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29 Cards in this Set

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What is the impact of Gutenberg

He created printing press, which make it possible to mass produce the printed word.

What is Indulgences?

95 complaints against the catholic church.

Martin Luther

Believed people got to Heaven by faith not by works. Started a new Christian faith called Lutheranism. Believe the Bible was the only source of religious information or law. He encouraged Christians to read the Bible for themselves.

John Calvin

Influential French theologian and pastor. Spoke out against the misuse of God's truth. Father of Calvinism. Other than Martin Luther, he was the most influential figure in the Protestant Reformation.

Why was Italy the birth place of the Renaissance?

Trade had substantially increased in this area thereby giving rise to wealthy middle class bankers and merchants. Wealthy bankers and merchants wanted to show off their new status by commissioning art. Florence, Italy was home to the wealthiest banking family, the Medici, who commissioned art to beautify Florence.

What is the Renaissance?

The period of rebirth where there was a revival of trade in Europe that brought an end to the Middle Ages. this period is marked by great advancements in architecture and art as the new developing cities brought in a collection of very talented artists.

What is Humanism?

An new way of thinking, that believed that education could make the world a better place.

What is Secular?

Secular means worldly. Outside of religion.

What is Council of Trent?

A meeting of church leaders held in the town of Trent in northern Italy to consult on reforms.

Who is Leonardo da Vinci?

Famous artist/painter/sculptor. Most famous for "The Last Supper" and "Mono Lisa" which were known for facial expression, emotion, and depth.

Who was Henry VIII?

King of England in 1509-1547, devout catholic, "defender of the faith", turns against the catholic church when they will not approve his divorce from his first wife Catherine of Aragon. Through the "act of supremacy" he wanted people to take an oath declaring him head of the church.

Who was Michelangelo?

One of most famous Renaissance painter, architect, sculpter and poet. His sculptures showed realism and detail of the human body. His sculptures Pieta and David were considered master pieces. His greatest work is the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Who is Raphael?

The favorite painter of the Pope. Depicted famous Romans and Greeks along with Renaissance people. Studied under Da Vinci and Michelangelo. His greatest painting was "School of Athens."

Who is Dante?

Famous writer who wrote in his native language. Most famous piece was "the Divine Comedy".

What were some of the Art Achievements of the Renaissance Period?

Many new styles and achievements such as realism and emotion, classicism, inspiration from Greece and Rome, emphasis on individuals and interactions between people, geometric arrangements, perspective, use of light and shadow.

Who was Shakespeare?

Created famous plays during Renaissance in England. Most famous were Hamlet and Macbeth.

Who invented the printing press?


What is Predestination?

The belief that people's destiny was predetermined before birth and could not be changed by actions during life.

What connection do the Medici have to the Renaissance?

They were wealthy banking family that helped develop cities and brought in famous artists to create paintings, sculptures, and buildings to display their wealth.

Why was the Renaissance considered a time of rebirth?

The Renaissance was a time of increased trade and prosperity that gave people the opportunity to leave poverty for trade and merchant jobs. Cities and countries were rebuilt. During the Renaissance people gained status based on wealth not birthright.

Explain why the printing press had such an impact on history.

Until the invention of the printing press, written documents had to be reproduced by hand and therefore very few copies were available. After the invention of the print press, it was possible to mass produce the printed word making is more available to the general population.

What was the Protestant Reformation?

A breaking away from the Catholic Church.

What impact did men like Martin Luther and John Calvin have on religion?

They taught people that the Catholic church was not without corruption and encouraged people to read the Bible and learn God's laws and seek salvation on their own. They established new Christian churches like Lutheranism and ways of religion that taught salvation was achieved by FAITH not works.

How did the Renaissance lead to the time period of Reformations?

As people became more enlightened, they sought change.

What is Utopia?

Book written by Thomas More in 1516 about an ideal place where there is no greed, corruption, and war.

Who is Erasmus?

One of the most famous Christian Humanists whose most famous work was a book called "The Praise of Folly" where he poked fun at greedy merchants, heartsick lovers, quarrelsome scholars, and pompous priests.

What are Jesuits?

Members of the Society of Jesus which was a religious order created by Pope Ignatius.

Who was Petrarch?

One of the earliest and most influential humanist. Called father of Renaissance Humanism. Wrote poetry also in both Latin and Italian.

Who is Machaivelli?

Writer of "The Prince" which was an examination of the imperfect conduct of human beings. Believed that most people are selfish, fickle, and corrupt. Said that a prince must be strong as a lion and shrewd as a fox. Not concerned with what was morally right, but with what was politically effective.