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9 Cards in this Set

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How did Clausewitz's theories influence German strategy in World War 2 (1940)
German planning followed Clausewitz idea of
"the best strategy is always to be very strong; first in general and then at the decisive point."
German tanks were concentrated at breakthrough points "Schwerpunkten"
How is Operation Yellow an example of German strategic planning?
Schwerpunkt consisted of three points on Meuse through the Ardennes.
7 of 10 Panzer divisions were grouped
1800 of 2300 tanks.
How far could tanks travel in World War 2 in comparision to 1918?
World War 2 = 900 miles
World War 1 = 18 miles
What were German tactics in the early years of the Second World War?
1. Reconaissance by aircraft, armoured cars and motorcycles.
2. Bombardment by Stuka planes and artillery.
3. Offensive by tanks, supported by infantry, engineers and SP anti-tank guns
How much fuel did it take to provide for a Panzer division?
1000 gallons per mile.
Demonstrates the logistical problems of Blitzkrieg, particularly at Operation Barbarossa in 1941.
What was Operation Barbarossa, 1941?
Involved 3.8 million personnel.
Failed to conquer Russia.
Hitler decided to attack Stalingrad and the oil fields instead of concentrating attack.
General Zhukov used the streets of Stalingrad to his disadvantage. German tanks could not fit, German bombers would not bomb German soldiers.
How many miles did the Soviets retreat in Operation Barbarossa?
500 to 600 miles.
What was the Battle of Britain?
1000 German warplanes 1600 bombers.
British have 900 Hurricanes and Spitfires.
Hitler's decision to bomb civilian centers, instead of destroying the RAF bases gave Briton fighting chance.
Radar contributed to Britain's victory.
What was the Battle of Stalingrad?
Hitler divides his soldiers to attack Stalingrad and oilfields.
General Zhukov uses streets of Stalingrad to his advantage against German tanks and planes.
80% of Soviet soldiers killed or wounded, 90% of Stalingrad lost.
Snipers kill German soldiers and officers.
300,000 Germans trapped in Stalingrad by Soviets in "Kessel". 800 cargo planes with 300 tons of food sent to supply trapped army - bad decision.