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66 Cards in this Set

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everything is already set in stone and decided by God
Valois Line
Charles VII
Charles VIII
Louis XII
Francis I
Henry II
Francis II, Charles IX, Henry III
Hapsburg Line
Maximilian I
Philip I
-Charles V/I
Philip II
Philip III
Philip IV
Maximilian II
Rudolf, Mathias
Tudor Line
Henry VII
Arthur, Henry VIII, Margaret
Edward VI
Bourban Line
Henry IV
Louis XIII
Louis XIV
Francis I
greatest Renascence monarch
Maximilian I
HRE during Martin Luther's 95 Theses
Charles V/I
-King of Spain and HRE through mother and father's marriage
-abdicated and gave Spain to son and HRE to brother
-became a unified nation in 1496 due to marriage of Isabella of Castille and Ferdinand of Aragon
-1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue
expulsion of muslims
War of Schmalkaldic League
-Charles V vs. German noblemen [Catholics vs. Lutherans]
-Lutherans won
-Peace of Augsburg
Peace of Augsburg
he who's region it is, so shall it be his religion
War of Roses
-English civil war
-Lancasters (Tudors) vs. York
-Victory by Henry Tudor at Battle of Bosworth Field
Henry II
-married to Catherine d'Medici
-had sons Francis II, Charles IX, Henry III, and Mary of Valouis
Catherine d'Medici
-"super catholic"
-caused St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
-told Henry of Navarre he could live if he disavowed calvanism.
to deny
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
-marriage of Mary of Valois and Henry of Navarre
-Many Huguenots were killed
-Henry of Nevarre was only allowed to live and marry Margot as long as he disavowed his religion
Philip I
-married to Joanna
-had Charles V/I and Ferdinand
Henry VII
-married Elizabeth of York (passified Yorks)
-wanted power and connection to Spain so he married his sons off to Catherine of Aragon
-one son died and Henry VII claimed their marriage had not been consummated so she could marry his second son
-brother of Henry VIII who married Catherine of Aragon and died
Henry VIII
-1st married Catherine of Aragon
-had Mary; she didn't bear a son
-2nd marriage to Anne Boleyn (had extra finger and nipple) who had Elizabeth
-she was beheaded for "treason" (apparently sleeping with her brother)
-3rd wife was Jane Seymore who had Edward VI
-3 more wives- Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, Catherine Parr
-Wrote In Defense of the Seven Sacroments in response to Martin Luther's 95 Thesis.
The King's Great Matter
Henry realizes that Catherine will not be having any more children especially not boys.
-asks for a divorce and says its b/c she was his brother's wife and shes too old
-Cate says no b/c she's catholic and if Henry has a son w/ another woman, Mary will not be heir
Henry sent Cardinal Wolsey to pope and pope denied divorce b/c Cate has influence over Charles V/I who was fighting war for Catholics
-Henry created new church for political purposes
Anglican Church
-very catholic-like except for pope
Act of Supremacy (1533) puts Henry at head of church
"Bloody" Mary I
-married Philip II
-orders the killing of anglicans (tons killed)
Elizabeth "Virgin Queen"
-protestant (Anglican)
-tolerated Catholics as long as they accepted her as wueen
-never married "married to England"
-used her marriageability to manipulate other courts
1. Roanoke- colony race
2. Mary Queen of Scots
-next to throne
-want to kill Elizabeth
-Margaret's daughter
-Elizabeth's cousin
-Elizabeth found letters between Mary and others about assassination attempts
-she was executed
-her sone James became king after Liz died
3. Philip II
-attempted to marry Elizabeth after "Bloody" Mary died
-after Mary of Scots dies he aimed to kill Liz in order to restore Catholicity
-launched Spanish Armada
(hurricane destroyed it-such great efforts spent and failed that this makes this the start of the decline of Spain as a one of Europe's #1 powers
1st Protestant Reformer
Martin Luther
-University of Wittenburg
-studied theology
-Augustine Monk
-he didn't feel he was saved even though he was following the seven sacroments
-the church was selling indulgances
-Martin Luther saw an indulgance sermon and it promtped him to write the 95 Theses (a list of problems the church should address)
-Martin refused to explain or recant and hid with the Duke of Saxony
-new religion was formed called Lutheranism even though Luther never really left the church
-Romans 1:17
2nd Protestant Reformer
Henry VIII
-anglican church
3rd Protestant Reformer
John Calvin
-shared many values with Luther
-preached predestination
-HQ of new church in Geneva, France
-Institutes of the Christian Religion (predestination)
-the elected and the damned
The Protestant Ethic
-they see people who's lives are financially comfortable and hardworking as the ones going to Heaven
English Calvinists
-do not believe Anglican church can be fixed
english calvinists
-believe ang. church could be fixed
scottish calvanists
french calvanists
-most widespread
Catholic Counter Reformation
Ignatius Loyola founded "The Society of Jesus" (Jesuit); called Council of Trent
1. church doctrin is found in bible and church decisions (protestants say just bible; catholics used to say it was decisions of people)
2. priests need training
3. set up Inquisition
4. began index of prohibited books and movies
5. communion and baptism
6. good work and faith
court to punish heritics
someone who does not conform to orthodox
to throw out window
Henry IV (Henry of Navarre)
-start of bourbon line
-revowed to calvanism but became catholic again b/c his subjects were catholic
-issued Edict of Nantes
-annulled marriage w/Mary and married another d'Medici
Edict of Nantes
calvanists were to be tollerated
Louis XIII
-had a regent (Cardinal Richelieu)
person ruling in place of king
Louis XIV
regent Cardinal Mazarain
elected by 4 secular officials and 3 religious leaders
-King of Bohemia, Margrace of Brandenburg, Palentine of Rhine
-Bishops of Cologne, Mainz, and Trier
Frederick(Palentine of Rhine) vs. Ferdinand (Duke of Styria)
-King of Bohemia position was open
-Behemians made Ferdinand their king and he voted for himself (he won 4-3)
The Defenestration of Prague
-Ferdinand sent 2 agents to Behemia to tell Behemians that they must be catholic
- 2 agents were thrown out window and fell in poop
-starts 30 Years War
4 Phases of 30 Years War
1. Bohemian Phase
-Bohemians vs. HRE
-Ferdinand beats Frederick (so on called the winter king)
-Battle of White Mountain
2. Danish Phase
-King Christian (protestant) didnt want HRE to get to powerful and run down protestants
-he was killed
3. Swedish Phase
-King Custarus Adolphus
-killed when it seems like they might be winning
4. French Phase
-Louis XIII
-not worried about religion but an overthrowal
Treaty of Westphalia
end of 30 years war
1. he whose region it is, so shall it be his religion
2. holland becomes independent
3. france gets Alsace
-german territory (HRE) is physically wrecked
Stuart Line
James I/VI
Charles I
Charles II, James II
Mary II, Anne I
James I
-not popular b/c no one can replace Liz
-catholic bit acted anglican
-Kings James Version (Bible)
1st successful colony in the New World
Charles I
attempted to make English Catholic
-cause the English Civil War
only called parliment once when he wanted money to join 30 Years War
-must sign Triennial Act to get money, but never does
Petition of Right
-beheaded for treason
The English Civil War
-caused when Charles I of England tries to make England Catholic
-King vs. Parliment
-Noblemen vs. Catholics
-Cavaliers vs. Roundheads
-Charles vs. Oliver Cromwell
-roundheads win
Triennial Act
-parliment must meet with king once every 3 years
-Charles I didnt follow act
Petition of Right
-guarantees trial by jury
-cant hose soldiers w/out permission
Protectorate (The Common Wealth)
-time without a king
Lord Protector
-hard work and no fun
-Globe Theater and taverns and bars shut down
-Calvinist Dictator
-parliment brought back Charles I oldest son
-condition of leaving religion alone
-monarchy and stewart line restored
Charles II
-Merry Monarch
-had hundreds of illigitament kids
-got along w/ parliament mostly
James II
-brother of Charles II
-open catholic
-kept in power because he had two protestant daughters
-divorced daughter's mother and married catholic woman
---had her son; James II is overthrown when son was born
parlaiment ignored inheritance rules and made Mary II and her husband, William III, queen and king
The Glorious Revolution (Bloodless Revolution)
overthrowal of James II
The Act of Settlement
parlaiment says that closest living relative who isn't catholic will become king/queen
Anne I
-last of Stuart line
-sister of Mary II
-out lived all 18 children
the pretenders
James II son and grandson
-always tried to claim to be rightful kings
killing of king (royal)
believes they have divine right to the throne
a certain order or arrangment
Act of Supremacy
-declared Henry VIII as head of church of England
-passed by parliament
religious schools
rulers who cared more about citizens simply obeying the laws and not of what religion they were