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29 Cards in this Set

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Causes of WWI
Causes of WWI
1. Long term cause
• Shift in the European balance of power
• Armaments race (stock pilling weapons)
• Alliance systems
Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy, Austria Hungary)
Triple Entente (England, France, Russia)
2. Immediate Cause
• Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 28 1914)
• He was the 2nd in line to the throne of Austria Hungary

Austria Hungary sends a series of demands to Serbia, and Germany is going to back Austria Hungary. Russia is backing Serbia
Woodrow Wilson
1914- War begins
President Woodrow Wilson (reelected in 1916)
Wilson was an idealist in foreign policies and his views of the world. Wanted “open world” without imperialism. Wilson declared neutrality, America was going to stay out of the war.
Did America favor one side? Yes, they favored the Triple Entente

Germany declares the borders around England a war zone. Germany begins submarine war fare and warned neutral vessels to stay out of the war zone.

Wilson’s response: America would hold Germany strictly accountable for any loss of American lives or property.
Luisitania: passenger ship, owned by Britain, sent to leave New York May 1 1915. Transporting 1200 passengers, most were British, carrying military supplies.

May 7th the Luisitania was sunk by a German submarine.
Wilson threatens “end submarine warfare or else”
Germany’s response “we had right to attack the Luisitania. Referred to the Germans as the Huns because they were barbaric.
Sussex (French) passenger vessel attacked by another submarine. Wilson gives ultimatum ‘end warfare against passenger vessels, or America would sever diplomatic relations”
Germany responded with Sussex pledge “Germany would not attack passenger or merchant vessels without warning them first’
Coming to the surface constitutes as a warning
Zimmerman Note
Feb 1917 England intercepted a coded message known as the Zimmerman Telegram, German foreign minister to Mexico and turned it over to the US. It was making a proposal to Mexico if they get involved Germany will help get the territory back that the US got from Mexico.
14 points
Nov 1918- end of war
Jan 1918 pres Wilson outlined to congress how he wanted the peace treaty to be based on.
He wanted them to be based on the 14 points
• Points 1-5: Open world
-open diplomacy, freedom of the seas, Arms reduction
• Points 6-13: self determination
-self determination for Russian people, autonomy for subjected nationalities of Ottoman Empire, Polish Corridor, etc.
• Point 14: Creation for a general association of nations
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles- treaty that ended the war. Wilson wanted it based on 14 points. Germany and Austria-Hungary were punished harshly. German Army=100,000 war reparations= $30 billion. Treaty included point 14, which was the creation of international cooperation of nations. Named the League of Nations. They would enforce the treaty.
League of Nations
Treaty included point 14, which was the creation of international cooperation of nations. Named the League of Nations. They would enforce the treaty.

*Side note* in constitution
Pres makes treaties, Congress/senate ratify treaties with a 2/3 vote

Republicans did not like League of Nations. Wanted them to be “isolationists’ in their foreign policy. March 1920 congress votes on treaty. Senate did not ratify the treaty.
July 1921 congress officially ends war
Aug 1921 congress accepts a different treaty, they eliminated the League of Nations.

Americans foreign policy-isolationist
American govt-more conservative
World wide peace movement America was apart it
America becomes anti immigrant
First Red Scare
1919- Fear of communism coming into the US, known as the First Red Scare
Communist revolution in Russia
First red scare in Seattle, Washington. Series of strikes, city is paralyzed. Mayor Ole Hanson, blamed it on communist

April 1919 ole Hanson received a bomb package in the mail. Blamed it on communists. Bombs were being sent to prominent American figures.
June 1919 bombers hand delivered bomb to attorney general A. Mitchell palmer, blew off the porch, Italian anarchists form Philadelphia are the bombers

Palmer begins a series of raids. Jan 2, 1920 to take up suspected communists. Took 5000 people in to custody.
Emergency Quotes Act
1920s congress passes series of laws that limit immigration.
Emergency quotes act
Formula: 1921: 3% 1920 census

Congress revises formula (national origins act)
Formula 1924: 2% of 1890 census
Sacco Venzetti Case
Sacco Venzetti case: two Italian immigrants acknowledged anarchists. Arrested for murder outside Boston May 1920. A lot of prejudice in case
Trial 1921
Convicted and sentenced to be executed in 1927. Riots at US embassies all over the world
Warren Harding
America becoming more conservative
Warren Harding elected in 1920- from Ohio, was in the newspaper business, then politics, Ohio state legislature, Governor of Ohio, then to the senate. Died while in office, Scandalous administration
Washington Naval Conference
Washington Naval Conference
-Prevent an arms race, reduce naval arms
-3 largest navies: England, USA, Japan
-Held in Washington, opens November 1921, carries over to 1922. Secretary of State Charles Evan Hughes, in charge of foreign policy and is host of the conference
-US us going to eliminate 30 vessels from its navy, 23 from the British, 25 from Japan.
-Intended to accomplish something

Ten Year Moratorium on construction of Capital Vessels, Battleships.
Limited how much in tonnage the countries could have in battleships. There was no one put in charge to in force this. Came to some agreement about the limit of arms.

Fits in with the world wide “Peace Movement”
Teapot Dome Scandal
Teapot Dome Scandal
-Came to symbolizes his administration
-Involves secretary of the Interior, Albert Fall
-Asked for transfer of control of this land to him. It was located in Wyoming, on reserve, no one can touch it. It had oil.
-begins to lease land out to the major oil companies
-his explanation was “best interest of the US. Receives 400,000”
-Senate investigates, leases to oil companies eliminated
-Fall edited for bribery. Acquitted of bribery, convicted of purgery.
Calvin Coolidge
Harding died in office. Notable event. Summer of 1923- left for Alaska, suffered from heart condition, caught pneumonia, ptomaine poisoning, and then died. Last person to see him was his wife.

Calvin Coolidge-office in 1923, takes over after Harding dies. From Massachusetts, mayor of town, Governor of Massachusetts, credited with breaking Boston policy strike. Made him nationally known.

1924-Elected president
Slogan “Keep cool with Coolidge” Begins to clean up the republican party and the white house. More interested in Wallstreet.
Another international Agreement. Kellogg-Briond Act (1928)- Frank Kellogg, secretary of state, Briond was the French Forigen Minister. He approaches the US about agreement, French propose a bi-lateral agreement

Not interested in Formal alliance with any country, gets changed into all countries in the world. It became a universal agreement. 62 countries signed the agreement. The intent was to outlaw war. The statement of principle was “we oppose war”
Senate had to ratify. Kellogg awarded Nobel Peace Prize for his agreement.
Scopes Monkey Trial
1925- passed law that prohibited Evolution taught in schools. The American Civil liberties Union not pleased. Wants to find teacher who will intentionally teach evolution so that they could get into the courts.

Scopes Monkey trial-John Scopes agreed to teach evolution, knew he was going to court.
Prosecution brings William J Bryan, which was the biggest politician good speaker and orator
Defense brings Clarence Darrow which was the most famous defense attorney in 1925.
Takes place in Rhea County in 1925, “Circus Environment”
Trial begins with Prayer. Would not allow scientific technology,
High Point: calls up William Jenings Bryan
Darrow asks a lot of questions that Bryan cant answer
Judge wipes out Bryans testimony
Found Scopes guilty, overturned conviction on technicality, 5 days after trial Bryan Dies.
Herbert Hoover
Herbert Hoover-obvious choice, worked in mines, wrote standard book for mining, studied geology, aided in relief efforts in WWI, served in Harding and Coolidge’s cabinets. 1928- the “perfect” man for president, known as the great engineer. Wins election.
Economy begins to collapse while he is in office.
Stock Market Crash & The Great Depression
1920s-stock market doing well, called a “bull”. When stock market is doing bad, its called a bear.
Continuous rise in the stock Market
-when values of stock increase, more people will go out and buy
-banks were very liberal at loaning money
-confidence the stock market will rise

Declining begins September 4 1929
Stock Market Crash Not a one day event, crash doesn’t end until July 1932 (hit rock bottom) 3 year event. Only 2 ½ Americans invested in stock market. America goes into recession. The stock market crash DID NOT cause the Great Depression. Late 1930s, start of the Great Depression

The Crash along with other declining factors caused a recession, then to a depression. Unemployment skyrocketed

Banking Crisis- people are lining up to get their money out of the bank. If the bank has given out all the money, the bank has failed and you have lost your money. This turns the recession into a depression.
Reconstruction Finance Coorporation
1932- reconstruction Finance Cooporation: Hoover agreed and signed. Federal government provided relief, they provided loans to business to avoid bankruptcy. Did nothing to get America out of the Depression..
Franklin Roosevelt
1932 Election-Franklin Roosevelt won election. People did not like Hoover because he was blamed for depression. FDR distantly related to TR. Very similar. He was a democrat, contracted polio, diabled for the rest of life, elected president 4 terms.
New Deal
Plan to get out of Depression: New Deal.
3 R’s
Relief: immediate assistance
Recovery: legislation giving long term assistance
Reform: legislation prevent something like this again
March 5th: bank holiday, he closes all banks
March 9th: congress meets, creates new deal
First thing they must do is deal with the banks
Banking Relief Act
Congress passes Banking Relief Act
House passes act, then the senate, Roosevelt signed it all within 8 hrs.
-The treasury department would send agents to banks all over the country to inspect the ledgers, those banks who were fiscally sound would be permitted to be open.

All banks were said to be open on the 13th. March 12th- Roosevelt goes on the radio (known as Fireside chats) to talk to the people about the banks. He urged people to put their money back into the banks. More people put money back in than taking it out. Within a week 90% of banks were open.
Glass Steggall Banking Act (1933)
Glass Steggall Banking Act (1933)
-Created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), insures bank deposits, up to $2500. Reformed legislation.
FDR- uses government to provide relief. Creates agencies. Perfected the art of defecit spending to fund his agencies.

Agencies-All created in 1933 (March 9-June 16)
CCC: Civilian Conservation Core, designed to provide employment for young men ages 18-25, conservation projects. Paid $25 a month, 20 went back home, you got to keep 5. Very similar to the army. Provided relief
FERA: Federal Emergency relief Agency
1. provided grants to people who needed it
2. Public works projects: created jobs, example of relief
AAA- Agricultural Adjustment Act
-relief for farmers
1. Over production
2. not making enough
-restore farm prices by cutting back production
-Participation was voluntary
-In return, you would get a benefit payment (farm subsidy)
-Funded by the tax on the processors of farm product
-declared unconstitutional in 1936 b/c of this tax
NRA- National Recovery Administration
-legislation for industry. Place quota on production, wrote codes of competition, how industry was supposed to operate.
-1935 declared unconstitutional
-1938 new deal loses its momentum
-1939 FDR stopped creating agencies
Side Notes
The New Deal did not get US out of Depression
WWII got America out of depression

Opposistion of New Deal
1. supreme court- opposition to New deal, FDR wants to “punish” supreme court
1937- Court packing-attempt to reform Judicial system. For each justice 70 or older would appoint another justice.