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25 Cards in this Set

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France's middle class

part of the Third Estate, the bourgeoisie

Francis foreign threat when King Louis XVI begin to lose power

Austria and Prussia

Reign of terror

a period of violence that occurred after the onset of the French Revolution, incited by conflict between two rival political factions, the Girondins and the Jacobins, and marked by mass executions


Individuals qualified to vote in an election, only men were allowed

The first move after the coup d'etat

He made peace with the Catholic Church


The unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols

Battle of Waterloo

British vs France, Napoleon was King of France and Duke Ellington was of Britain, took place June 18th, 1815 in Waterloo

How did the Russians defeat Napoleon's Grand Army

The Russians retreated and burned their own villages and countryside. They deprived the French from recourses and replenished themselves and forced Napoleon to retreat

How is someone promoted in Napoleon's new bureaucracy

They were promoted based on ability

Maximilian Robespierre

Was one of the most important revolutionary leaders, he was eager to pursue the reign of terror, he was also the leader of the Committee of Public Safety


Steered radical mobs in Paris, they wanted to keep the King alive, they were located out of the city


Represented the interests of radicals on the city of Paris, wanted to kill the king, located inside the city

What group took political power from the Legislative Assembly

The Paris Commune

Declaration of the Rights of Man

Proclaimed freedom and equal rights for all men, access to the public office based on talent

Who could make laws under the constitution of 1791

The Legislative Assembly

The third estate

the French bourgeoisie and working class before the French Revolution

What were the two major reasons Napoleon's Grand Empire collapsed

The survival of Great Britain and nationalism

What were the three major parts of Napoleon's Grand Empire

The French Empire, dependent States, and allied States

What did Napoleon's coup d'etat overthrow

The government of the directory

How did the National Convention affect religion

It made dechristianization

What was the original intention of the Committee of Public Safety

To defend France from foreign threats


Normal people without fine clothes

How did the civil constitution of the clergy effect bishops and priests

Bishops and priests were to be elected by the people and paid by the state

How was king Louis forced to accept the National Assembly's decree

Thousands of armed Parisian woman descended on the place and captured him and his family

Tennis Court Oath

Allowed to continue to meet until they produced a French Constitution