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50 Cards in this Set

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Julius Caesars enemies assassinated him because...

they feared he planned to make himself king of Rome

Roman emperor Augustus ordered a census of the Roman empire..

so there would be records of all who should be taxed

What was the popular Roman philosophy that stressed the importance of duty and acceptance of one's faith?


The Roman's used their engineering skills to build?

aqueducts that carried water into cities

a system of law that developed under the Roman republic and applied to citizens was called..

civil law

Pope Leo II proclaimed Charlemagne to be emperor of the Romans because he had..

crushed a rebellion in Rome

Part of a vassals obligation under his feudal contract was to..

conquer neighboring kingdoms

Marriage in noble society often included fierce negotiations over...

the land in the womans dowry

When the ownership of a manor was granted to a new lord, the serfs..

remained on the land to serve the new lord

To achieve salvation, medieval Christians believed that they must...

recieve the sacraments

Under Benedict Rule, monks and nuns took vows of..

obedience, poverty, and chasity

The truce of God required Christian nobles to

stop fighting between Friday and Sunday each week

What crop restored fertility to the soil in the three-field system of rotating crops?


Newcomers to a medieval city often settled in the fields outside the city walls because..

the city was overcrowded within the city walls

what was the purpose of the Missi Dominici that charlemagne sent thru his kingdom?

They administered the law

What important step did King Clovis take in ruling his conquered lands in the late 400s?

He converted to Christianity, the religion of the people in Gaul.

Starting in the late 700s, which group attacked Western Europe from the sea and broke the last threads of unity in Charlemagne's empire?


Feudalism developed as a way for medieval societies to...

protect themselves

A vassal owed his first loyalty to his..

liege lord

Chivalry was a..

code of conduct for knights

In the manor system, the peasants had to...

stay on the land for life

in the later middle ages, the church...

withdrew many rights that nuns had enjoyed

What was a result of the Church reforms of Pope Gregory VII in 1073?

only the church could appoint church officials such as bishops

The claim of papal supremacy held that...

the pope had authority over all kings and emperors

What commercial practice did Europeans adopt from the Muslim merchants with whom they traded?

the use of city charters

During the high middle ages, one method monarchs used to gain power was to...

strengthen ties with the middle class

What caused the dispute between Henry II and Thomas Becket?

Henry claimed the right to try clergy in royal courts.

Which of the following statements is true about the French Capetian kings?

they imposed royal law over their domain.

What was an effect of the Hundred year war?

English rulers turned to new trading ventures overseas.

At the council of Clermont on 1095, why did Roman Pope Urban II rally Christians to help Byzantine emperor Alexius I?

to drive the Muslim Turks from the holy land

After the Reconquista was complete in 1492, Queen Isabella...

launched a crusade against Jews and Muslims.

Science made little real progress in Europe in the Middle Ages because...

most scholars thought that all knowledge must fit the church teaching.

What work did Italian poet Dante Alighieri write that takes the reader on an imaginary journey into hell and purgatory?

Divine Comedy

Which of the following was an effect of the Black Death?

There were large increases in wages and prices throughout Europe.

The system of common law established by English King Henry II..

applied to all of England, unlike local feudal law.

How did William the Conqueror strengthen his power after becoming king of England in 1066?

he required every vassal to swear first allegiance to him.

Why did King John sign the Magna Carta in England in 1215?

to appease rebellious nobles angered over is abuse of power.

English King Edward I changed parliment by...

including representatives of the ¨common people¨

During the First Crusade in 1099, Christian knights succeeded in capturing...


One major reason why universities began to emerge in medieval Europe was that...

better educated clergy were needed for church positions.

In his work Summa Theologica, who concluded that there is no conflict between faith and reason?

Thomas Aquinas

The Gothic style of architecture is noted for...

its graceful spires and tall windows

Why did many rural peasants move to cities during the plague years of the late 1300s?

Due to high labor costs, landowners devoted less land to raising crops

Which of the following was a result of the Hundred Year War?

French Kings were able to expand their power

Which statement is true about the city of Constantinople?

it commanded key trade routes linking Europe and Asia.

Justinian's most important achievement was probably..

his "body of civil law"

What issue was the cause of a bitter battle between eastern and western christianity?

a Byzantine emperor banned religous icons.

What helped cause the decline of the Byzantine empire?

Venetian merchants gained control of byzantine trade

Which of these statements is true about the Mongol rule of Medieval Russia?

Russian rulers continued the mongols use of absolute power.

Ivan the Great...

sought to limit the power of landowning nobles.