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101 Cards in this Set

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Great Britain and Franc'es policy of not confronting Hitler to avoid war, was known as _________
World War II broke out 2 days after Germany invaded ________
The US foreign policy prior to WWII was ___________
Which group lost the most military lives in WWII?
Which country lost the most civilian lives during WWII?
Which country spent the most money during WWII?
How did the Cold War get its name?
The US/ USSR never fought each other directly
___________ believed brutal punishments were barbaric.
__________ most lasting contribution to political thought was his idea of separating powers.
Fascist Leader of Spain who gained power as a result of the civil war was ________
Benito Mussolini
_________ was important because it reinforced the idea that powers of a monarch were not unlimited.
Magna Carta
_________ is responsible for the idea of Natural Rights.
________ social contract theory indicates that governments must find a balance between the rule of law and the freedom of the individual
The Institutional Revolutionary Party, the official party of the Mexican Revolution is known as _____
When a country's Supreme Court declares a law unconstitutional, it is applying the concept of _______
judicial review
The French ___________ proclaimed equal rights for all men, but no political rights for women.
Declaration of the Rights of Man
Adam Smith believed in _______, by which he meant that the state should not regulate the economy.
Between 1815 and 1848, the _______ and the Concert of Europe suppressed nationalism by ensuring a balance of power between nations.
Congress of Vienna
THe ideas in the Declaration of Independence, like consent of the governed and right to overthrow governments that do not protect your natural rights, have been used by people around the world to gain independence from _______ nations
"Business owners get rich while workers remain poor," is a statement that that a critic of ______ would likely have made during the Industrial Revolution.
The Balfour Declaration; The Palestinian Mandate; Zionism, all had to do with the _______
The Term "_____" in the American Declaration of Independence refers to rights that cannot be taken away
Natural Rights (Unalienable rights)
"We the people..." is an example of the idea the government's power comes from the people or popular ________
Plato believed that leaders, like all citizens, should be _______, otherwise you will have tyranny.
subject to laws
A person is innocent until proven guilty, you must take into account the age of the accused, unfair laws can be changed, you should not be punished for what you think, are all provisions of _______ Law.
rule by
The social criticism of _________ novels Hard Times and David Copperfield was a response to conditions brought about by the Industrial Revolution.
During the late 19th century and early 20th century, the concept of division of labor became most closely associated with the ________
assembly line
Through music, literature, and painting, the ________ artists attempted to stir the emotions.
_______ proposed the germ theory of disease.
Louis Pasteur
Land rich in resources and improved agricultural methods, a large labor force, and an abundant money supply (capital), allowed _____ to be the first to industrialize.
A geographic advantage of England in the Industrial Revolution was its _______.
natural harbors
Artistic movement that sought reality beyond the material world and found it in the word of the unconscious.
The Revolutions of 1848 had a lasting impact because people were put down, but their _____ persisted.
Simon Bolivar would be best known as opposing _______
The only free states remaining in Africa by 1914 were _______ and ________
Ethiopia, Liberia
Which European nation colonized the most land around the world during the 19th century?
The purpose of the ________ was to plan for the division of Africa.
Berlin Conference
________ set up a nonviolent movement with the aim to force the British to aid the poor and grant independence to India.
The main reason that Americans rejected the ______ is because they feared it would lead to future U.S. involvement in European Wars.
League of Nations
Germany had a geographic disadvantage at the start of WWI in that it was bordered by enemies on ________
both fronts
A major goal of France and Great Britain at the Conference of Versailles following WWI was to keep _______ from rebuilding its military forces
In order to make sure that soldiers had sufficient supplies during WWI, civilians in Great Britain and France were subjected to __________ of goods
The Zimmerman Telegram was important to WWI because it led to _______ entry into the war
__________ stated reason for declaring war on Germany in 1914 was the German invasion of Belgium
Great Britain
"________" is best defined as strong devotion to one's country.
One key trait of a ________ form of government the use of violence and terror to control the citizenry.
In Stalin's command economy, the _______ made all the decisions.
5 million Ukraines were forced to starve under Stalin's rule when the government took their food to punish them for resisting _________
Totalitarian governments in the Soviet Union and Germany were able to form partly because the regimes grew up out of the widespread suffering caused by _______
A main reason that an estimated 20 million soviet citizens were imprisoned under Stalin and many more were killed was because they suspected of opposing
Stalin ( the government)
In a police state the police carry out the will of the _________
government (dictator)
Hitler's totalitarian state and Stalin's differed in that Hitler's believed in a master ______
What impact did the Hitler-Stalin pact have on Germany?
protected Germany from attacks on the east.
Leader at the Congress of Vienna
Clement Von Metternich
Leads Satyagraha movement
Reformation leader
Martin Luther King
Assumes power after revolution in France
Loses power as a result of revolution in Russia
Czar Nicholas II
Enlightenment idea of separation of powers
Enlightenment fighter for women's rights
Enlightenment thinker who opposed cruel punishment
Enlightenment thinker who proposed natural rights
John Locke
Enlightenment thinker who argued for social contract
The Battle of the Bulge
last German offensive
Hitler's Operation Sea Lion leads to this aerial assault
British miracle of saving the army by using all boats available
Allied invasion of Normandy France
The turning point in the European war
brought the US into WWII
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
decimated the Japanese fleet, it would not be a factor for the rest of the war
turning point in the Pacific theatre
brought an end to WWII
Bombing of Nagasaki, Hiroshima
ended southern movement of the Japanese fleet
Coral Sea
Night of broken glass; Jewish businesses are broken into
The decision to murder all Jews by gassing them
Final Solution
Living space; Hitler's excuse for invading neighboring nations
Largest Nazi death camps
The complete elimination of a group of people
Greece and Turkey get money to fight communism
Truman Doctrine
What led the US to pursue war in Vietnam
Domino Theory
US aid to European nations after WWII to help them rebuild
Marshall Plan
started and ended at the 38th parallel
Korean War
The idea of risking nuclear war to end or avoid war
Establishing communes and collective farms was a big part of this program
Great Leap Forward
PLA travels almost 6,000 miles to reach the last Communist base in China
Long March
Overcame the Nationalists to rule China as a communist nation
Mao Zedong
Protests for democratic reforms
Tianamen Square
Mostly teenagers, who carried out the cultural revolution
Red Guards
Campaign to create a society of peasants and workers and purge intellectuals
Cultural Revolution
Leader of the Chinese Nationalists forces. Founded new Republic at Nanjing
Chiang Kai-Shek
The founder's real name is Siddhartha Guatama
The Four Noble Truths
The Five Basic Relationships
Following the "Middle Path"
Laozi, author of Daodejing
Stress filial piety, or repaying the kindnesses of one's parents, elders and family ancestors
Individuals should contemplate nature and lead a balanced life in tune with nature.
"Be respectful at home, serious at work, faithful in human relations."
"The more laws and edicts proposed, the more thieves and bandits there will be"
The Highest good is like water
The Highest good is like water