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42 Cards in this Set

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Why was Copernicus’ view of the universe revolutionary?
The earth is not the center of the universe and the earth is not stationary
What was Newton’s contribution to science? How does this impact the Enlightenment political philosophers?
i. Newton discovered the law of gravity
ii. After Newton discovered the law of gravity the philosophers came to believe there are natural laws that regulate all areas of mans life
What are the four parts of the scientific method?
i. Observation (state the problem)
ii. Hypothesis
iii. Experiment
iv. conclusion
Compare how the English philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke viewed an individual’s role in society
i. Thomas Hobbes believed that man is evil and needs to be governed by a strong ruler
ii. John Locke believed that man is good and they have natural rights and the governments job is to protect those rights
How did Montesquieu he view power?
Power corrupts..that means if you put someone in charge they will overuse it
believed in tolerance (freedom of religion) and enlightened monarch and freedom of speech
V for vendetta belived in freeedom and tolerence and stuff like that cuz inside the mask he was a nice guy
believes that man is good, man has natural rights, all men are equal…society corrupts man, and government must be a democracy
rousseau sounds like a ROSE and roses are beautiful nice and he belives man is good..
the good of the people must be the great purpose of the government
D- hes a nice guy and think other people she be the purpose of the great government..he believes if the people make good desisions then the government will be good
divine right
man is born with certain rights given to him by god
making april...it means something good..rights given by god is something good
from the church
u have sex then u go and ask for forgiveness from the CHURCH
natural laws
regulated all areas of mans life
self explanitory
social contract
John Locke believed the basic nature of man is good, if the ruler breaks the contract the people have the right to a new government
natural rights
the right to life, liberty and property…(live their life free
this one has to do with life..preety self explanitory
separation of powers
splitting the branches of government to the executive, legislative, and judicial
seperation- SPLITTING (same thing)
checks and balances
a system of checks and balances prevents the abuse of power
all to avent the abuse of power
freedom of religion
the mom and dad finaly TOLERATED him going out on his own but he had to make good choices and do what GOD WOULD DO (religion)
“general will”
government that rules by majority
self explanitory
CONSTITUTION – be able to cite the historical origin of components of its structure
James Madison is known as the father of the constitution…he was influenced by Montesquieu
Articles of Confederation
First government is purposely weak
representative government
there are citizens that are in government that represent the people from their areas
federal system
A government that is in charge of everybody
Kevin FEDERLINE is in charge of everybody because he is dating at one point the hottest woman alive, Brittney Spears
Bill of Rights
Was influenced by the English bill of rights and stated the rights of the people
1. What are the three stages of revolution?
a. Moderate beginning
b. Radical movement
c. Order restored
Moderate beginning
i. National assembly/tennis court oath
ii. Storming of the Bastille
iii. Declaration of the rights of man
iv. Constituently of monarchy
Radical movement
i. Robes Pierre
ii. Reign of Terror
Order restored
i. Rise of Napoleon
ii. Napoleonic Empire
iii. Congress of Vienna and The Concert of Europe
2. What were the three rigid distinct social classes of the Old Regime? What kinds of people made up these estates?
a. The first estate- The Clergy (the church)
b. The Second Estate- The Nobles
c. The Third Estate- Bourgeoisie, Urban Workers and peasants (everybody else) 98 percent of the people
Describe the main ideas or reforms contained in the Declaration of the Rights of Man
a. All men are born free and equal
b. It gaurented citizens equal justice and all male citizens are equal before the law
c. Freedom of speech and religion
Estates General
Were the representatives from all three estates
Tennis Court Oath
The third estate pledged to revolt against the king
Storming of the Bastille
The third estate stormed the Bastille to demand their rights
National Assembly
Noble men made speeches declaring their love of equality and liberty(freedom)
Noble men made speeches declaring their love of equality and liberty(freedom)
All men are free and equal
Constitution of 1791
It established a hereditary monarchy and a legislative assembly
National Convention
The new legislative body
Committee of Public Safety
Robes Pierre is the leader and begins a Reign Of Terror to attack domestic enemies
Robes Pierre
felt that terror is what controlled the people in the country..(if people were scared then they would do what they were supposed to do)
Reign of Terror
40,000 people were killed; the biggest enemies were Robes Pierre’s fellow radicals
What reforms did Napoleon Bonaparte make?
• Strengthen Central Government
• Improve finances and collect taxes
• Built rode’s, bridges and canals
• Creates government run public schools
• Made peace with the catholic church
• Instituted the Napoleonic code- equality of all citizens, religious toleration, advancement based on merit
What price did the people pay by having Napoleon Bonaparte and the king?
• Valued order and authority over individual rights
• Women lost most of their newly gained rights
• Censored speech and press
• Order arbitrary arrest (randomly people got arrested and put into jail)
• Utilize secret police
• Entered war of expansion(trying to make more and more land)
• Sparked nationalist feelings across Europe
What is Napoleon’s legacy to nationalism?
He showed how armies could conquer other nations if they believe it was for their countries own good
Discuss the major event that marked the beginning of the end for Napoleon.- The battle of Trafalger
They lost to Brittan