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87 Cards in this Set

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Invisible sacred quality that evokes wonder and awe in us, invisible spirits throughout nature that are born of this essence.

-most ancient form of spirituality in Japan

Roots of Shinto

-No founder,

-No orthodox sacred scripture

-No explicit ethical code

-comes from clan worship

Two major written Shinto chronicles,



political importance of the historical myths as spiritual legitimation of emperors but not sacred text

Legendary founder of Japan ?

Jimmu, descendant of thesun goddess Amaterasu

Meiji dynasty

emperor worship that caused extreme nationalism until WW2

Kinship with Nature

-Natural beauty and symmetry important in Japan

-People organize their lives around the seasons

-Mount Fuji honored as an embodiment of divine power

-Reverence for nature expressed in the arts

What does “kamikaze” mean? What did it symbolize?

"divine wind", symbolizes a symbol of divine power

Shrines (Shinto)

that places of worship

Ceremonies and Festivals

-encourage the spirit of the kami to take up residence in the shrine

-Training for the priesthood is long, to men and women

-Priest’s role is to serve as experts in the performance of complex rituals

-shrine in the home

-Festivals seasonal and life-cycle

-New Year’s biggest annual festivals



- Misogi



Harmoney with the way of Kami


the leaning power of water, spiritual purification


Shinto purification ceremoney, a ritual of purification where a priest wavesa tree branch with white streamers, can be performed on cars an new buildings


Impurity or misfortune, a quality of purification practices designed to remove, defilement of corpses, menstruation, hostility, natural catastrophe


conferring spiritual legitimacy on the imperial thrown by divine origins

The greatest number are dedicated to which god? What is this god the god of?


Inrai, god of Rice

State Shinto

- Shinto as spiritual foundation of government,

Shinto Today

remain indigenous in Japan, basis for Seasonal holiday in Japan

Anti- Semitism

predjudice against jews



"Anointed", Someone they want to come in to help them.


dramatic end of present age

Oral Torah

interpretations written in Jewish Law


5 book of Moses at beginning of Hebrew Bible


refrence for the 3 section for the hibrew bible

No Founder of Judism

No Founder of Judism


1st patriarch, god promised that his descended and land would multiply


led Israel our of slavery , received the ten commandments

King David & His son (Salmon)

his son built the first temple,

why did the Northern and Southern Kingdom split?

men and women split off into the Northern kingdom because they didnt agree with Salmon


destroyed 1st temple

Maccabean Revolt

revolt to gain independance for Judea

3 Sects of Judaism during the Hasmonean period

1. Sadducees ( priest and the law )

2. Pharisees ( scarifies in temple)

3. Essenes ( thinks everyone corrupt)

Who destroyed the 2nd temple


What Group of Judism did the Rabis come from?


Who were the Zealots

anti roman militias,jewish defenders were slaughtered in the holy walled city of Jeusalem

How many books are in the Hebrew Bible?

24 Books , Tankakh

Which Division is called the Pentateuch?

Torah (law/instructive)

Which of the 3 divisions is considered to be the most authoritative by orthodox Jews?


What are the 3 divisions in Hebrew Bible?

1. Pentateuch= Torah, (5 books of moses)

2. Prophet= Nevim

3. Writtings= Ketuvim

Central Jewish Belief?

Monotheism: 1 god and creator of everything


jewish movement dedicatd to the establishment of Jewish State in Isreal

What is the most holiest Day in Judaism?

Yom Kippur

What are Four ideas important to understanding historical Judaism?

covenant , torah, exile , return/restoration

Central Themes of Judaism

Monotheism , lover for god , sacredness of human life , law , suffering and faith

Sacred Practices in Judism

-Scriptural study

-Remembering God in all aspects of life

-Ritual circumcision

-What one eats is of cosmic significance

-Giving thanks continually

-The Sabbath

-Bar Mitzvah

Whatother two religions also trace their ancestry back to Abraham?

islam and christianity

Know the differences betweenthe three distinct branches

Orthodox- traditional judaism

Reform- liberal

Conservative- masorti


Christianityis a faith based on the life, teachings,death, and resurrection of Jesus

Howmany books are in the New Testament? Besides the New Testament, what is theothertestament in the Christian Bible

27 books, contains the old testiment

Whatare the Synoptic Gospels

Matthew, Mark,Like

Who wrote letters prior to theGospels that became part of the New Testament?



3 similar books of the chrisian bible

(mathew mark luke)


protest movement in the 19th century on the bible ltericism and rejecting its theories

Messiah ( Christian)

annointed one , jesus christ


god raised jesus from the dead , transformation of the new world, new testaments


Holy Trinity

Christian doctrine that there is one god, 3 devine powers ( the father , son, holy spirit.)

Inwhich part of the New Testament is the life and ministry of Jesus described


Christianity didbecome the official religion of the .

Roman Empire in 380 CE

East West Division

The eastern part of Christendom did notaccept the absolute claims of authority of the Roman pope.

Social Chaos Gave Pope Political Power

ØCentralized ofpower under the pope became a major unifying elementin the Europe of the Middle Ages.

ØPope seen as over Kings of EuropeanCountries.

ØPope could excommunicate people.


-There is no god but God and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah

-first of the five pillars

Does a muslim think Muhammad is divine?

No , he was a messenger to the phrophit

Who is considered to be the founder of Islam?


What is the sacred scripture of Islam


Who gave Muhammad the revelations that are in the Karan?


5 Pillars of Islam

slide 9

who wrote a letter that was evidence of christians today



final prophet, life teachings in Qur'an,

The Qur’an

revelationsthatMuhammad received from the angel Gabriel. God’s unity and also direct life in human society. exact words thatMuhammad received.

Central Teachings

- oneness of god and humantity

-islam is the universal religion

2 major Sin

shrik (divine expect allah)

kurk (last judgement)

Sunnis and Shi'as split?

issue of muhammads successor


people of sunnah,

muhammed did not appoint the succesor and left muslim community to ummag

islamic law

-Islam=means to “surrender” or“submit” to Allah

-Daily obedience to the commands of God -Islamic law is called Shari’a.

-Shari’aencompasses law, morality, and religion;

-Religious activity in accordancewith Islamic law is of extreme importance.


Devoted to the memory of muhammad

Whose the founder of Sikhism

Guru Nanak

3 teachings

1.Workinghard to earn a living rather than withdrawing from society

2.Sharingone’s wealth with the needy3.RememberingGod’s name at all times

How many gurus were there according to orthodox sikhs


central belief of Sikhism

ØThemajor focus of Sikhism is loving devotion to one God.

ØSikhismshares with Hinduism belief in karma and reincarnation.

Ø God in the world through work, worship, and charity. Ego isconsidered a major obstacle to God realization.

What are the 5 ks

symbol worn by khalsa memebrs

Kesh (uncut hair)

Kara (a steel bracelet)

Kanga (a wooden comb)

Kaccha(cotton underwear)

Kirpan (steel sword)


representa distinct break from established traditions


splinteror subgroup associated with a larger tradition

Exclusivism:The idea that one’s own religion is the only valid way.

Inclusivism:The idea that all religions can be accommodated within one religion

InterfaithDialogue: Appreciative communication between people of different religions


differencesbetween Mainstream Religions and Sects and Cults

Mainstreamreligion accepts and accommodates itself to the society.

Asect characterizes the society around it as worldly and unbelieving.

Acult is an independent religious tradition which may be in conflict with thesurrounding society.

charasmatic leader

New religionsare generally formed when a charismatic figure appears. This is a characteristicthat is similar to established religions.

He orshe develops a dedicated following of people who regard him or her as theirguru, prophet, or Messiah.

thatCaodaism and Santeria

(“Wayof the Saints”)

new syncretic religious movements.


Somereligious movements go beyond syncretism and try to encompass all religions

Social trends affect the development of NRMs.

1) Ethnic identity;

2) NatureSpirituality, which can include a reinvention of old practices

(examples:Neo-Paganism, Wicca, Goddess spirituality; ethnic religions) and Deep