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40 Cards in this Set

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a person who wants to abolish all government
an important safety valve that relieved social tensions in Italy
elected national legislature in Russia
government programs to help certain groups of citizens
social welfare
helped create the Dual Monarchy
Ferenc Deak
inherited the Hapsburg throne at age 18
Frances Joseph
leader of the “Red Shirts”
local, elected assembly in Russia
title of William I of Germany; emperor
violent mob attack against Jews
After the defeat of Napoleon I, the Congress of Vienna created the German Confederation headed by
Bismarck became the king’s highest official when he assumed the title of
Bismarck introduced many social reforms in Germany because he wanted to avoid a
socialist revolution
Bismarck’s editing of the Ems dispatch resulted in a war between ________________and ___________________
France and Prussia
In Bismarck’s practice of Realpolitik, his political actions were guided by the needs of the
In the 1830s, Prussia created a union called the Zollverein, which promoted German unity by removing ____________ ___________ between German states.
tax barriers
In the government Bismarck set up for the German empire, membership in the Reichstag was determined by a vote of all
n the Kulturkampf, Bismarck’s goal was to ____________________ the power of the Catholic Church.
put loyalty to the state above
Synthetic dyes were among the new products that resulted from cooperation between German __________________ and __________________________.
government and industrialist
When the Frankfurt Assembly offered Frederick William IV of Prussia the throne of a united German state in 1848, the ruler refused because the offer came from the
William II asked Bismarck to resign because William II wanted no _______________ for his power.
During the struggle for Italian unification, the “Red Shirts” were forces made up of
1000 volunteers
Identification with _______________ _______________was one of the obstacles to Italian unity.
regional states
In 1859, Camillo Cavour provoked a war between Sardinia and Austria because he wanted to end _______________________ power in Italy.
Italian unification was almost complete when Naples and Sicily were turned over to Victor Emmanuel by
When Italy unified, what form of government did it take?
constitutional monarchy with a two house legislator
In 1800, Austria was ruled by the oldest ruling house in Europe, called the
austrian Hapsburg empire
The ________________ ________________was a combination of Austria and Hungary.
dual monarchy
Under the Dual Monarchy, Austria and Hungary remained _____________________ states.
____________ _______________ served as a turning point in Russia because it caused the people to lose faith in the tsar.
Bloody Sunday
________of the serfs benefited the Russian economy because many former serfs took jobs in factories.
A rigid ______________ ___________________was an obstacle to progress in Russia in the 1800s
social structure
By the 1800s Russian tsars saw the need to modernize, but they resisted because they thought reforms would ______________________ their absolute rule.
One result of the October Manifesto was the establishment of the
sar Alexander III launched a program of Russification, in which he ___________________ non-Russian cultures within the empire
On “Bloody Sunday,” Russian protesters marched on the Winter Palace of Tsar Nicholas II. How did the tsar react to this protest? What consequences did this reaction have?
was a march that had peaceful intentions of simply convincing the tsar to sign a petition of justice and freedom
he was afraid because of how his grandfather was assassinated by the people
he was scared so he told his soldiers not to allow the people inside
confusion occurred between the soldiers and the people and many innocent people of the march were killed
the people took this as a sign that the tsar was no longer trustable by the people
this massacre resulted in discontent through out the nation. many rebellions and strikes start to occur after this tragedy leading to a nation in turmoil
Describe Bismarck’s methods for dealing with the Catholic Church and his methods for dealing with the socialists after unification.
Bismarck saw the catholic church as a threat.
Catholics made up around 1/3 of the population
Bismarck was Lutheran and distrusted catholics
He thought that Catholics were more loyal to the catholic church than the state
Bismarck launched the Kulturkampf against the catholics trying to make them put the state over the catholic church
During this attack Bismarck said that catholic schools had to supervised, and priests must be approved before being appointed, and all marriages must be wed by civil authorities
the attack on the Catholics failed though when then began to gain power in the Reichstag
Bismarck knew he was loosing against them and cut his losses by ending the attack

Bismarck also saw the socialists as a threat
Bismarck feared that the socialists would turn workers against the state and cause them to rebel
Bismarck had lwas passed to try to disband the socialist groups and made it illegal for them to meet
this also backfired when workers unified to support the socialists
Bismarck then tried another method, and implemented many laws to try to get workers to favor him
including health insurance, and retirement benefits
workers benefited from these new laws but they did not abandon socialism
the socialist democratic party continued to grow and it came to hold the most seats in the Reichstag
When Italy unified, it created a new government under Victor Emmanuel. Compare this government to the government Bismarck created in the unified Germany. How were they alike? How were they different?
created a two house legislature
upper house appointed by rulers
lower house universal male suffrage
but the upper house could veto anything the lower house did so the upper house held all the power

created a two house legislature
like the system set up by bismarck
upper house appointed by the ruler
lower house consisted of elected members but only few had a right to vote
upper house could veto the lower house
Why did Europeans in the mid-1800s come to view the Ottoman empire as “the sick man of Europe?”
Ottomans were home to many diverse people
nationalistic ideas started to tear apart the ottoman empire.
the ottoman empire began to seem like the sick man of europe because it could barely hold itself together let alone protect itself from invasions of other countries
the countries in europe saw how the empire was struggling and took the opportunity to steal lands from the ottoman empire
Austria/ Hungry, France, Russia, and Great Britain all attack the ottoman empire in different areas to gain land
The political cartoon on page 698 of the book shows Otto von Bismarck and Pope Pius IX competing in a chess match. Explain what the Kulturkampf was. Why is this cartoon an appropriate representation of Bismarck’s Kulturkampf?
Bismarck was in favor of Realpolitik. Bismarck didn’t care about individuals, but only the state. He saw the catholic church as a threat to the state and thus wanted the threat gone. Bismarck thought that the catholics put their loyalty to the church first. This was then a threat to the state in Bismarck’s mind. He attacked the catholics by using the Kulturkampf. He stated that catholic schools must be supervised, catholic priests have to be approved by the gov. before being appointed, and said that everyone must be wed by a civil authority. Through this Bismarck wanted catholics to put their allegiance in the state first. This is all represented by the chess game because bismarck was playing a game against the pope. It was all about who had what moves to make and how the other person would respond to attacks. Bismarck did not expect the pope to play with him, in fact he thought there really would be no game at all and he would automatically win. But the pope played and won.