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95 Cards in this Set

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is ruled by a king or monarch.Ex. Constitutional and Absolute
is ruled by a small group of noble, land owning families, rich makes laws for poor.
is ruled by a few powerful people. Ex. nobles and merchants.
is ruled by the people for the people. Ex.Direct,and Rebulic/Representative
religion of the Hebrews(jews) that teaches responsibility of personal choices, and moral freedom.
religion founded upon Jesus that stresses equality of all people.
religion based on the teachings of Muhammad that stresses duty of individual to community and individual worth.
movement stressing classical culture that questioned the government.
religious reform movement of the 16th century that questioned the govenment.
Common Law
Reflects customs and principles established over time that became the basis of legal system in most English speaking countries.
Magna Carta
The first English document guaranteeing to protect the political and legal rights of an individual and stating the king must govern according to law and get all taxes approved.
Due Process of Law
The right to have law work in known orderly ways and states kings may not arbitrarily punish subjects.
Divine Right
A claim that the king’s power comes from god and is absolute meaning they are responsible only to god, used by kings to ignore the written laws and make his own laws.
Glorious Revolution
A time period where the English parliament gained control over monarchs powers and resulted in parliament controlling who became leader.
A movement of learning and thinking that took ideas of justice and science to question society.
Social Contract
An understanding with the people and leaders that the people will allow leaders to have power to keep arrangement in government.
Natural Rights
Theory that everyone should be able to live, have freedom and land because the authorities power is elected by the citizens, so these rights should be guarded.
Federal System
Separates authority into 2 parts that each have different amounts of control.
John Locke
positive view of human nature, people can learn from experience and improve themseleves.
people that could apply reason to all aspects of life.
published more than 70 books of political essays,philosophy and drama.
devoted himself to the study of political liberty and he thought Britain had the best government.
commited to the individual freedom and he disagreed with other enlightenment thinkers.
Mary Wallstonecraft
she believed that woman need the same rules and needs as men.
3 social classes in France pre French Revolution.
National Assembly
3rd estates new legislature devoloped to make goverenment reforms-1st representative body.
Tennis Court Oath
N.A. delegates write a new constitution for France after being locked out of the estates-general.
Legislative Assembly
new goverenment body created to create and pass laws. memebers:emigres-$ and sans coullottes-everyday people
Napolean Bonaparte
French military leader and eventual leader of Franch empire in early 1800's.
Congress of Viena
meeting of European countries to reshape Europe peacefully.
Concert of Europe
european nations with monarchies pledge to fight revolvtionaries.
Industrail Revolution
major increase of machine made goods from 1700-1900s.
large farm fields enclosed by fences or hedges.
Crop Rotation
switching crops every year to improve food supply.
move from hand made to machine made production of goods.
Factors of production
the 3 things needed to produce goods:land,labor,and capitol.
large building where machinery is used to make goods
a person who organizes, manages,and takes business risks.
share of a company used to spread risk, sold to raise $
a company owned by stockholders
the movement of people from rural areas to cities.
middle class
skilled workers,merchants,farmers and professionals
laissez faire
a policy that goverenment will not interfere with business.(hands-offs gov't)
Adam Smith
founder of capitaliam and author of The Wealth of Nations
economic system where privately owned businesses seek profit.
-based on competition between individuals
a theory that everything should be judged by their usefullness
-utopian based
theory where the factors of production are owned and operated for the people with limited goverenment control.
Karl Marx
founder of communiam and author of the Communist Manifesto.
socirty where people own and shared the factors of production (no goverenement)
the right to vote
chartist movement
expands suffrage and reform in British
assembly line
creating one task per worker which decreases specialization
Charles Darwin
english scientist who developed the theory of evolution
Theory of Evolution
states that a species changes slowly through natural selection
Mass Culture
the concept that "the people" need to be entertained through art, music and writing
chartist movement
expands sufferage and reform in British gov't
assembly line
creating one task per worker which decreases speacialization
Charles Darwin
english scientist who developed the theory of evolution
Theory of Evolution
states that a species changes slowly through natural selection
Mass Culture
the concept that "the people" need to be entertained through art, music, and writing
head of spanish gov't and society in their Latin America colonies
american born spaniards who could holf military postions and led the colonies with peninsulares
people with mixed eauropean and african ancestry in Latin America
Simon Bolivar
wealthy creole general who led Venezuala in a evolution in early 1800's
Miguel Hildago
priest who launched the Mexican Revolution in 1810
landowners and nobles who want traditional monarchies in Euro-Asia
wealthy merchants and business owners want a limited democracy in Euro-Asia
believe in liberty and equality and want full democracies in Euro-Asia
forming or being loyal to a "nation" based on people's common languages, culture and ethnicity
nation state
nation with its own independent gov't
forcing other people to adopt Russian culture which strengthens nationalism
Camillo di Cavour
prime minister of Sardinia in 1852 who helps to unify Italy
Guiseppe Garibalda
leads nationalist movement in Southern Italy and helps to unify Italy
a conservative wealthy landowner in Prussia (Germany)
Otto von Bismark
a junker and master of real politik that unified Germany
the politics of reality or tough power politics
domination of a country politically, economically and/or culturaly by another country
the belief that one race is better than another race
Berlin Conference
1884-1885 where 14 European nations met to divide up Africa
Social Darwinism
theory of natural selection applied to human society
Boer war
the first modern war; Dutch Boers British over African resources 1899
a policy in which the ruling group assumes the minority group will absorb their culture
a policy of governing people in a parental way by provided for their needs but not their rights
Menelik II
Emperor of Ethiopia in 1889; played the Europeans against each other to keep them out of his country
suez canal
a human made waterway through Isthmus of suez in Egypt, controlled by England
an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products
an Indain Soldier under the rule of the British
sepoy mutiny
an uprising in 1857 by sepoys against England because they supposedly greased their weapons with pork
term used to describe British rule over India 1757-1997
Jewel in the Crown
what England considered India in comparison to its other colonies
sphere of influence
an area in which the foreign nation controlled trade and investment
Taiping Rebellion
a peasant movement led by Hong, to bring vast wealth to all Chinese people in the 1830's
Extraterritorial Rights
foreign citizens not having to abide by the laws of the country they are living/working in
Open door policy
China, deemed by the U.S. to be open to all merchants of all nations
Boxer Rebellion
a 1900 revolt in China, aimed at ending foreign influence in the country