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28 Cards in this Set

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Why Rome?
-Good for merchants as operations
Rome Geography
-Italian Peninsula has a mixture of hills, plains, and mountains that alters the climate of Italy
-Po River Valley > provides vast majority of water and location of growing food
City of Rome
-Located on the Tiber River, too much silt to be used as a port, slow-moving, yellow-brown
Cloaca Maxima
-Created a huge drain called the Clocaca maxima
-Drained into the flatlands around Rome

"All roads lead to Rome"
Roman roads
-Flint and chalk were the gravel
-In city-street stones, elevated sidewalks and lines were made from wheels from carts that have cut through the rocks
City of Rome
-Most famous for Seven Hills that surround the city, occpied by 7 different tribes
-Hills originally served as protection from attack, but also they came to be identified with the specific Roman families
-Hill you live on determines social status
-Palentine Hill - gifted, powerful empires
-Around 600 BC, settlements were established in middle of the hills, called the forum (center) and became center of Roman religious and political life
Founding of Rome - Legend #1
The great Roman poet Virgil composed a long epic called The Aeneid (Like Odyssey)
-Aeneas is hero who founds Rome after fighting at Troy
-Romans are lost people of Troy
Founding of Rome - Legend #2
-Came from writing of Livy
-Evil king, Aumlis kills ruler of what is Rome
-Pretty daughter and evil king keeps her around, 9 months later she has twins
-Orders to take babies to the woods and throw them out so he can still be king
-Lion mistakes them for her puppies and raises them, Romnes and Remes
-They grow up and go back and kill the evil king
-Romnes kills Remes
Founding of Rome - Reality
-Rome came from combinations of different cultures and ethnic groups
-7 Hills came together basically
-Very reigious in Roman empire
-Buried their dead of cremated them
-Mutual relationship between gods and people keeps harmony in the world - pax deorum
-People live north of Rome
-Know how to read, write, farming and building techniques, etc
-Take area in 725
Etruscans and Rome
-Royal Rome > period of their rule over Rome because of their monarchy and kings
-Brought new farming techniques to Rome
-Built canals and irrigation techniques
-Livy's stroy is an Etruscan prince stalks a Roman woman, Lecrecha. The prince wants the woman she says no. After being attacked, she runs to tell her husband then kills herself, the prince dies, king dies, etruscans die (legend)
New Roman Society
-Kept many traditions that were established during the Etruscan period
-Romans do not try to create a new radical form of govt where everyone is equal
-Instead, mostly the opposite
-Eerything in society is based on hierarchy, and it begins with family
Roman family
-Under control of house is father (pater familia)
-Father total control over life and death in family, expose child or kill daughter who had disgraced the family
-Father as household priest - PAX ROMANA
-Wife ran household if the man was away, but when husband was around he was considered and viewed as a child
Roman society/system
-Father runs the show
-Outside home still based on hierarchy
-Hierarchy based on wealth and birth
-The wealthy/upper class
-Participant in gov
-Poor/lower class
-Can't participate in political power, eventually get assemly of Plebians
Patron-Client System
-Patron is patrician
-Client is plebian man
-In Rome everyone has a vote, patrons want political office
-Patron takes names as clients and pays them, gives some of what they want and gets their vote from the gifts
Roman Republic
-The republic didn't emerge as a whole, but devloped over time
-Lasted 500 years
-System balanced power between assemblies, executive, and judicial branches
2 Consuls (Roman Republic)
-Consuls held absoute power to execute Roman law
-They were elcted, serve one year only
-Executive authority, equal, each can beto the other
-Veto, "I forbid"
-Serve primarily as army commanders
-Was previously the king's advisory council
-500 BC, republic established with senate having around 300 members
-Patricians, often former consuls
-Loosely defined powers
-Controls finance
-Laws presented to Senate first, if they don't like it, forget it
Centuriate Assembly
-Elected body with 193 members called Centuriates
-Represented all Roman citizens (Republic)
-Elect all important magistrates (judicial and executive officials)
-Make decisions on going to war (common man's fight)
-All citizens in Rome can vote, but only 2 of the 7 bother (client patron system)
Plebian Assembly
-Created to appease the disgrantled Plebians when they seeded from Rome (to the aventine hill)
-Law making assembly
-Sort of a governor who takes the pressure off the consuls who must concentrate on military duty
-Looks after the needs and rights of the Plebians
-Represents poor people in the government
-Temporary appointed by consuls during Miliatary crisis
6 month term
-Cincinnatus, power during 4th, represented good virtues. He was a (ex soldier) farmer that became dictator. he fought battles and won and then went back home and returned to farming
Roman Social Values
-Individual less important than community in Roman Society
-Family is key and important
-PIETAS > loyalty was most important characteristic of Roman people
-Example: Titus and Manilus, father and son, one Roman commander, one was officer, kills his son for not following orders
-Honor is important.
Women > tied to their chastity
Men > Their courage and service to the state
-All serious, little joking
Gods and worship
-Romans changed some of the names and characteristics of gods and goddesses
-Janus > projector of the state, two headed god that stood in door and faced in and out
-Doors of templekept open during times of war
-Gods and goddesses become less bloodthirsty and more skilled at nicer things in life (art, music, etc) and gods like Zeus (Jupiter) become more like father figures
-Worship of these gods is civic duty or going through the rituals
-Goddess of the hearth (fireplace)
-Goddess of home, family
-13 bestal virgins, must remain virgins to be pure or they will be buried alive, everyone wanted to be one
-13 to have to tend and keep an eternal flame burning in temple of forum
-Virgins appointed