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30 Cards in this Set

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What four main ideas did Humanist philosophers advance?
-Individualism (individual is unique and has developed selfishness)
-re-examination of the classes (Greeks and Romans)
-secularism (her and now)
-divinity on earth (God is in all things)
Explain the shift in thought concerning the roles of men and women between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
During the renaissance, women's roles got much worse. Men went out to work while women stayed at home. Women could not have sex before marriage but men could. The women's job was to attract people to her husband's house.
Who was Martin Luther?
He was a catholic monk who disagreed with the way the Catholic Church was bein ran. He was excommunicated by the church and started the Lutheran Church.
What is the Reformation?
It was the Catholic Church's response to the church divistion. They reformed teachings, only used Latin, and stopped selling Indulgences.
What are the six steps the Catholic Church took in response to the Protestant Reformation?
-Reaffirmed catholic teachings
-Latin is the only acceptable translation of the Bible
-The church stopped the selling of indulgences
-The church asked each diocese to create a seminary
-Pope Paul III increased the inquisition
-The church sponsored the creation of reliqious art.
What are the 8 reasons Europe led global exploration?
-religious philosophy (the belief of conversion)
-political support (gov't supporting exploration)
-renaissance philosphy (the desire to know more about the world)
-diet (a desire for spices to make food taste better)
-technology available (better ships and guns)
No one else could explore (dominate Asia)
What empire and key city did the Ottomans conquer?
They invaded Byzantine and took over the city of Constantinople (capital).
Which five dynasties of China did we study in the Global Age?
Ming, Yuan, Tang, Song, Qing
Which public works projects did the Sui Dynasty emperors have completed?
The grand canal and the expansion of the Great Wall
Which culture created the largest contiguous empire in history?
The Mongols created the Mongol Empire
Which four Mesoamerican cultures did we study?
What is the main feature of ancient Mesoamerican religion?
All the religions had gods for different thinks.
What are two reasons why Europeans brought black Africans to the Americas as slaves?
Europeans needed a work force and Native Americans were not used to the harsh working conditions and many died.
What is the Columbian Exchange?
It is trading between Old World and New World. They traded slaves, animals, plants. They also transported new diseases to eachother.
What were the kingdoms of Africa we studied?
Kush, Axum, Ghana, Mali, Songhai
What is prehistory?
The time period before written and documented records.
What happened when humans settled and started farming?
Population grew, trading occurred, the division of labor. Also the developement of writing, religion, art, architecture. It also becomes the main economics of the World.
Where did agriculture begin?
Africa, Middle East, China, Central American
Which two religions came out of India?
Hinduism and Budhism
Which 3 philosophies developed in Ancient China?
Confusianism, Daoism, Legalism
Which three monotheistic religions did we study?
Islam, Judaism , Christianity
What four forms of government thrived in Ancient Greece?
democracy, monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny
What four reasons explain why Barbarians invaded Rome?
-warmer climate
-better pasturland
-Rome's wealth
-they were fleeing the Huns who were coming from Asia
Why did the Catholic Church rise to power during the Middle Ages?
Because it was organized, it had good discipline, and leaders and authority figureheads believed in it.
What are the three branches of the Christian Church?
Catholism, Protestant, Orthodox
Which two sects of Islam did we study?
Shite and Sunni
What is Feudalism?
It is a system in which a lord or king gives land to a lord or knight for protection
What is Manorialism?
It is a system of social relations between lords and serfs in the middle ages, where the lord was dependent on them to take care of the land.
What was the purpose of the Crusades?
To drive the Muslims out of Jerusalem, make it a christian city and to take back the holy land
What were the three problems in the medieval church?
-communication between east and west grew worse and worse
-French Pope Clement V moves the papal court to France
-The court is moved back to Rome then to France again and eventually at one point there was 3 popes at the same time. (great schism)