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58 Cards in this Set

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In which country did Jainism begin?


What does the word "jina" mean?

Spiritual Conqueror

Draw and explain the main symbol of Jainism. What is the word for nonviolence in Jainism?

Hand with the wheel in the middle.

The wheel stands for the resolve to halt the samsara through the relentless pursuit of Ahimsa.

nonviolence = Ahimsa

What is the name of the Jain scriptures?


Which two kinds of food may Jains not eat?

Meat and rooted vegetables

Who was the 24th Tirthankara in the present cycle of existence? When did this person live?

Lord Mahavira

599-527 B.C.

What are the names of the two main Jain sects? How are they different from each other?

Digambara and Svetambara

They disagree on details about the life of Mahavira

Give me two similarities between Jainism and Buddhism

Both rejected Hindu Caste

Both emphasized the practice of meditation

Give two differences between Jainism and Buddhism

Many buddhists are vegetarians, all Jains are strict vegetarians

Buddhism began in India but quickly spread, while Jainism stayed in India

Shintoism is the native religion in which country?


Who are the kami? What is the word Shintoists use for "communication between the kami and humans"?

Gods and goddesses, spirits in nature, souls of ancestors, and great people (such as emperor)


What is the name of the gate before a Shinto Shrine? Draw what it looks like.



What is the Chinese form of Confucius' name? What was his profession? When did he live?

Kung Fu-Tzu

He taught history and good government

He lived from 551-479 B.C.

What was the major problem in China during the time of Confucius?

People were killing one another

What is the difference between the way the Realists, Mo Tzu, and Confucius proposed to solve the social problems of ancient China?

Realists (far right) - Strict laws are necessary. Use force and punishment because human nature is very weak.

Mo Tzu (far lefts) - Promote love because human nature is bascially good

Confucius Approach (middle) - teach moral values and right relationship so that our "second nature" can rule over our "primitive nature"

According to Confucius, what are the "Five Constant Relationships?"

Husband and Wife

Parent and Child

Elder sibling and younger sibling

Elder friend and younger friend

Ruler and subjects

According to Confucius, what is the "Doctrine of the Mean"?

Not going to extremes - for example, Confucius said that we should not be too proud nor too humble but somewhere in between

Explain the following Confucian terms: jen, chun tzu, li, te, and wen

Jen - Good heartedness and other centerdness that should underlie all social interactions

Chun tzu - the superior person or the mature person

Li - Doing things the right way, etiquette, ritual, and proper conduct in the five basic relationships

Te - The power of virtue and moral example; the power to rule by good example rather than by brute force

Wen - Education: the cultivation of music, art, poetry, painting, and aesthetics; the "arts of peace" as opposed to the "arts of war"

Who was the founder of Taoism? What does this title mean? When did he live?

Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu = Old Master

Born around 600 B.C. (about 50 years older than Confucius)

What does the Chinese word "Tao" mean? What are the three meanings of Tao?

The way or path of nature

3 meanings of Tao: Ultimate reality, Nature, Human life

What is the Chinese name of the basic text of Taoism? What does this mean in English? What makes up this book?

Tao Te Ching

the classic of the way and its power of virtue

This book is made up of 81 poems about the workings of the Tao

What is meant by the Taoist concept of "wu wei"?

Not doing

Effortless action

Non-interference with the flow of nature

"No activity that lacks the spontaneity of plants bending towards the sunlight"

Draw the yin/yang symbol. What is meant by this symbol? Be able to distinguish between yin qualities and yang qualities

The universe is composed of the complementary forces Yin and Yang.  The principles of yin and yang balance one another.  Remember there is a little bit of each in all of us.  You must accept both.  

Yin -negative, female, feminine, left

The universe is composed of the complementary forces Yin and Yang. The principles of yin and yang balance one another. Remember there is a little bit of each in all of us. You must accept both.

Yin -negative, female, feminine, left

Yang - positive, male, masculine, right

Name and describe the Taoist form of meditation and physical exercise. What is its purpose?

T'ai Chi

The purpose of this slow motion exercise is to balance the "chi", the vital energy or cosmic energy of the Tao that is inside of us for our health and or peace of mind

Give three basic differences between Confucianism and Taoism

Confucius emphasized harmony within society. Philosophically: Confucianism is more idealistic, concerned more with the way life ought to be.

Practically: more concerned with common sense

Taoism emphasized harmony within nature.

Philosophically: Taoism is more realistic, concerned more with the way life is.

Practically: more romantic and fanciful

What is the name of the prophet-founder of Zoroastrianism, whom the Greeks called Zoroaster? Where did he live? When do many scholars believe he lived?


Ancient Persia

551BCE - 628 BCE (Round to 600 BCE)

What is the name which Zoroastrians use for the one supreme God? What does this name mean?

Ahura Mazda

"the Wise Lord"

According to Zoroastrianism, how is history described? Who will eventually win?

Zarathustra taught that the cosmic battle will eventually be won by the good angelic forces and that the evil forces will finally be defeated.

Good will win

What is the name of the Zoroastrian scriptures?

Avesta (72 hymns)

How often should Zoroastrians pray? What is found in Zoroastrian temples? What does it symbolize?

Pray 5 times per day in temples which have pots of fire.

Fire is a symbol of the purity of Ahura Mazda

Name five Zoroastrian beliefs which seem to have influenced Judaism, Christianity and Islam


Angels and demons

Good vs. Evil

Light vs. Darkness

Heaven and Hell

What have Zoroastrians in India been called?

Parsees, meaning "Persians"

Explain what some Zoroastrians have done to the bodies of those who have died.

Many Zoroastrians have neither buried nor cremated their dead

The corpse is carried to a tower of silence on a hilltop

Vultures then pick the bones clean

After the bones have dried, that are put in a well in the tower

Draw the main symbol for Islam.

crescent moon with star

What does the word "Islam" mean? What are the followers of Islam called?

Islam - peace through the submission to the will of Allah


Approximately how many followers of Islam are there in the world? About which percentage live outside the middle Middle East? Which country has the largest number of followers of Islam?

1.5 billion Muslims

75-80% live outside the Middle East


What is the name for the God in Islam? From which language does this name come?



The God

What is the name of the first son of Abraham? Who was the mother of this son?



When did Muhammad live? Who was Muhammad's first wife? Explain how followers of Islam view Muhammad. Why would followers of Islam be offended if you called their religion "Muhammadanism"?

570-632 CE in Mecca


They view Muhammad as the messenger of God, but they don't worship Muhammad

Concerning the "Five Pillars of Islam"

a. What is the sentence that expresses the Shahadah or basic belief of Islam?

b. When are the five times each day when followers of Islam are supposed to perform the worship?

c. What is the percentage of annual wealth that followers of Islam are supposed to donate to charity?

d. What is the Arabic name of the ninth lunar month in the calendar of Islam? What (and when) are followers of Islam not allowed to do during this month?

e. What is the Arabic name for the annual pilgrimage? What is the name of the shrine which is the focus of prayer during the pilgrimage? In which city and country is this shrine? According to Islamic tradition, which two people made the first example of such a building in this city?

a. Absolute oneness of God

b. Just before sunrise, early afternoon, late afternoon, just after sunset, and right before sleeping at night

c. 2.5% of annual wealth

d. Ramadan, and they are not supposed to eat or drink anything during the sunlight hours of the month

e. The Hajj is the annual pilgrimage during the 8th and 13th day of the 12th lunar month. The shrine is named Ka'ba and it is located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Abraham and his first son Ishmael built the first cubed-shaped temple in Mecca.

What kind of meat are followers of Islam not supposed to eat? What are they not supposed to drink?

Pork, alcohol

How do followers of Islam view the Qur'an and how do they believe it came to be?

Muslims believe the Qur'an is direct revelation, final revelation, infallible word of God given to prophet Muhammad through angel Gabriel. It is not the ideas or words of Muhammad (who couldn't read or write)

What is the Hadith and why is it important to Islam? What is the name of Islamic Law

The hadith is a collection of sayings and traditions about what many Muslims believe Muhammad said and did as well as how he interpreted the revelation of the Qur'an

After Qur'an, the Hadith is used as a major source of Sharia (Islamic Law).

How do followers of Islam view Abraham, Moses, and other Jewish prophets?

Muslims accept Abraham, Moses, and other Jewish prophets as the earlier prophets who received revelation from God.

How do followers of Islam view Jesus of Nazareth?

Muslims accept Jesus of Nazareth as another Jewish prophet of God but they do not accept the Christian beliefs of the Trinity or the Incarnation

To which city in Arabia did the early Muslim community migrate?


What is the name of the shrine in Jerusalem associated with the story of Muhammad's "Night Journey"? Why is this place also important to Jews and Christians?

Dome of the Rock

The area around the Dome of the Rock is important to Jews and Christians because many archaeologists believe that this area is Mount Zion.

Give the names of two major divisions within Islam? What is the percentage, explain why groups are different

Sunnis, currently 85% of Muslims (believe that Muhammad died without designating his replacement)

Shias (Shi'ites) about 15% of Muslims (believe that the next leader should be whoever is next in the bloodline)

What are the mystics of Islam called? What are five of their practices?


Repetition of "Allah"


Love poetry


Whirling dances

Nation of Islam, sect of Islam for who?

African Americans

Elijah Muhammad

Malcolm X - made the Hajj to Mecca and realized that the true teaching of Islam is to unite people of all races

Louis Farrakhan (current leader)

What does "jihad" mean? Name two non-military forms. Concerning the military form name 5 limitations or conditions it must have.

Striving, struggling, exertion in the cause of God for self-discipline

Of the tongue, of the pen, of the pocket

Must be against oppression, defense only, not for gaining wealth or territory, no attack on civilians, no terrorism or suicide allowed

What is the title of the founder of the Baha'i Faith? What does the title mean? When did he live? In which country was he born? How do Baha'is view him?

His name is Baha'u'llah

Glory of God


Tehran, Iran

He's viewed as the latest prophet

How do Baha'is view the prophets and founders of the other wold religions?

They believe in and accept all the prophets

What are the three main principles of the Baha'i Faith?

Oneness of God

Oneness of Religion

Oneness of Humanity

In which city and country is the Universal House of Justice of the Baha'i Faith? Why is it there?

Hypha, Israel

Near where Baha'u'llah died

What is the symbol of the Baha'i Faith? What does it signify?

9 point star


How often do Baha'is meet for community worship?

Every 19 days

Explain the four aspects of the peace plan of the Baha'i Faith.

Spiritual unification of planet

Universal system of currency, weights, and measures

Universal language taught in addition to native languages

World federation of nations that will outlaw war, genocide and terrorism. Who will enforce laws against individuals.