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29 Cards in this Set

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Somebody who studies of artifacts from earlier people
Someone who studies human cultures, origin, behavior etc.
Someone who studies fossils of plants, animals
Time before writing was invented
Radio Carbon dating
The determination of a being, by determining how much carbon it contains
An object produced by humans, such as tools, and or weapons
The behavior patterns, arts, beliefs and institutions of a society
Skills and knowledge available to them for collecting material and making their objects necessary for survival.
Something ancient or old
To bring out of a primitive stage... more refined or polished
Using up food supplies in one place and then moving to another
Primary source
The main source
Secondary source
The latter source
Paleolithic(Stone Age)
1. People in Paleolithic
2. What were they?
3. What were the significances?
1. Homo habilis and Homo erectus
2. Nomads
3. Discovered fire. Allowed
Mesolithic period
Main changes in Mesolithic were in food... such as the domestication of dog, which was used to hunt small game. Goat was domesticated while the sickle was invented Also... pottery was made in order to store food, than what was used earlier
Neolithic period
Greatest revolution
Food. Major change in many crops. Domesticated animals... cattle, pigs, sheep, chickens. Huge change in population, many villages were created, and houses were also more sophisticated, made the plow, and trained oxens to pull it. Created calendars to measure the seasons, people were also concerned with boundary lines... and inheritance and warfare. Also believed in human-like gods, who possesed the power to help or hurt. Earth mother was the goddess of the Earth and fertility.
Homo Habilis
Created stone tools, and had limited speech... also called "man with ability", also developed, lived in trees, and cooperated with one other to gather food
Homo Erectus
Discovered fire... used it to scare animals for their caves. Walked upright....developed hand axes, and other stone tools... lived in caves and or pits... covered in animal skins. Language was more sophisticated, nomadic bands were developed, hunting gathering began.
Homo Sapiens
"Person who thinks".... We are descendants from them.
First Homo Sapiens... nomadic hunter gathers-- toolmaking was more sophesticated... made their mark in home development... although they lived in caves..developed ditches... planned burials for the dead... had respect for elderly or handicapped
Cro Magnon
Invented knife, chisel, worked with bone... using bone needles for fishing... stone axes...food supply increased... cooperative game hunt...created leaders... speech developed further... increased status for high jobs... used art....had belief in spirits in animals, plants, earth and the sky
Need for law and order
Need for law and order. Also, it is the way man uses his environment to meet his need of food, clothing, and shelter
Need for law and order. Also feeling of safety, with it
Common shared beliefs
Need for knowledge and learning
Need to care and raise children
Pattern used to meet the need for art and self expression
Paleolithic Institutions