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178 Cards in this Set

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مفتي سوار ماشين شدن

اوتو استاپ زدن

to travel to places by getting free rides from drivers of passing cars


طبيعت دست نخورده ، بيابان،

a large area of land that has never been developed or farmed:

the Alaskan wilderness

2. a place that seems no longer used or cared for by anyone:


زورق باريك، بلم، قايق

a long light boat that is pointed at both ends and which you move along using a paddle

paddle your own canoe at


نخ محكم، ريسمان

THREAD [uncountable and countable] a strong thread made of several threads twisted together, used for tying or fastening things rope:


GROUP/SERIES [countable]

a) a number of similar things or events coming one after another SYN series


همبستگس، همخواني، سازگاري، پيوستگي


تكه، قطعه، قطعه اي بزرگ

a large thick piece of something that does not have an even shape:


وابسته به ناي، نايژه اي

Bronchial troubles


دو رويي


دلجويي كردن

فرو نشاندن

make someone less angry or stop them from attacking you by giving them what they want:


كم اشتياق

ولرم، نيم گرم

food, liquid etc that is lukewarm is slightly warm and often not as hot or cold as it should be SYN tepid:

She sipped some lukewarm coffee from her mug.

2. not showing much interest or excitement:

His idea got only a lukewarm response from the


سريام آور، گيج كننده

extremely great or surprising SYN amazing:




خائنانه، فريبكارانه،

an insidious change or problem spreads gradually without being noticed, and causes serious harm:



مست کردن



با این وجود



Point of contention

مانع سر راه

The thing that people are arguing over


1. [countable] formal a strong opinion that someone expresses

sb’s contention that

Her main contention is that doctors should do more to encourage healthy eating.

2. [uncountable] formal argument and disagreement between people

source/area/point of contention

The issue of hunting is a source of contention. bone of contention at bone1(5)

3. in contention having a chance of winning something:

Owen’s goal kept England in contention.

4. out of contention no longer having a chance of


Pulmonary diseases

ریوی-وابسته به ریه

بیماری های ریوی

This is Formal in writing , NOT “lung diseases”


Between13-19 years old



a young person, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, who is developing into an adult









بالا بردن، ترفيع دادن، بهتر كردن

move someone or something to a more important level or rank, or make them better than before SYN raise:

Language has elevated humans above the other animals.

elevate somebody/something to something

Their purpose is to elevate AIDS to the top of government priorities.

2. technical to lift so






all the people who live together in one house SYN house:

household2 BrE AmE adjective [only before noun]

1. relating to looking after a house and the people in it SYN domestic


بیهوده، بیثمر

actions that are futile are useless because they have no chance of being successful SYN pointless OPP worthwhile


صداي همهمه يا غوغا

Din of civilazation



با قايق رفتن


o move slowly on water or in the air

to move, change, or do something without any plan or purpose



to fall down quickly and suddenly, especially with a rolling movement

to move in an uncontrolled way

f prices or figures tumble, they go down suddenly and by a large amount:

Oil prices have tumbled.


to settle into a warm comfortable position

جاي گرم و نرم جستن

به اغوش كسي پناه اوردن

Snuggle down into feather-stuffed chairs



از پر پوشيده شدن



Very many

بسيار، فراوان، ده ها هزار


جلو پيشرفت را گرفتن

هنر نمايي، كار نمايشي ، تردستي اجرا كردن

to stop something or someone from growing to their full size or developing properly:




گل لاله

گل نرگس



كلبه، هتل،

جايي گير كردن، در خود جا دادن

to make a formal or official complaint, protest etc

omething become stuck OPP dislodge

to put something important in an official place so that it is safe

lodge something with somebody

1. a small house on the land of a large country house, usually at the main entrance gate

2. a room or small building at the entrance to a college, institution etc for someone whose job is to watch who enters and leaves:

the porter’s lodge

3. a house or hotel in the country or mountains where people can stay when they want to go hunting, shooting etc


دراز كشيدن ،لم دادن، استراحتگاه



گمراه,منحرف شده,گمراه كردن

o be lost or stolen:

The letter had gone astray in the post.

b) if a plan or action goes astray, it goes wrong:

The best-laid plans can go astray.

2. lead somebody astray

a) to encourage someone to do bad or illegal things that they would not normally do:

The older boys led him astray.

b) to make someone believe something that is not true:




آبياري كردن



كلبه، هتل،

جايي گير كردن، در خود جا دادن

to make a formal or official complaint, protest etc

omething become stuck OPP dislodge

to put something important in an official place so that it is safe

lodge something with somebody

1. a small house on the land of a large country house, usually at the main entrance gate

2. a room or small building at the entrance to a college, institution etc for someone whose job is to watch who enters and leaves:

the porter’s lodge

3. a house or hotel in the country or mountains where people can stay when they want to go hunting, shooting etc


دراز كشيدن ،لم دادن، استراحتگاه


گمراه,منحرف شده,گمراه كردن

o be lost or stolen:

The letter had gone astray in the post.

b) if a plan or action goes astray, it goes wrong:

The best-laid plans can go astray.

2. lead somebody astray

a) to encourage someone to do bad or illegal things that they would not normally do:

The older boys led him astray.

b) to make someone believe something that is not true:



آبياري كردن


Inasmuch as

زيرا، آنقدر كه

used to explain the way in which what you are saying is true:


used to say that although something is true of one thing, it is not true of another:

used at the beginning of an official document to mean ‘because of a particular fact’

نظر به اينكه،از آنجا كه

درحالي كه، از سوي ديگر


causing harm or damage SYN harmful, damaging


جالب توجه

It is also noteworthy that


the negative part or disadvantage of something OPP upside:

It has various downsides







توانگر، ثروتمند، دارای سطح زندگی بالا

Affluent families


the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.

Get accustomed



] something that is done by people in a particular society because it is traditional tradition

local/ancient/French etc custom

The guide offers information on local customs.

it is the custom (for somebody) to do something

It’s the custom for the bride’s father to pay for the wedding.

the custom of doing something

The custom of naming women after flowers is becoming less common.

2. [singular] formal something that you usually do every day, or in a particular situation SYN habit:

He awoke early, as was his custom.

3. customs [plural]

a) the place where your bags are checked for illegal goods when you go into a country immigration:


متفاوت ناهمگون

People have divergent attitudes towards .....

People are glued to their cellphone and tablets


As a case in point,

For example

Has enriched our lives in many ways


Traffic congestion in many cities around the world is sever




something someone does, especially something that is very good or very bad:

Nevertheless, there are some drawbacks to such a deed


Impose heavy taxes


This essay will shed more light on these two viewpoints



1. if similar things diverge, they develop in different ways and so are no longer similar:

The two species diverged millions of years ago.

Global growth rates are diverging markedly.

2. if opinions, interests etc diverge, they are different from each other

I am of the opinion of that....



causing problems or additional work:

کمرشکن خسته کننده

These charges are particularly burdensome for poor


if you are obliged to do something, you have to do it because the situation, the law, a duty etc makes it necessary

oblige somebody to do something

The minister was obliged to report at least once every six months.

Circumstances had obliged him to sell the business.

feel obliged to do something (=fe


something that is compulsory must be done because it is the law or because someone in authority orders you to voluntary

Against their will

بر خلاف علاقه شان

Continues to grow



Protective ozone layer


Wind, water, or solar power



causing harm or damage SYN harmful, damaging


to get better again after an illness or injury SYN recover

Recuperate and restore our bodies


piece of skin that covers your eye when it is closed



to make a situation, attitude etc, especially a bad one, continue to exist for a long time:

تداوم بخشیدن، زنده نگه داشتن

مخصوصا مسایل بد

From people’s perspective



mentioned before in an earlier part of a document, article, book etc:


mentioned before in an earlier part of a document, article, book etc:

Despite aforementioned disadvantages



extremely important and needing to be done or dealt with immediately:


causing a lot of argument and disagreement between people SYN controversial


more powerful, more common, or more easily noticed than others:

the predominant group in society

In this painting, the predominant colour is black.



more important than anything else:



not involved in a particular situation, and therefore able to give a fair opinion or piece of advice SYN fair OPP biased:




تنفر از زنان

کسی که از زنان متنفر است


completely unreasonable or silly SYN absurd:

.... is a recipe for disaster



1. a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal conspire

conspiracy to do something

He was charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage.

conspiracy against

a conspiracy against the government

There were many conspiracy theories (=beliefs that something is the result of a conspiracy) surrounding Princess Diana’s death.

2. conspiracy of silence an agreement not to talk about something, even though it should not be a secret:

There’s often a conspiracy of silence surrounding bullying in schools.

Some do not believe these arguments stand up to scrutiny

Replace for

How ever some others believe that

In second paragraph of discuss both views

On the planet







Shortened lifespan




استعداد شایستگی

1. natural ability or skill, especially in learning

aptitude for

He has a natural aptitude for teaching.

2. aptitude test a test that measures your natural skills or abilities


مرز محدودیت

. LIMIT to keep someone or something within the limits of a particular activity or subject SYN restrict

KEEP SOMEBODY IN A PLACE to keep someone in a place that they cannot leave, such as a prison

confine somebody to something

Any soldier who leaves his post will be confined to barracks (=made to stay in the barracks).

be confined in something

He was allegedly confined in a narrow dark room for two months.

3. STOP SOMETHING SPREADING to stop something bad from spreading to another place


intransitive and transitive] to become or make something become smaller or less SYN reduce:

The party’s share of the electorate has diminished steadily.

These drugs diminish blood flow to the brain.

2. [transitive] to deliberately make someone or something appear less important or valuable than they really are:

Don’t let him diminish your achievements.

But that’s not to diminish the importance of his


Exquisite point

extremely beautiful and very delicately made:

the most exquisite craftsmanship

2. very sensitive and delicate in the way you behave or do things:

She has exquisite taste in art.

3. literary exquisite pain or pleasure is felt very

Independent traveler


Taken literally, independent travel means any trip that you organise by yourself – booking your own accommodation, transport and itinerary as opposed to going somewhere as part of a holiday package.Sep 9, 2015

Long-haul flight

Route category lengths tend to define short-haul routes as being shorter than 600–800 nmi (1,100–1,500 km), long-haul as being longer than 2,200–2,600 nmi (4,100–4,800 km), and medium-haul as being in-between.

Culture shock

1-eating habits

2- language barriers

3- social conventions (ceremonies)

Palm-fringed beach


Palm-fringed beach


Eco-tourism holiday

All-inclusive holiday



short journey arranged so that a group of people can visit a place, especially while they are on holiday

excursion to

Included in the tour is an excursion to the Grand Canyon.

on an excursion

We went on an excursion to the Pyramids.

2. a short journey made for a particular purpose SYN trip:


تبرئه کردن

Environmental degeneration


Clearing huge areas of forests


Industrial waste



someone or something that is indispensable is so important or useful that it is impossible to manage without them SYN essential

indispensable to

This book is indispensable to anyone interested in space exploration.

indispensable for/in (doing) something

Meat is not indispensable for maintaining a healthy diet.

Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives.

Personality development


Role model

Parents for children

Go stray


To go stray when they grow up

to move away from the place you should be

stray into/onto/from

Three of the soldiers strayed into enemy territory.

2. to begin to deal with or think about a different subject from the main one, without intending to

stray into/onto/from

We’re straying into ethnic issues here.

This meeting is beginning to stray from the point.

3. if your eyes stray, you begin to look at something else, usually without intending to

stray to/back/over etc

Her eyes strayed to the clock.

4. to start doing something that is wrong or immoral, when usually you do not do this

II. stray2 BrE AmE adjective [only before noun]

1. a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home

2. accidentally separated from other things of the same


a small group, society, or place that has the same qualities as a much larger one macrocosm


a small group, society, or place that has the same qualities as a much larger one macrocosm

The school is microcosm of a universe



o teach someone to think, behave, or feel in a particular way over a period of time

instil confidence/fear/discipline etc into somebody

A manager’s job is to instil determination into his players.

قطره قطره اموزش دادن

ذره ذره وارد کردن/یاد دادن

Social commitment

Moral development


Social skills

Social responsibility


Learn by parents or schools

Children learn family value unconsciously

Bringing up good citizens

Students are Learning in schools Cooperation and compromise



someone who is impressionable is easily influenced, especially because they are young:

The kids are at an impressionable age.


1. impossible to remove or forget SYN permanent:

Her words left an indelible impression on me for years to come.

2. indelible ink/pencil/marker etc ink etc that makes a permanent mark which cannot be removed

—indelibly adverb:

a moment indelibly imprinted on my mind

Tremendous respect


To conclude, several factors contribute to the alarming increase of crimes all over the world


Introduction: there is no denying the fact that ....


Gender equality

Gender equality, equality between men and women, entails the concept that all human beings, both men and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices. Gender equality means that the different behaviour, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally. It does not mean that women and men have to become the same, but that their rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs. This may include equal treatment or treatment that is different but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations and opportunities.

Gender equality

Gender equality, equality between men and women, entails the concept that all human beings, both men and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices. Gender equality means that the different behaviour, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally. It does not mean that women and men have to become the same, but that their rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs. This may include equal treatment or treatment that is different but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations and opportunities.

Gender neutrality

Gender neutrality (adjective form: gender-neutral), also known as gender-neutralism or the gender neutrality movement, describes the idea that policies, language, and other social institutions should avoid distinguishing roles according to people's sex or gender, in order to avoid discrimination arising from the impression that there are social roles for which one gender is more suited than another.

In this age of globalization, most schools encourage their students to become proficient in some foreign language


In this age of globalization, most schools encourage their students to become proficient in some foreign language


To conclude, in my view, learning a foreign language is the need of the hour


In this age of globalization, most schools encourage their students to become proficient in some foreign language


To conclude, in my view, learning a foreign language is the need of the hour


Cognitive gaps

From time to time, movement is blocked by the perception of a cognitive gap – a situation that the person is unable to make sense of. To bridge this gap, the person seeks information to make new sense and uses the information to help her continue her journey.


extreme political or religious beliefs – used to show disapproval SYN extremism:

The bombing symbolizes the worst of religious fanaticism.

In the face of high speed change



an idea or opinion that is wrong, especially about yourself delusion

illusion that

They suffer from the illusion that they cannot solve their problems.

She was under no illusion that he loved her.

It is an illusion that the Arctic is dark in winter.

She had no illusions about her physical attractiveness.

‘I hate to shatter your illusions,’ he said.

2. something that seems to be different from the way it really is

illusion of

He was unlikely to be satisfied with the illusion of power.

give/create an illusion

The mirrors in the room gave an illusion of greater space.

Credit creates the illusion that you can own things without paying for them.

optical illusion


an idea or opinion that is wrong, especially about yourself delusion

illusion that

They suffer from the illusion that they cannot solve their problems.

She was under no illusion that he loved her.

It is an illusion that the Arctic is dark in winter.

She had no illusions about her physical attractiveness.

‘I hate to shatter your illusions,’ he said.

2. something that seems to be different from the way it really is

illusion of

He was unlikely to be satisfied with the illusion of power.

give/create an illusion

The mirrors in the room gave an illusion of greater space.

Credit creates the illusion that you can own things without paying for them.

optical illusion


indispensable /ˌɪndɪˈspensəbəl/ BrE AmE adjective

someone or something that is indispensable is so important or useful that it is impossible to manage without them SYN essential

indispensable to

This book is indispensable to anyone interested in space exploration.

indispensable for/in (doing) something

Meat is not indispensable for maintaining a healthy diet.

Mobile phones have bec


a mental illness that makes someone stop eating

کم اشتهایی


Like”on the other hand”

used when one situation is the opposite of another:

American consumers prefer white eggs; conversely, British buyers like brown eggs.

Come out of your comfort zone


Come out of your comfort zone


Devastating implication

Negative effects



Innate talent

استعداد ذاتی

Syn: inborn talent




a plan that states exactly what students at a school or college should learn in a particular subject curriculum

Education for children

Being out their hidden talents


Die to advancement in healthcare ...


Increasing life spans


Life expectancy is increasing

1- olds are not productive

2- financial pressure on government exchequer

3- less jobs for Youngers

4-not healthy and happy lives because of age


Generation gap


Carefree and casual attitude


Youngers :

Self-centred > divorcees

Eating habit( fast-foods)

Entrepreneurial (risk takers)


Decent salary > well-being , confidence , social standing

Job satisfaction, sense of achievement ,


Less time with family



Parents are the first and foremost influence on any child.


Ready food

Hook: the modern lifestyle and hectic schedule are encouraging people to consume......



Variety of tastes


Full if calories

Have additive substances


Working mother and juvenile delinquency



Uneven distribution of wealth

Lack of education


Use too much computer

-health (sedentary )

-education will suffer

-skills for jobs

-help with their study( well updated knowledge)



Inform customers

Make the outdoor environments and magazines beautiful

Newspapers and tvs wont survive without the money coming from ads

Finding jobs, selling homes,


Get to know each other

Same abilities

Healthy attitude of life

Sexual deviation

Focus(mischief ) بازیگوشی

Segregated schools


International car-free days


Less fossil fuels

Public transportation

Other factories that emit green gases

This tendency is likely to be profitable

Topic sentence

The idea of providing ....... has become quite fashionable


Nevertheless, there appear to be potential shortcomings stemming from this trend.

Topic sentence 2

It is unquestionable that there are several benefits of....

However, .... could cause various disadvantages for ....

Advantages disadvantages

It is natural that both genders(sexes) possess distinct features


Women now compete and cooperate with men in almost all walks of life and they have proved their abilities, too.


Women and men

Battle of the sexes( power struggle)

Agree -1 physical characteristics 2- mental characteristics

Disagree-1 no sex discrimination

2- with current educations and freedom now women are more versatile and decision makers

And men are more patient and accurate

Which make them both appropriate for majority of jobs they have not had before

Education plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of a person.

It is Thought that studying at university is everyone’s right and all tuition should be fully paid by government(authorities) .


It us believed that higher education

-1 increasing number of students( lack of jobs, and low quality teachers)

2- high costs for governments( so bankruptcy or imposing more taxes)

3- less people to do manual jobs

1- society benefits fro more well-educated citizens

2- equal opportunities

3-avoid private institution to exploit students by charging hefty fee


Writing task 1

In spite of contentment

the state of being happy and satisfied OPP discontent:


Not fresh

Bread and salad were stale

Abdominal discomfort

Meat was tough and undercooked or overcooked

Writing task 1

Taking into consideration above said

Recommendation in task 1

I am writing in connection with a ...

Task 1 introduction

I am writing to you to express my appreciation

Basically, .... happened

I hope my letter highlights to you the excellent employee skills Ms. ,,,, I will again try your service and recommend it to ...

Task 1