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71 Cards in this Set

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what is a renaissance man?

Person that excelled in many fields- Charming, witty, well-educated, artist, writer, athlete

Upper class, educated in classics, charming

Expected to inspire are but not create it

What is humanism

intellectual movement focused on human achievement

Humanists suggested that a person could enjoy life without offending God. in middle ages people lived simple lives to [please God

Who is Leonardo Da Vinci

Scientist, medicine, math, sculpture, painter

What is Leonardo Da Vinci most remembered for

Mona Lisa, The Last Supper

Who is Michelangelo


Why is Leonardo Da Vinci known as the first renaissance man

self educated and a natural genius

What are Michelangelo's most famous pieces

Statue of David, The Sistine Chapel

Who is Raphael

Italian painter and architect

What was Raphael most remembered for

perspective...School of Athens

Who is Niccolo Machiavelli

Author of political guide book

What is machiavelli most famous work
The Prince: how rulers gain and keep power

How long did it take for the Renaissance ideas and beliefs to move north

100 years

What is Utopia

better model of a perfect society

Who wrote Utopia

Thomas More

What is the significance of Shakespeare in the renaissance

English playwright who drew inspiration from the classics and whose plays are still very popular today.

What are Shakespeares famous pieces

  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Hamlet
  • The Taming of the Shew

Who was Johann Gutenburg? What is he credited for creating?

Around 1440 Johann Gutenburg (Germany) invented the printing press with moveable type, allowing Renaissance ideas to spread even faster.

How did the printing press change life for people in the renaissance ( 3 ways)

Books are more available- cheaper and easier

People became more literate or educated

The ideas of religious reformers spread faster

What were some causes of the reformation

  1. The renaissance emphasis on secular and the individual challenged Church authority
  2. Printing press spread secular idea
  3. Rulers began challenging pope authority

What were some criticisms of the church

1. Corrupt leaders, wanted more $$$$

2. Poorly educated/corrupt priests and monks

3. The sale of indulgences- a pardon for sins committed during a persons lifetime, many Christians did not like this at all!!

Who is Martin Luther? Why did he start the reform?

In 1517, Martin Luther, monk/ teacher from Germany, was furious to see people buying indulgences rather than repent their sins.

He decided to take a stand against the church & indulgences.

What are indulgences

A pardon for sins committed during a persons lifetime; selling a way to heaven

What were Luther's main beliefs? How did he tell people about his beliefs?

After criticizing indulgences, Luther wanted full reform of the Church based on three main ideas:

1. all church teachings should be based directly on the bible

2. all people in faith were equal

3. Lutheran's start using the name protestant because they were protesting the papal authority

Many saw Luther's reform as the answer to church corruption

Printing press

How did the Catholic Church respond to Martin Luther and his 95 theses? explain what happened

People were quick to jump on Luther's ideas and Luther became a serious threat to the pope. Church called him to recant and he said no

In 1520, Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther

Emperor Charles V also opposed Luther, and through the Edict of Worms declared Luther an outlaw and heretic

Who was Henry the VIII

King of England; created religious turmoil when split from Catholic church to create the Church of England; Married six times

Who was Henry VIII first wife? What could she not do for the throne?

Catherine of Argon, widow of brother; she could not produce a male heir

Who was the last of King Henry's children to rule England?

Elizabeth I; popular and well liked; religious tolerance

How did the Anglican Church ( the Church of England) start?

Created by King Henry VIII when he split from the Catholic church; Act of Supremacy

Why did Henry want to get an annulment

Wanted to marry Anne Boleyn who promised a male heir to the throne

Who is Anne Boleyn? What happens to her?

King Henry VIII wants to marry her to get a male heir to the throne. Splits from the Catholic church, creates church of England; married and has a daughter; beheaded for witchcraft

Who was Mary Tudor? What were her religious goals? What was her nickname? Why?

Daughter of Catherine, First wife of King Henry

Devout Catholic and wants to make England Catholic again

Gets nicknamed "Bloody Mary"

She dies

Who was Elizabeth Tudor? What was her religious goal?

Daughter of Anne Boleyn, 2nd wife to King Henry

very popular in England

restores Protestantism

Her policy?? Religious compromise

What was the major conflict in England?

Religious hatred between Protestants and Catholics

What is the focus of the Catholic Reformation? Where did they agree on the doctrines?

Millions were still loyal to the Catholic Church, but the reformation prompted a movement called the Catholic Reformation which emerged to help Catholics remain loyal

Protestant churches flourished and new denominations developed

The Catholic Church became more unified after the Council of Trent's doctrines were established

Still hatred between Catholics and Protestants

What is the legacy of the Protestant Reformation?

The reformation set the stage for the modern world, and culturally divided Europeans

Protestant churches flourished and new denominations developed

The Catholic Church became more unified after the Council of Trent's doctrines were established Still hatred between Catholics and Protestants

Define Renaissance

a period in Europe, lasting from 1300-1600, during which renewed interest in classical culture led to far reaching changes and creativity in art, writing, learning, and thought. Renaissance means rebirth, or new beginnings.

Define Vernacular

native language

Define Act of Supremacy

Parliament passed, said that Henry was " the only supreme head on Earth and of the Church of England"

What is Feudalism?

was a political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military services, and protection of the people who live on the land.

Draw and label a feudal pyramid, each ranking , what do they give and recieve

Pope: given tithe to pay for churches, helps homeless
King/Queen:given loyalty, knights fight, pays tithe 
Lord: provides knightsto fight, given estates, fiefs
Knights: provides protection, given land
Peasants/Serf: provides service, given shelt...

Pope: given tithe to pay for churches, helps homeless

King/Queen:given loyalty, knights fight, pays tithe

Lord: provides knightsto fight, given estates, fiefs

Knights: provides protection, given land

Peasants/Serf: provides service, given shelter, food

What was excommunication

banishment from the church, to gain power over the kings

What was interdict

banishment to the entire kingdom

Why were these two punishments considered to be the worst for Medieval Christians

They were banned from the church and could not practice any sacraments

What does crusade mean

cruces means cross

Why did the crusades

In 1093, Byzantine emperor asks for help fighting the turks (invaded land)

Pope Urban II issues a call for a crusade- a holy war military expeditions to regain the holy land 1096-1204

What were some negative results of the Crusades

Left a legacy of religious hatred- as both Christians and Muslims committed horrible acts against each other in the name of religion

What were 2 positive results of the Crusades

Increased trade- returning crusaders brought new fabrics, spices, perfumes, and more from the middle east- also opened trade routes

New goods were bought in trade; apricots, lemons, melons, rice, sugar, silks, spices, perfumes, pearls, and ivory

Wider world view- made people realize that there was much more to the world than they knew, like India and China

Define bubonic plague

a disease spread by fleas on rats and hit Asia, North Africa, and Europe

Another name for bubonic plague

Black Death

Why did the bubonic plague spread so quickly across Europe

At this time rats infested the cities, ships, and even the homes of the rich and powerful causing the plague to spread rapidly It was a terrible way to die- very painful death

How many people died from the bubonic plague

1 in 3 people died ( about 25 million from this disease in Europe worse than any war they had seen

What was the economic impact of the Bubonic Plague

Trade declined, prices rose

Hurts economy- no people to work, low production

What was the hundred years war

War broke out between France and England- power conflict

What events mark the end of the middle ages

Hundred years war broke out between France and England- power conflict

the end of the war is considered the end of the Middle Ages because it ended the religious devotion and the code of chivalry

What are the three major groups of christianity

Roman Catholic


Eastern Orthodox

Christianity is based on the life and teachings of this person

Jesus Christ

The sacred text for Islam


What are the five pillars of Islam





pilgrimage to mecca

"no wind" to extinguish the flames of a candle & burning flame of desire will go out, So when you reach nirvana you are at peace and have no desire ...What is this term


a state of perfect wisdom in which one understands basic truths about the universe


Define Karma

belief that ones actions have consequences that determine the next life

Which three Gods make up the Hindu Trinity




Leaders of the Jewish faith means "master"


What are the major Jewish sects




What is culture

A people unique way of life, as shown by its tools, customs, arts, and ideas

What are two ways to learn about culture

Observe and imitate the behavior of others

directly taught by others

What are the five components that make up Culture?

Laws and Government- rules and policies that organize and structure groups of people

Help people cooperate- ways to solve problems unite

Provide services- protection, highways, laws to protect your health

provide laws- constitution, written plan of government

Belief systems

a set of mutually supported beliefs

of any such system can be classified as religious, philosophical, ideological, or a combination of these

human/environmental interaction; how humans connect with each other and their surroundings

Conflict and cooperation; how groups of people clash or unite during adversity

Forces; a person or thing that largely influences the course of history

What are five main types of Government
monarchy- This government has one ruler exercise supreme power through absolute or constitutional control

Democracy- This government is ruled by the people either directly or by a representative

Theocracy- This government is ruled by a religious leader and laws often come from religious law

Oligarchy- This government gives the appearance that people are in control by holding elections,. However, a small group of people actually hold the power.

Totalitarianism- This government controls all aspects of social and economic life

Define Monotheism

worship one God

Define Polytheism

worship more than one God