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10 Cards in this Set

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Who was Frederick Douglas?

What did he write?

What was his biggest role?

Leader of the abolitionist movement, African American social reformer, and a statesman after he escaped slavery

-wrote Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.

-in the abolitionist movement, antislavery advocate, but the biggest role of all was his example to slaveholders as an african american man who had the intellectual capacity to function as an independent american citizen

Who was Adam Smith?

what did he study?

what did he write and why was it important

Why was he important

moral philosopher, and a pioneer of the political economy.

-the production of trade and their relations with government...also studied the distribution of income and wealth

-wealth of nations, first modern work of economics

-laid foundation of the Free Market Economic theory

What is Europe.

Why is it important

So what

-worlds second smallest continent bordering Asia

-Huge colonizing force of Africa and the Americas

-birthplace of western culture

-introduced the beginning of colonialism

-industrial revolution began here

What was the Industrial Revolution

Why is it important

So what

-transition to new manufacturing processes starting from 18th century England

-it changed the way people worked, starting in textile industries

-had an impact on the course of world power as countries who grew industrialized searched for materials abroad.

-started to form foreign relations with other countries

-led to population growth, technical skills, and increased capital, transportation with railroads

-increased production and demand

What was the Protestant Reformation

why was it important

so what

-Movement that started the split in Western Christianity

-opened peoples eyes to the church and its monopoly on education and politics and wealth

-helped people grow closer to god and not let catholic church get in the way, by becoming literate by reading the bible , leaving superstitions and not giving into indulgences, not giving into the selling of salvations of the church


Who was Okonkwo?

why was he important

-so what

-Son of Unoka. from the novel "Things Fall Apart"

-tries to make his way in a world that takes manliness seriously

-He rejected everything his selfish father stood for, leading him to be brave instead of gentle, and not giving into changing his customs when the missionaries arrive to convert his tribe

Who was Marx?

Why was he important

so what

Writer of The Communist Manifesto...

-predicted the working class revolution

-believed that the current capitalist system had to be overthrown and that private property should be abolished to create a Utopian society under a centralized government with no division of labor or property or classes

What was the Wealth of Nations

why is it important

so what

-economic text by adam smith

-talks about what builds a nations wealth

-speaks of economics from the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution...promoted free trade, division of labor....cost of good determined by the competition for goods....each person tries to maximize his or her own gain

What was the Columbian Exchange

when was it

-what voyages did it include

-transfer of slaves, animals, culture, disease, goods, and ideas between the Americas and the Afro-Eurasia hemispheres.

-during the 15th and 16th centuries

-christopher columbus's voyage in 1492 and European colonization (slave trade)

What was the White Mans Burden

who was it written by

why was it important

Poem by Rudyard Kipling

-talked about the superiority of the white race over the Indians to educate and dominate and civilize their race

-the spreading of civilization was a justification for taking lands and resources for the wests industrial nations