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88 Cards in this Set

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What is an ancient Sumerian temple called?
Nomads are...
People who travel place to place according to their hunt
What is ancient Sumerian form of writing?
What are hieroglyphics?
Egyptian system of writing (symbols)
Why did civilizations develop writing systems?
To keep records
What is a strait?
A narrow strip of land connecting two larger pieces of land
How did the first humans get their food?
The oldest epic known to mankind is the?
Who were the first to settle in Mesopotamia?
What is prehistory?
Time before writing systems were created
What is mummification?
To prevent the breakdown of a dead body.
Which civilization invented the wheel?
Where is the fertile crescent located?
Between Mediterranean Sea & Persian Gulf
The land between the Tigris and Euphrates (two rivers) is called?
List the four components of history
Politics, Geography, Economy, & Sociology
List seven components of a civilization
Government, Society, Economics, Education, Religion, Language & Culture
What is the Neolithic Revolution?
Moving from hunting and gathering to farming.
What is politics?
Study of Government
Ancient Sumerians schools were called
Ancient civilizations developed along..
True or false: Sumerians worshipped their kings as God
True or false, The Romans were the first to settle in Mesopotamia
True or False : The Neolithic Revolution allowed man to settle into communities
The Hammurabi Code is based on the principle of retribution True or False
True or False, The Sumerians invented the aquaduct
Who fought the Peloponnesian Wars?
Sparta and Athens
Who measured the circumference of the earth?
Who were the main subjects of Hellenistic art?
Which ancient established the basis for western democracy?
Define Acropolis
A hill structure in the center of a city state
What were Greek slaves called?
Why was the Delian League established?
In case Persia attacked the Greek city states again
Why did the Persian emperor Darius attack the Greek mainland?
He wanted revenge
How did the geography of Ancient Greek affect the development?
Since it was 3/4 mountains, it made trade and communication difficult.
Athens witnessed its golden age under ?
Who were the early settlers of Greece?
Mycaneans and Minonians
What was Alexander's most lasting achievement?
Starting Hellenistic period
Darius ruled which country?
Why did Spartans constantly train for war?
To intimidate Athens
Who were Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates
Greek philosophers
Which three new schools of philosophy developed during the Hellenistic age?
Cinyx, Epicureanism, and Stoicism
Where was Alexander The Great from?
True or False, Greeks were tolerant of other religions
True or False, Greece had marshy land
Where is Alexandria located?
Did both Athens and Sparta stress military education?
No, just Sparta
Who were the members of the first triumvirate?
Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar
Who were the members of the second triumvirate?
Octavian, Lepidus, and Antony
Whats the difference between the geography of Italy and Greece?
Italy wasnt mostly mountains and Italy split the Mediterranean in half.
List three early settlers of Rome
Latins, Greeks and Estruscans
The chief occupation in Rome was?
Tenant Farmer
What is a republic?
When elected officials govern
What is a triumvirate?
Group of 3 men with equal power
The 100 year period of Roman peace is known as?
Pax Romana
The Punic wars were fought between? And who won?
Carthage and Rome & Rome eventually won
Who was Hannibal?
Carthagean general
What did the Edict of Milan do?
Made christianity legal in the Roman empire
One of Rome's gifts to the word is a body of laws known as the?
Twelve Tables
Who was Christianity the official religion of Rome?
Who was the first Roman emperor?
Augustus, formerly known as Octavian
List the five good under who Rome witnessed peace & prosperity
Nerva, Trajen, Pius, Adrian, and Marcus-Arrelius
List the four Julian rulers after Octavian
Nero, Tiberius, Calagula, and Claudius
List the reasons of each Punic War
Rome wanted Sicily but Carthage believed Sicily was theirs. Hannibal wanted revenge, and Rome wanted to defeat Carthage once and for all.
Why did Roman emperors persecute Christians?
They refused to fight in the army, they refused to worship Roman Gods, and they refused to bow before the emperor.
What 3 factors made the Romans strong?
Formidable Army, Practical, and Good diplomats
Were the early Romans monotheistic?
Could women praticipate in Roman government?
Alexander invaded Rome which resulted in its fall. True or False?
Did the Romans invent the process of making silk?
What is the Great Schism?
The period when the Roman Catholic Church has two papacies at once.
What is the schism?
Split in the Catholic church over icons
What is another name of the Black Death?
Bubonic Plague
What was Justinian's most famous achievement?
The Justinian Code [Set of laws]
Who was the first ruler to unite Western Europe after the fall of Rome?
What was the language of the Roman Catholic Church
What is heresy?
Going against basic Christian teachings
Why is Joan of Arc remembered?
She led French victories
What clergy were the bishops and priests part of?
Which two countries fought the hundred years war?
England and France
What form of Christianity did the Byzantine Empire follow?
Eastern Orthodox
Who is the head of the Eastern Orthodox church?
What is the Inquisition?
Effective way to get rid of heresy. When church officials hunted down and punished heretics.
Merchans and Artisans who lived in the city were called?
Who won the hundren years war?
What is the Babylonian Captivity?
When the papacy was in Avignon
What are the crusades?
The time when Christians and Muslims fought over Jerusalem
What is vernacular literature?
Written in everyday language
Describe the Progressive Discipline Process (PDP).
The PDP is the process of gaining and maintaining discipline within your organization. It provides a way for the supervisor to establish lines of acceptability and communicate those lines to your subordinate. As the supervisor monitors behavior and identifies substandard performance, he or she can apply the PDP utilize the least amount of force necessary to modify the behavior.