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79 Cards in this Set

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Government of England -;
limited monarchy
Government of France - ;
absolute marchy
Parliament - ;
The law making body of England, monarch used them.
Limited Monarchy - ;
takes place in England; gov't which a constitution or legislative body limits the monarch's power
Absolute Monarchy - ;
ruler with complete authority over the gov't
Estates General - ;
a group of representatives from all three classes or estates (clergy, nobels, and townspeople) advisor to the monarch. Monarch ignored them
Decline of Serfdom -;
hide in crowd
Domesday Book ;
- a survey that William I used as a basis for taxing
Magna Carta -;
a great charter, king John was forced to sign, a long list of feudal rights, it limited royal power and extend rights
Guild System - ;
organization of a specific craft
Dangers of Medieval Towns ;
- croweded, no police, frequent fires
Crusades - ;
series of holy wars; the quickened the end of the middle ages
Reconquest - ;
Attempt to regain Spain from Moors
Infidel - ;
someone who does not believe in Catholicism
Joan of Arc ;
- Led french armies against the english at age 17; eventually burned at the stake for witchcraft
Black Death - ;
an epidemic that swept through Europe and asia. Killed close to a halfof the population; carried by rats and fleas
Dante -;
Italin poet; dante's inferno
Pope Urban II ;
- Started Crusade to free "holy land"
St. Thomas Aquinas ;
- philospher; used religon and philosphy to prove science and religion are related
Geoffrey Chaucer ;
- English author wrote Cantury tales; told how people lived during middle ages
Saladin -;
great muslim leader; defeated Europeans during crusades
Why did Germany remain a weak nation during the Middle Ages?;
- German Nobles became very independent;no centralized gov't.
Byzantine Empire ;
- Eastern Roman Empire; Lasted another 1000 yrs after fall of Rome; blended cultures of Romans, Greeks and had christian influences
Silk Road ;
- Mongolian Trade Route; started in byzantine and strectched to asia
Justinian - ;
Greatest of Byzantine Emperors; created Law code and left lasting monuments
Justinian’s Code of Laws- ;
– Revised all Roman Laws; Basis of modern legal systems today
Hagia Sophia - ;
(Holy Wisdom); In shape of Greek Cross; Most Orthodox Churches; Church built by Justainian
Byzantine Christianity-;
Diff between this and collsolism: The Byzantine Emperor controlled the church and appointed the head of the church; created orthodox church; would not use icons; clergy could marry; cheif holy day was Easter; rejected the pope's claim of control over all christains
Ghenghis Khan - ;
Unified Monguls; used terror weapons
Vlad Tepes- ;
Vlad the Impaler; Prince of Wallachia – Transylvanian, Romania; Frightened enemies by impaling them; nicknamed Dracula
Elizabeth Bathory - ;
True Vampire; Bathe and drank blood of peasant girl; helped inspire dracula
 Minaret -;
tower called faithful to prayer; used for prayer
Harem -;
special quarters for women
Caliph- ;
Successor to Muhammad.
It actually means to strive; struggle
- place of worship
Hajj - ;
a sacred pilgrimage that represent the religious experience of a lifetime. It lasts for five days and believers seek to become closer with god, seek forgiveness of their sins and to renew their spiritual commitment.
Sunni -;
Believed that the Caliph should be chosen by the Muslim community.
Sufi - ;
Helped spread islam through missoinary work. respected for their spiritualness
Shiites -;
Believed that that Caliph should be a Pious Muslim
Umayyads ;
- Family dynasty that ruled the islamic world; had conquests
Describe the Islamic World. - ;
Muslims are people who submit themselves to Allah and believe doing rituals such as praying five times a day.
Five Pillars of Islam-;
1. Decoration of faith
2. Prayer
3. Zakat
4. Fasting
5. Pilgrimage
Quran - ;
The record of words revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel to Mohammad
What led to the decline of the Caliphate? - ;
Seljuk Truk invasion; Mongul Invasion; Crusades
What two items dominated trade on the Sahara Trade Routes?;
- salt and gold
Great Zimbabwe -;
Big ruins; measn " great stone buildings
Griot - ;
professional poets in Africa who recited ancient stories
the gradual drying out of areas in Africa; fertile land becomes desert. drought, use of water, agricultural misuse,
What civilization had walled cities which helped them expand their commercial centers? -;
Mansas - ;
The name for the king in Mali
Slash and Burn - ;
the method farmers used which consisted of burning forests and using the ash as fertilizer
African Climate zones ;
-Rain forest, Savanna, Desert, Mediterranean, Dry Woodland; Sahara Desert is largest
Tang Dynasty - ;
Conquered lands in Vietnam and Korea = Tributary States; Had confuncian ideas; eventually lost land to arabs
Song Dynasty - ;
Controlled less territory than Tang; Under constant threat of invasion; Social order based on Duty, rank and proper behavior
Hangul -;
Korean alphabet using symbols for sounds
Japan - ;
chain of tiny islands; frequent earthquakes and tsunamis; Uji's controlled different islands of Japan.
Korea - ;
Mountainous region; people lived on the coasts; seperated into three kingdoms
Kamikaze - ;
divine wind that kept the Monguls from invading Japan
Tributary States;
- Vietnam and Korea; part of Tang Dynasty; had to pay tribute to a ruler, but could rule themselves;
Literacy Rate in Korea;
- high literacy rate as a result of Hangul
Archipelago ;
-chain of tiny islands
Pennisula - ;
area of land surround 3 sides by water
Yamoto Clan ;
- dominated largest island of Honshu; descendants of the son godess
Heian Period ;
- Time of blending Chinese cultures for Japan
Bushido -;
Code emphasis on honor, bravery, and loyalty that the samurais followed
Japanese Feudalism: 5 Parts
Emperor, Shoguns, Daimyo Samurai, Peasants
Marco Polo - ;
Italian; Spent 17 years under Kublia Kahn; left vivid accounts of the splendor of the empire. 
Renaissance ;
- “Rebirth” or “reawakening” of the classical culture of Greece and Rome;
Humanism -;
focus on worldly objects not divine things;
Scientific Revolution;
- Changing view of the universe; Galileo proved Copernicus right proving heliocentric universe
Protestant Reformation;
- The catholic church got involved in wordly affairs; sold indulgences; Luther made 95 thesis
Vernacular ;
- native language
In what ways did medieval kings takeover territory?
deafeated people, through marriage, death of nobles
What was the Great Schism? What event did it led to?
the split between christain gropus: eastern orthodox and catholic church...began with excommunication of 2 popes...led to the split of the church
What religion did the Seljuk Turks convert to?
Grandson of Genhis kahn...burned down keiv
Ivan the Terrible
Russian Czar who helped increase Royal Power
Prophet to god and leader of muslim faith