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65 Cards in this Set

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Old Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome

Early Christian
Design of original built by constantine
Shape of Cross
Place where Peter was murdered
Took 300 people
Christ as the Good Shepherd, Ravenna
Purple=color of royalty
like emporer
Hagia Sophia, Constantinople
Means "holly wisdom"
Wants to surpass temple of Solomon
Used to be brick
Used all developed technology: big dome, modified basilica
put 40 windows in dome for more light
PENDETIVES: little triangular pieces to allow dome to sit on square space
Hildegard of Bingen: The Reedemer
Sun at top=God
6 cirlces = days of creation
man from clay= man create
large flower = john baptist
man at top= adam
St Sernin, Toulouse
What aided the spread of Christianity?
Roman Roads helped missionary trips
Emphasized equality - great with poor
Peace in Roman Empire
What hampered spread of Christianity?
Less business for idol makers
Threat to Roman Empire - traitor if didn't pledge to Roman Gods
Became scapegoat for bad things that happened
When did Constantine legalize Christianity and why?
313 AD
Said God appeared and told him to fight in sign of cross
1/3 of Rome was already Christian (largely lower class)
How does the book of Ephesians address the eternal family of Christ
1:5 - everyone has access to blessings
1:10 - last dispensation will bring gospel blessings to everyone
How does the book of Ephesians address the church family?
Jews very exclusive, gentiles didn't feel welcome.
Paul says "they are fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God"
How does the book of Ephesians address the indiviual family?
Husbands love wives and children like Christ loves church
Christ was perfect example of husband and father
Why does paul stress unity?
Church becoming world wide so needed emphasis on unity
Idea that Churhc would fall apart with Roman Empire
Why is little art produced during early Christian period?
Art and sculptures viewed as Idolatrous
Christians mainly poor
Didn't want attention on themselves
What symbols do each of the evangalists have?
Matthew = human form
Mark = lion
Luke = ox
John = eagle
What does Chi-Rho stand for?
First two letters of Christ
Also can be seen as Pax, or peace
What was significant about Augustine of Hippo
He was bishop there
Developed the terms original sin and just war
Developed concept of spiritual city of God
What did the Manicheans believe?
Soul vs Body
justification for actions - my spirit didn't want to do it, my body made me
What were the main tenants of Neo-Platonism
Truth could not be found in this llife
Truth found only in some type of out of body experience
How does Augustine answer question of agency and God's imposing hand?
Just because God knows what's coming doesn't mean he causes it
No future or past to God
What was the reason for City of God by Augustine?
Rebutle to claim that Christianity caused fall of Roman Empire
He said not only did Christian church keep Rome from falling, but it was the reason it was so great
What are the important dates in Byzantine history and what happened at those times?
4th C: division of east and west; Byzantine capitol of east
5th C: West falls to German invaders, capital moved to Ravenna (Italy)
6th C: temporaily united under Justinian and Theodoric
Why were Justinian and Theodoric important?
They set a foundation for law and a constructive government system
What contributions did Justinian and Theodoric make?
Advanced law system
Art flourished
Nation was affluent
Why was the Byzantine culture was important in preserving Greek writing?
such an emphasis was placed on scholarship that as many manuscripts as could be found were preserved.
When was Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor?
800 AD Christmas day
What did Charlemagne achieve?
United empire
stabalized currency system
Promoted literacy
What was the Carolingian minuscule?
universalized and simplified letters
put spaces in between words
small writing
used to promote literacy
What was the purpose of the Palace school of Aachen?
new curriculum for better education
read bible better
What was taught at the Palace school of Aachen?
Trivium = grammer, rhetoric, and dialectic
Quadrivium= arithmetic, astronomy, music, geometetry
What was the process of manuscript illuminatoin?
Made of parchment and velum
Used reed pen and two quill pens
Scribe the specimen sheet
outline in ink over preliminary drawing
application of gesso and gold leaf
script was usually written first
What was the book of Kells
ancient scripture from Ireland
took a long time to make
preserved over all this time
What was the Rule of St. Benedict?
Triple vow of Poverty, obedience, and chastity
Imposed on monasteries by Charlemagne
Define Divine Office
7 times during day when monk would dedicate time to pray and sing
List functions of a monastery
monks would live together
rise really early
eat very little
secluded from world; found deep in forests and hills and mountains
Monestary is a fortress of faith
Why was Bernard of Clairvaux important?
Very influential
built monestary that was most modest of all - opposed the wealth and power of Cluny
starts the cult of Virgin Mary
started to be seen as Saint because he lived so seperate from the world
starts 2nd crusade
What years were the height of Romanesque period?
1000 - 1150 AD
What characteristics did Romanesque architecture and sculpture exhibit?
Monestaries had almost no decorations; very secluded
Cloister - place to seperate yourself
Scriptorium - place where manuscripts were made and also was the only heated place in the monestary; no talking allowed
What were the characteristics of monestary architecture
1. Harmonic square
2. Two towers in front
3. 3 tiered elevation (nave arcade, triforium, clerestory)
4. Heavy stone roman arches
5. apsidal chapels
6. load bearing walls with buttresses
7. groin vaults, barrel vautls
8. wheel windo
Define Islam, Muslim, and Arabic
Islam - relgion name
Muslim - follower of Islam
Arabic - ethnic group, not referring to religion
When was Baghdad founded?
762 AD, it was the center of Islamic empire - had half a million people
Who were the heads of the Islamic empire in 8th and 9th C?
Why was Mohammed important? When was he around?
Started Islam relgion
Taught monotheism
Recieved revelations from Angel Gabriel
Koran is collection of his revelations
What is the Islamic concept of God?
Only one God, no trinity.
He is merciful, loving, just, and vengeful. Strong belief in total piety
What counsel is given in the Koran?
How to be a good Muslim
Status of women
Gives patriarchal rule
Heavy focus on charity
What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
1. no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet
2. prayer - 5 times a day
3. fasting during Ramadan
4. Alms to poor - money saved during Ramadan
5. Pilgrimage to Mecca, which is the birthplace of Muhammed and Kaaba has Black Stone that was given to Adam when he left garden
Who were the main characters in Thousand and one nights?
Shahrazad and Shahrayar; also Dinarzad
Why does Shahrazad use the stories she does?
They usually sho evil mother and good daugher
They show that death is something to be remorsed. Also show that stories can change peoples minds
What does the Koran forbid in art?
Human and animal forms
What is meant by Feudalism?
System of government in which lower class men were given land to care for in exchange for their service in the military for the Lord of that land.
What were the triple virtues of feudalism?
Faith, Loyalty, and Courage
What was chivalry?
moral rule of a knights life. My sould to God, my life to King, and honor to myself. gave themselves to God and King.
Why was knighting religiously significant?
Had to confess, wash, and be dressed in new clothing. Becomes new person, clean from life before.
What was the advantage of a long bow?
quickly loaded with arrows: could load about 10 in the time it would take for one on a crossbow
What time period did the cursades occure?
1095 - 1250 c.
Who began the first Crusade?
Pope Urban II
Why was Eleanor of Aquitaine important?
She held classes on courtly love and established the "rules" that govern it
Who was Richard the Lionheart?
Went on 3rd Crusades; he was heir to the throne, but decided to go fight instead
What are Boethius's three categories of music?
musica mundana - music of shperes, interaction of planets
musica humana - music related to harmony of the body
musica instrumentalis - music as we know it
What is the Divine Office?
Daily prayer hourse
What are three types of mass?
High - lots of music
Low - less music
Requiem - funeral
What is the difference between propers and ordiary parts of mass?
Propers - studied text proper for that day
Ordinary - text used everyday
What are the characterisitcs of Gregorian chant?
named after Pope Gregory the Great, who extensively revised Roman worship of the day
Why is so little secular medieval music preserved?
Monks only ones recording it; had very lttle time, so most time was used recording spiritual music
what is strohpic?
Same melody for every verse
What is the difference between troubadours and trouveres?
Troubadours - poets of noble class made music for aristocrats. Mostly about courtly love and the cursades
Trouveres - not as sophisticated and educated; specialized in musical drams; most famouse was Robin and Miriam