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171 Cards in this Set

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The arrow points to the ______ Mountains
self awareness, appreciation of human abilities,
new emphasis on this during the Renaissance
Phillip II sent the ___ ___ into the English
Channel, but it failed to defeat the English.
Spanish Armada
Where the Renaissance began; new
economic prosperity and cultural pride;
benefited economically from the Crusades
northern Italy
ISLAM Founder
The word "renaissance" means ___.
(of classical civilization...
ancient Greece and Rome)
The arrow points to the _____ Mountains
Ural (they divide Europe and Asia)
Renaissance artist and engineer whose
ideas were before his time
Renaissance Man/ Leonardo da vinci
Austrian royal family that ruled much
of southern Europe
German monk who began the reformation
with his protests of Church corruption
Martin Luther
Which religion goes with all of these??
Monotheistic, New Testament,
Heaven/Hell, Jesus gives salvation,
ISLAM Sacred Text
The Renaissance means ___ of
classical (Greco-Roman) knowledge.
Who was the first European to sail
to India by going around the
southern tip of Africa?
Vasco daGama
nailed to the door of the Wittenburg church,
statements criticizing indulgences and other
church policies
95 Thesis
ISLAM Holy Cities
Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem
Government where the power of
the crown is unchecked.
Absolute Monarchy
Who had the first crew to travel
around the world?
The arrow points to the ______ Sea
certificates sold by the church synod to reduce
or even cancel punishment for a person's sins
as long as one truly repents
ISLAM Moral Code
5 Pillars
The Renaissance spread from the city-states
of ___ to Northern Europe and beyond.
Northern Italy
French explorer who sailed up the
St. Lawrence River and established
France's claim on Canada
Jacques Cartier
a person could be made just, or good, simply
by faith in God's mercy and love
Justification by Faith
Another name for the Age of Monarchs.
Age of Absolutism.
to travel completely around the globe
What was the name of the Empire that,
in 1500 AD, occupied the territory known
as Iran today?
Safavid Empire (Persia)
reformer who established most powerful
group in Swiss city of Geneva. Set up a
theocracy in Geneva
John Calvin
England's monarch - encouraged pirates
to attack Spanish treasure ships;
defeated the Spanish Armada; made
Anglican the official religion
Queen Elizabeth
America was named for this person?
Amerigo Vespucci
What was India known as under Muslim rule?
Mughal India (1500 AD)
God determines the fate of everyone
before they are born
Dynasty that ruled Prussia
during the Age of Monarchs.
popular phase which sums up the
reasons for European countries to
explore and conquer new lands
Gold, God, Glory
What was the name of the trading
empire of western Africa in 1500 AD?
Songhai Empire
people who wanted to purify the English
Church by removing all Catholic rituals
The Moral Code of Hinduism
is called ___.
Greecian painter who lived primarily in Spain
El Greco
What items from the Far East did
the Europeans want?
spices, silk, & pepper
What empire occupied the Yucatan
peninsula (Central America) in 1500?
Mayan Empire
(actually had fallen by 900 AD)
reaffirmed Catholic teachings that had
been challenged by Protestants
Council of Trent
The Creator God of Hinduism
is called the ____.
From northern Italy, the Renaissance
spread to ____ ____.
northern Europe
conquistador who defeated the
Aztecs of Mexico
Hernan Cortes
The capital of the Aztec Empire
in 1500 AD was _____.
(today it is Mexico City)
(island city on Lake Texcoco)
Ignatius founded the Jesuits after being
wounded in war. Jesuits vowed to serve
the pope. they preached to people
helping spread Christianity, also founding
universities and schools
Ignatius of Loyola
he founded the Jesuits
Erasmus was a Dutch theologian who
advanced the intellectual ideas known
as ___.
The largest ancient empire of South
America was the ____. Its capital
was Cuzco.
Incan Empire
Those who supported Charles I
in the English Civil War
What is a conquistador?
Any of the Spanish conquerors in the
Americas during the early 1500s.
the basic teaching of Buddhism,
expressed by Siddartha Gautama:
1.life is painful
2.the cause of this suffering is excess desire
3.there is a way to overcome this suffering
4. the way is the eightfold path
Four Noble Truths
French king who married the Austrian
princess, Marie Antoinette, at age 15;
he was a poor leader and husband
Louis XVI (16th)
The main religion of India and parts
of southeast Asia in 1500 AD was ___.
Strongest nation in Europe during
the 1500s and early 1600s.
explorer who conquered the
Incas of South America
Francisco Pizarro
The main religion of India and parts
of East and Southeast Asia in 1500 AD
was ___.
French king who married the Austrian
princess, Marie Antoinette, at age 15;
he was a poor leader and husband
Louis XVI (16th)
Trans-Saharan trade routes linked
southern and western _____
to northern ____.
Africa (both)
___ was the famous painter, inventor,
and philosopher of Renaissance Italy.
Leonardo daVinci
trade between Europe, Africa, and
the Americas of food, slaves,
and raw goods
Triangle Trade
The most famous Renaissance author
of sonnets, plays, and essays was
the Englishman named ___.
A waterway in North America thought to
connect the Atlantic Ocean and the
Pacific Ocean. It was searched for
but not found.
the Northwest Passage
Chief minister to Louis XIII; he took
France into the Thirty Years War to
prevent Hapsburg domination of
Cardinal Richelieu
Peter the Great built ______, which
became the new capital of Russia
St. Petersburg
16th century invention of shared risk investing;
the Dutch East India Company is an example
Joint-Stock Company
Those who supported Parliament
in the English Civil War
___ was an Indian emperor, of the
Maurya Dynasty who ruled from
273 BC to 232 BC.
one of India's greatest emperors
became Buddhist after a war
The English Bill of Rights made sure
Parliament had more power than the
ruler and established ________.
limited monarchy
economic theory based on the idea that
a nation's power is best measured by
its wealth in gold and silver:
Renaissance thought: self awareness,
appreciation of human abilities like
reason and invention
Bible / New Testament
Marked the transition from Medieval to
modern times. A time of great artistic
and intellectual creativity
Who started the School of Navigation?
Prince Henry
The two most famous contributors to Renaissance
visual arts were Leonardo daVinci and ___.
French monarch who called himself
the "Sun King."
Louis XIV (14th)
Roundheads were mainly _____.(religion)
Date of the Glorious Revolution
AD 1688
called the "national razor," it was
invented by a physician as a more
human form of execution
Where the Renaissance began;
new economic prosperity and
cultural pride
northern Italy
The Church view of ___ was challenged by
merchant wealth in Europe during the Reformation
period. (it means charging interest on loans)
Who led Parliament's army to victory
in the English Civil War.
Oliver Cromwell
marie antoinette
austrian wife of Louis XVI
Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of ___.
German and English nobles challenges the
authority of the Catholic Church because
they viewed it as being dominated by ___.
(The popes lived in Rome)
Following the English Civil War, ___
was found guilty of treason and became
the only English king ever to be
executed (beheaded)
Charles I
These first formed in England following the
"Restoration" of Charles II to the throne.
These "factions" develop as people gain
rights and greater political authority.
Political Parties
"Whigs" and "Tories"
The Koran is the holy book of ___.
he broke with the Catholic church over
issues of corruption and began the
Protestantism which placed "faith"
above Church authority
Martin Luther
The selling of ___ was seen as one of the
most clear examples of Church corruption
going into the Reformation period.
Christians became divided between
Catholics and Protestants.
Philip II and other absolute monarchs
believed they were kings by ________.
Divine Right
Under Cromwell, the monarchy was
abolished and England was declared
a republic called the ____ of Great
believed in a social contract and
also believed that people are born
free but are enslaved by society
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Reincarnation, karma and dharma
are parts of the religion of ____.
To finance Renaissance projects in
Rome Pope Leo X authorized the
sale of ___________.
Martin Luther viewed the Bible as the ultimate
authority and taught that salvation is gained
by ___ alone.
He was invited by Parliament to return to
England (from exile in France) and
become king. This was known as the
"Restoration" of the monarchy
Charles II
leader of the Roundheads;
became Lord Protector
Oliver Cromwell
The idea that royal power is granted by God.
Divine Right of Kings
Enlightenment thinkers believed all
problems could be solved with____.
Most Hindus live in ____.
The act which led directly to the birth of the
Protestant Church was when Luther nailed ___
to his church door in Wittenburg.
his 95 Theses
The ___ stated that Parliament had greater
power over the monarchy. It was signed
by William and Mary in 1689.
English Bill of Rights
The return of Charles II as King of England
marked the beginning of the ___ ___ of
British history.
Restoration Period
Most Buddhists live in eastern ___.
___ established a Protestant tradition based
on "predestination" and faith being "revealed"
by righteous living.
John Calvin
Name for the bloodless revolution which
forced James II to flee England and brought
William and Mary to power
Glorious Revolution
Strongest monarch during Span's
Golden Age
Philip II
this originally referred to the princes
refusal to join the pope against
Luther; it eventually comes to refer to all
who broke with the Catholic Church.
signed the English Bill of Rights
and became the rulers
William and Mary
Powerful banking family that ruled Florence.
The Torah is the written record
of the religion of ___.
___ dismissed the authority of the
Pope in Rome be separating the
English Church for Catholicism and
establishing the Anglican tradition.
King Henry VIII (8th)
William & Mary signed the ___ into law
which established the supremacy of the
Parliament over the crown in England.
English Bill of Rights
once a medieval castle, it served as
a prison and armory for the nobility;
it was also the target of the first violent
outbreak of revolution
another name for the Catholic Reformation
Counter Reformation
Meetings for the discussion of ideas.
The Eightfold Path to Nirvana (eternal bliss)
is part of the religion of ____.
The English Reformation began because
the king wanted a ___ so he could gain
a male heir.
English King broke with the pope.
Henry VIII
Title of the Russian monarch
Czar (tsar)
Because the American colonists believed
they were being taxed without their
representation and thus denied their
natural rights... they ___.
declared independence.
Made Henry VIII the official head
of the Church of England. (1534)
Act of Supremacy
Name the monarch: ____________
- Anglican Church
- tolerance for dissenters
- victory over the Spanish Armada
- last Tudor
Elizabeth I
Czar who worked to modernize Russia
by implementing Western European
methods and traditions -
Peter the Great
document which guaranteed rights
of life, liberty, property to French citizens
Declaration of Rights of Man
and Citizen
Name of the Protestant Church of England
believed that people are
naturally cruel; wrote Leviathan
Thomas Hobbes
belived in natural rights; wrote the
Two Treatises of Government
John Locke
Philip II expelled all non-Catholics
from Spain. This included mostly
______ and _____.
Jews and Moors (Muslims)
created the system of checks and balances;
wrote Spirit of the Laws
this was used as to create terror and
extract all non-catholic elements from Spain.
Spanish Inquisition
Agreed that the Church's interpretation
of the Bible was final. (meeting)
Council of Trent
believed in and fought for freedom of speech
It's defeat in 1588 was the beginning
of Spain's decline as the leading
European power.
Spanish Armada
Founder of the Jesuit Order.
Ignatius Loyola
In the late 1500s, France was torn
by religious conflict between ____.
Catholics & Huguenots
A society of Jesus.
French Protestant Calvinists
First Bourbon King of France; he
was also a Huguenot, but converted
to become king
Henry of Navarre
Henry IV
The Council of Trent and the formation
of the Jesuits were parts of the ___ ___.
Counter Reformation
or Catholic Reformation
Commissioned by the Pope to paint
the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Established the Edict Nantes
Henry IV
this gave French Protestants (Huguenots)
religious freedom in 1598.
Edict of Nantes
Real ruler of France during the
reign of Louis XIII
Cardinal Richelieu
Was triggered by a rebellion of
Bohemian protestants who began
it by throwing two officials out of
a third story window
Thirty Years War
Started over religion ended up
over the balance of power.
Thirty Years War
Where Jacques Cartier sailed
to establish French claim
5 Canada (Quebec)
(New France)
A tax on imports
Protective tariff
In some Italian cities Jews were
forced to live in a separate part
of the city called a ________.
He weakened the power of the nobles
by inviting them to live in Luxury in
his palace.
Louis XIV
Small nations band together to keep
a strong nation from dominating.
Very important to peace in Europe
Balance of Power
Maria Theresa' dynasty.
Peter fought the Swedes and the
Turks to gain a ________.
warm water port
Priest who wanted the common man
to be able to read the scripture and
fought corruption in the Church.
Martin Luther
His plays often explored the
complexity of the individual.
Helped spread the ideas of both the
Renaissance and the Reformation.
(an invention)
Printing Press
Inventor of the Printing Press.
Johann Gutenberg
Intellectual movement of the
17th & 18th centuries.
The Enlightenment was prompted
by the ____ ____ (1500s & 1600s).
Scientific Revolution
He developed a telescope and
supported the Heliocentric theory.
Demonstrated that planets move in
ellipses or ovals.
Johannes Kepler
He laid the foundations for the scientific
theories that subsequently revolutionized
the world; he invented calculus
Isaac Newton
Newton developed the theory of ___.
Hobbes, Locke& Rousseau were all
considered ____ ____ theorists.
social contract
He believed people had Natural Rights
to life, liberty and property.
John Locke
John Locke Believed that if people's
natural rights were NOT protected,
they had the right and duty to _____.
Name for complete free market
economy (leave it alone).
Laissez faire
Criticized the enlightenment's excessive
emphasis on reason, he believed people
needed to rely more on emotion and instinct.
Belief that God started the universe like
a perfect clock and then left it alone.
The was the "religion" of the