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24 Cards in this Set

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conscience (noun)

kon'sh ns
def. sense of right and wrong; moral sense

After he stole the money, he had a guilty conscience and returned it.
manuscript (noun, adjective)

man'y -skript`
def.1.n.the original text of a book or article before publication 2.adj.referring to writing done by hand

The author's book manuscript was sent to the editor right after author finished it.
colloquial (adjective)

k -lo'kwe- l
def. informal conversation or expression

Black people use a colloquial english almost, not a formal one.
revoke (verb)

def. to cancel or withdraw

A judge revoked the driver's license of a man who caused many accidents.
epigram (noun)

def. a short, clever saying, often in rhyme

When we have a trouble, elders tell us some epigrams that fit in those situation.
monologue (noun)

mon' -log`
def. a speech or performance by one person

He was so nervous at the front of his classroom, brcause he was giving a presentation by himself and it was a monologue.
inscription (noun)

in-skrip'sh n
def.1.carving or writing on a surface 2. a signed message on a picture or in a book

Some popular books have an inscription which are signed by authors.
affect (verb)

def. to have an influence on; to change

Thesedays, cars affect air pollution.
edict (noun)

def. an order or decree

If he thinks John as a friend, he should've asked him a favor, not an edict.
loquacious (adjective)

li-kwa'sh s
def.very talkative

One of my friends is so loquacious, so we don't have to talk but just listen to him.
demographic (adjective)

dem` -graf'ik
def. referring to the study of population characteristics

The demographics of LA show a great variety of people.
infer (verb)

def. to conclude; to guess

Many detectives have ability to infer so that they can solve the causes of crime.
contradict (verb)

kon`tr -dikt'
def. to say or put forth the opposite of something

Those two people contradict about one problem, one says "agree" and other says "disagree."
prologue (noun)

def.1.the introduction to a literary or artistic work 2.an introductory event

There is always a prologue song in the first track of singers' album, which can introduce about it.
graphic (adjective)

def.1.referring to drawings or artistic writng 2.described vividly or clearly

The victim explained the attack in graphic detail, so I thought that I was one of them.
invoke (verb)

def. to call in assistance; to call upon

Through prayer, she invoked the help of God to cure her sick brother.
advocate (verb, noun)

ad'v -kat`

ad'v -kit
def.1.v.to urge publicly; to recommend 2.n.a person who publicly urges a cause

He is an advocate of childrens' rights because he loves children and wants to help them.
vociferous (adjective)

vo-sif' r- s
def. crying out noisily; speaking loudly

He was very vociferous about errors which were made by his son on exams.
transcribe (verb)

def.1.to make a complete written copy 2.to copy something into another form

Secretaries transcribed tapes of a meeting into documents.
dictator (noun)

dik'ta-t r
def. a ruler with total authority

He thought he can also rule people in his country, because his dad was a dictator.
conscious (adjectiove)

kon'sh s
def. aware; awake

The salesman is conscious of the fact that he must increase sales.
ecology (noun)

i-kol' -je
def. the relationship of living things and their environment; the study of this relationship

If you want to understand ecology, you have to know the importance of environment.
effect (noun)

def. a result

If there is cause, effect always comes with it.
imply (verb)

def. to suggest; to say something indirectly

Poems never tells meaning directly but always implies.