blood.

2 attempts

What additives are found in a gray top tube?

Sodium Fluoride/Potassium Oxalate

The needle should be placed at the puncture site at a _______ degree angle.

15 to 30 degrees

A common trauma, resulting from damage to large blood vessels and is similar in an appearance to a bruise is called ________.


The alcohol used to clean the puncture site must stay on the skin for _________.

30 seconds

List THREE ways to identify a patient.

Full name, date of birth, ID wristband

Winged tipped needles are also called ______.


What is the fluid to cellular ratio in the blood?

55% to 45%

A phlebotomist should ________ use alcohol prep pad to clean the site when testing for blood alcohol level.


True or false: silicone/silica are glass particles. They are an additive that makes blood clot.


The most common non-venous reaction is a ________.


List THREE common factors in the phlebotomists control.

Lack of blood flow

Stopping blood flow

Unable to obtain blood

The gold top tube is also called a ______ tube.


A minimum of ________mL is required per blood culture bottle.


Transfer of an additive from one tube to the next tube is called _____.

Cross contamination

Blood cultures are always drawn with a _______ needle.


The dark green tube contains which additive?

Sodium Herparin

Within ______ seconds a phlebotomist should properly invert the tubes?

30 seconds

True or false: Expired tubes can impact test results by incorrect chemical to blood volume ratio


List the FOUR sections of the arm

Volar, flexor, dorsal, wrist

Tubes are color coded to indicate which type of _______ is in them.


When verifying your patient never ask or no questions. Questions should be phrased __________.

Open endedly

Which color tube can have an additive and no additive?


Each tube contains a _________. When proper technique is used this will draw the blood from the vein into the tube.


Name THREE basic supplies used in a routine venipuncture.

Gauze, alcohol prep pad, tape

True or false: When the needle is properly in the vein, blood flow will be established. Once tubes are done filling and the needle is removed, pressure will be held on the site for the appropriate amount of time. This will result in a hematoma.


Which tube must always be full for accurate test results?

Light Blue

How long should the patient leave their pressure bandage on for after a blood draw?

15 min to an hour

Most common size of the butterfly needle is _______.

23 gauge

The device use to compress a limb to stop the flow of blood through the veins and arteries is called a _____.


What is a Sclerosed Vein?

Hardening of the veins tissue

What does QNS stand for?

Quantity not sufficient

True or False: STAT testing always takes priority over all the other testing.


What is a gauge?

Measurement of a needle

Touching a part of the body for purpose of medical examination is called _______.


Name THREE types of blood collection equipment

Table and tray, phlebotomy cart, phlebotomy chair, biohazard container

Butterfly needles are most commonly used on _______.

Pediatric and Geriatric patients

After withdrawing the needle and placing gauze on the site, you must apply pressure for _______.

3-5 minutes

The hollow interior of veins tubes is called the ______.


True or false: Tubes do not have a shelf life or expiration date that can cause them to lose their vacuum.


List the FOUR parts of the needle

Bevel, shaft, hub, rubber sleeve

The blood collection system that requires a holder and uses the vacuum of a tube to draw blood is called _______.

Evacuated Tube System

When cleaning the site for a venipuncture with alcohol, use a circular motion that increasingly moves outward as you go. Continue to make circles until you reach the outside of the patient's arm, at least _______from your intended puncture site.

4 inches

The breaking down of red blood cells, damaged during a blood draw is called _______.


Please list the correct order of draw


Light blue



Light green

Dark green




True or false: If a tourniquet is left on too long or if a patient pumps their hand too hard or fast, hemoconcentration can can occur.


Thrombosis, Phlebitis, and Thrombophlebitis are all common _______.

Venous reactions

When using a butterfly needle while drawing a light blue top tube a _______ must be drawn first.

Discard tube

What is the best example of the non evacuated system?

Syringe/hypodermic needle is used to transfer blood into proper tube.

True or false: a pink top tube contains the same additive as the lavender tube but it’s a larger volume.


What does CBC stand for?

Complete blood count

True or false: Blood collection under the skin is called a hematoma


The light green tube contains which additive?

Lithium Heparin

What does WBC stand for?

White Blood Cell

True or false: Collecting specimens in the wrong tubes, labeling/identification errors and centrifuging before the blood clots are all common causes of specimen rejection.


An occurrence in the decrease in plasma volume which increases the concentration of red blood cells is called _________.


What is always drawn first in the order of draw?

Blood cultures

An outline of conduct that a phlebotomist in the same field would abide by to ensure that any instance of malpractice would not occur is called:

Standard of Care

True or false: Vectors are the methods by which a pathogen escapes the boat and spreads disease


What should a phlebotomist do if they get a needle stick?

Wash the site with soap and water for 30 seconds

Biohazard and sharps containers are full when they reach about ______ of the way to the lid


OSHA protects workers from OPIM. What does OPIM stand for?

Other Potentially Infectious Materials

What does PPE stand for?

Personal Protective Equipment

The Patients Bill of Rights was written by who and in what year?

American Hospital Association and written in 1976

All institutions carry these key points that any patient have the right to EXCEPT….

Obtain medical records for any person that they wish and have access to all patient information, diagnoses, and results.

What is an example of malpractice?

If you are not professionally trained on how to perform a procedure and you choose to do it anyways resulting in damage.

List THREE examples of PPE

Gloves, masks, gowns

Hand hygiene is the number one way to stop the spread of infection. Always _____ and ______ before and after each patient.

Foam in and foam out

What is a Capillary Puncture?

Blood collection done via lancet (puncture of skin)

True or False: All patients must be informed as to what the procedure is and how it will be performed.


What should a phlebotomist do if they are exposed to a mucous membrane?

Flush the site with water or saline for at least 10 min

A form of indirect transmission, where a disease is carried through aerosols in the air by a sneeze, cough, or even talking is called…

Airborne Transmission

What is a host?

Someone/something that causes illness/disease and is considered contagious

Standard of Care can be found in every ______ ______ for any institution you work for.

Policy Manual

What does HIPAA Stand for?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

What year was HIPAA established?


What are two main characteristics of a phlebotomist?

Professional and Confident

What is an Exposure Control Plan?

An institutions plan on the event of an injury or exposure to meet OSHA regulations

Name TWO types of waste

Regulated and non-regulated

To be an acceptable piece of PPE all equipment must…

Fit properly, be clean and easily accessible

Name two types of containers used used in the lab

Biohazard and Sharps

Direct Transmission is…

Physical contact that causes the disease.

What is a venipuncture?

Blood collection done with a needle into the vein

True or False: Non-verbal and verbal consent are both acceptable forms of consent


What is an example of Negligence

Poor disposal of equipment that could cause an injury

What is one thing HIPAA does?

Guarantees a patient’s privacy

What is the most common injury to phlebotomists?

Needle sticks

All are Safety Protocols EXCEPT…

Contacts count as eye protection

True or False: Needle caps, gauze, and tubes are all allowed to be placed in the sharps containers.


Just one drop of blood can contain up to _____ infectious diseases.


Your institutions Exposure Control Plan should be reviewed and revised every…


What is a pathogen

Any micro-organism, bacteria, or virus that causes disease

All patients should be treated with…

Universal Precautions

What is Ethics?

A code of values and principles

What is an example of Indirect Harm?

Selecting the wrong tube for a test.

What does OSHA stand for?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

What is a nosocomial infection?

Infections that a patient contracts while at the hospital

The process of the removing a patient from the general population by the barrier to protect workers and others from their contagions is known as…


True or False: OSHA inspectors see to the safety of your workplace and ensures all employees are meeting their standards.


Which is an example of regulated waste?

Dirty needles

What is Personal Protective Equipment used for?

To create a barrier between the healthcare employee and possible threat

True or false: You should always recap your needle


What does OSHA do?

A federal agency that holds companies accountable by creating safety regulations

Any level of care that deviates from your institution’s Standard of Care and thereby causes harm to the patient is called…


Transmission of a disease that did not result from direct contact with the pathogens host is called..

Indirect transmission

What does BBP stand for?

Blood Born Pathogen

Patient information must always be kept…

Private and confidential

A phlebotomist falls under which part of the lab?

Clinical Pathology Laboratory

_______ removes waste, salt, and water from the body when the kidneys cannot.


Mastectomy protocol insists that a phlebotomist draws from the ______ side of the mastectomy.


What is another word for syncope?


True or false: Hypoglycemia is having low blood sugar


List TWO types of capillary punctures

Finger stick and heel stick

Referring to patients over the age of 65


What does TSH stand for?

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

True or False: Patients must be fasting for 8-10 hours before a blood sugar panel can be conducted.


The blood test PT (Prothrombin) and PTT (Partial Thromboplastin Times) are common tests conducted in which department?


Tubes are designed for skin puncture collection are known as _________.


What is a normal dose of glucola for an adult having a GTT?

100 grams

True or false: When performing a blood culture bottles you should clean the tops of the bottles with alcohol and let them dry for one minute.


What does NPO mean?

Nothing through the mouth

A life threatening reaction to an antigen is called ________.

Anaphylactic Shock

A puncture site should stop bleeding within ______.

5 minutes

The _______ blood culture bottle tests for organisms that grow without exposure to air.


Which color tube is usually used for therapeutic drug monitoring?


Indicate the correct area on the foot where you would perform a heel stick?

Back (Definition)

If the Allen Test is negative, what should you use?

Try the other hand

When conducting a Simplate Bleeding Time test how often do you wick the blood with the filter paper?

Every 30 seconds

Newborns have a blood volume of _______.


The flat surface of the forearm is known as the _______.


Using special blood cards, blood samples from a heel stick are placed on a filter paper and then sent to the state lab. This test is called _______.

PKU Screening

When performing a GTT, the patient has ______ to drink the full amount of the glucola drink.

5 minutes

When using iodine to clean the blood culture site, you should swab the site with the swab for ______.

2 minutes

What is the distal phalanx?

The bone at the tip of the finger

The hematology department analyzes the _________.

Whole blood

Group of tests conducted at one time from a single venipuncture are known as _______.

Blood Panels

True or False: It is acceptable to draw from a cannulas or fistula for a routine blood draw.


Which sites are prime sites for skin punctures?

Middle finger, ring finger, and heel

Name the TWO different blood culture bottles?

Aerobic and Anaerobic

What does GTT stand for?

Glucose Tolerance Test

When performing a Simplate Bleeding Time the puncture site should be _______ below antecubital bend.


What does bilirubin test for?


An autoimmune disease which causes the body to attack the joints, causing inflammation in the tissues is called _______.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

True or false: Isolation rooms have signs on the doors with specific instructions on what you can and cannot take or wear into the room


List the TWO most important protocols when drawing in the ER

Communication and Patient Identification

Used to treat cancer _________ is a form of radiation therapy where radioactive materials are placed inside the body.


_______ are small, flat, red spots caused by a tourniquet. They are not raised in appearance as some rashes but are an indicator of capillary or platelet problems.


True or False: A doctor can give consent for a patient who is in a coma.


A finger stick should never be performed on a child younger than _______.

6 months

In some obese patients their veins are deeper and harder to find. Using the ________ vein would be best in this scenario.


A platelet count, CBC and RETIC blood test would all be performed in which department?


How many minutes does it take for blood to travel through the body and back to the heart?

2 minutes

If vomiting occurs in the firs 35 minutes after administering the glucola drink during a GTT, what should you do?

Stop the test and contact the physician

You need to draw blood on your patient, but they have an IV running. The patient’s nurse needs to turn off the IV for _____ before you can draw their blood .

2-5 minutes

Accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body is called _______.


When conducting a blood culture, the specimens are drawn into a bottle with a medium that ________.

Acts as food for bacteria

A PKU screening is usually performed on _______.


If performing a GTT and the patient’s fasting sugar is ______ the physician or nurse should be notified before proceeding.

Below 80 and above 120mg/dl

During a Simplate Bleeding Time a blood pressure cuff is used. Place the blood pressure cuff on the arm above the elbow and inflate to ______.


You should always draw blood cultures with which type of needle?


What is the correct order of draw for capillary draws?

Lavender (blood gasses), Green (EDTA), Red (other additive specimens), and Yellow (serum specimens)

Using a lancet over 2.5mm to 3mm is acceptable when _________.

The fingers are callused

When performing an Allen Test, apply pressure until the band loses its pink tone, you should then release the pressure from the _______ artery to see if the hand returns to its pink color.


The incision in a finger stick should be made ______ to the fingerprints in the distal phalanx.


Which department obtains, stores, and processes blood for transfusions?

Blood Bank Department

How long do you warm the heel for before performing a heel stick?

3-5 minutes

When performing a blood culture with iodine, you should swab the area in a ______ diameter from the site?

4 inch

Both blood and urine specimens could be required during a GTT. These should be collected between ______ of each other.

5 to 10 minutes

Small bean- shaped structures that filter substances and fight infection are called ______.

Lymph nodes

True or False: A GTT can be used to diagnose adrenal insufficiency.


When an IV is running, before drawing a sample has a discard tube at least ______. If the test is being conducted is for coagulation, a discard tube of _____ should be used.

5 to 7mL / 10 20mL

A neurological disorder that causes abnormal electrical activity within the brain and causes sudden recurrent episodes is called _______.


True or false: If a patient is allergic to shellfish, it is acceptable to use iodine to clean the site for a routine blood draw.


The study and treatment of cancer is called ______.


A 6-8 pound baby cannot lose more than ______ of blood at any given time.


True or false: Larger tubes are a better choice for small veins. This helps the vein from blowing.


Blood Cultures are used to detect TWO conditions in the blood. What are they?

Septicemia and Baceriamia

Which department tends to be the largest in the hospital laboratory?


True or False: Sclerosed and hard cordlike veins are the best choice for a venipuncture site.


All culture specimens, sensitivity testing, and gram staining is handled in this department.


What does GTT test for?

A patient’a ability to release insulin and dispose of glucose.

Name the department that handles the testing of urine specimens.

Urinalysis Department